How to use the superagent.parse function in superagent

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few superagent examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hotosm / osm-analytics / app / components / Stats / searchFeatures.js View on Github external
function getArrayBuffer(url, callback) {
  // todo: global?
  request.parse['application/x-protobuf'] = obj => obj
  request.parse['application/octet-stream'] = obj => obj

  /* eslint-disable indent */
  .on('request', function () {
    // todo: needed?
    // todo: check browser compat?? xhr2??? see +
    this.xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer' // or blob
  .end(function(err,res) {
    // now res.body is an arraybuffer or a blob
    if (!err && res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {
      callback(null, res.body)
    } else if (res && res.status === 404) {
      callback(null, null)
    } else {
github rqlite / rqlite-js / es6 / http / index.js View on Github external
// Add a query to the request
  if (_isObject(auth)) {
    const { user, pass, authOptions } = auth
    client.auth(user, pass, authOptions)
  if (body && httpMethod !== HTTP_METHOD_GET) {
  if (agent) {
  if (buffer) {
    const parser = superagent.parse[responseParserType]
  // Convert timeout to object if it is set and not an object
  if (timeout && !_isObject(timeout)) {
    timeout = { deadline: timeout }
  client.timeout(_assign({}, timeout, DEAULT_TIMEOUT))
  return client
github psirenny / node-google-speech-api / index.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(clip, function (err, data) {
      if (err) return done(err);

        .type('audio/x-flac; rate=' + opts.sampleRate)
        .query({key: opts.key})
        .query({lang: opts.lang})
        .query({maxResults: opts.maxResults})
        .query({pfilter: opts.pfilter ? 1 : 0})
        .end(function (err, res) {
          if (err) return done(err);
          var text = res.text;
          if (text) text = text.split('\n')[1];
          if (!text) return done(null, {result: []});
          try {
            done(null, JSON.parse(text));
          } catch (ex) {
github Andro999b / torrent-player / server / service / trackers / providers / HDRezkaProvider.js View on Github external
const url = $translation.attr('data-cdn_url')

                if (url) {
                    const name = $translation.text()
                    return this._processTranslationCdnUrl(name, url)
                } else {
                    const title = $translation.attr('title')
                    const translatorId = $translation.attr('data-translator_id')

                    const res = await requestFactory({ proxy: useProxy, charset: false})
                        .send({ 'id': posterId, 'translator_id': translatorId })

                    return this._processTranslationResponse(title, res)
github smclab / liferay-connector / lib / request.js View on Github external

'use strict';

var Promise = require('bluebird');
var superagent = require('superagent');

module.exports = superagent;

superagent.parse[ 'text/javascript' ] = superagent.parse[ 'application/json' ];

var originalEnd = superagent.Request.prototype.end;

superagent.Request.prototype.end = function end(fn) {
  var req = this;

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {, function (res) {

    req.on('error', function (err) {
github Andro999b / torrent-player / server / web / proxyMedia.js View on Github external
router.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
    const { url } = req.query

    if (!url) {
        throw new ResponseError('url parameter required')

        .on('error', next)
        .on('response', (resp) => 
            PROXY_HEADERS.forEach((headerName) => {
                const header = resp.header[headerName]
                if(header) res.set(headerName, header)
github Andro999b / torrent-player / server / service / trackers / providers / FilmixProvider.js View on Github external
transform: async ($el) => {
                        const postId = $el.attr('data-player')

                        const res = await this.agent
                                'post_id': postId,
                                'showfull': true
                            .set('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest')

                        const encryptedTranslations = res.body

                        const translations = Object.keys(encryptedTranslations)
                            .map((translation) => ({
                                url: this._decrypt(encryptedTranslations[translation])

                        const translationsFiles = await Promise.all(translations
                            .map(({ translation, url }) =>
                                this._translationToFiles(translation, url)
github JChapman202 / super-siren / lib / Client.js View on Github external
static addParser(contentType, parseFunction) {
		superagent.parse[contentType] = (res, done) => {
			//if res is a string, that means we're likely in a browser environment
			//and have only been provided the string to parse.
			if (typeof(res) === 'string') {
				return parseFunction(res);

			//if we made it this far it's likely Node and have to do more work to parse

			let baseUrl = null;

			if (res.req && res.req.socket && res.req._headers && {
				const protocol = !!res.req.socket.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http';
				baseUrl = new Uri({protocol: protocol, hostname:}).toString();
				baseUrl = new Uri(res.req.path).absoluteTo(baseUrl).toString();