How to use the string-argv function in string-argv

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few string-argv examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github HcashOrg / hcGUI / app / main.development.js View on Github external
const util = require("util");
      const win32ipc = require("./node_modules/win32ipc/build/Release/win32ipc.node");
      var pipe = win32ipc.createPipe("out");
      args.push(util.format("--piperx=%d", pipe.readEnd));
    } catch (e) {
      logger.log("error", "can't find proper module to launch hcwallet: " + e);
  } else {

  // Add any extra args if defined.
  if (argv.extrawalletargs !== undefined && isString(argv.extrawalletargs)) {
    args = concat(args, stringArgv(argv.extrawalletargs));

  logger.log("info", `Starting ${hcwExe} with ${args}`);

  var hcwallet = spawn(hcwExe, args, {
    detached: os.platform() == "win32",
    stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "pipe", "ignore", "pipe"]

  const notifyGrpcPort = (port) => {
    hcwPort = port;
    logger.log("info", "wallet grpc running on port", port);
    mainWindow.webContents.send("hcwallet-port", port);

  hcwallet.stdio[4].on("data", (data) => DecodeDaemonIPCData(data, (mtype, payload) => {
github cucumber / cucumber-js / features / step_definitions / cli_steps.js View on Github external
function(args) {
    if (!args) {
      args = ''
    // message is always outputted as part of run
    const formats = ['json:json.out']
    args += ' ' + => `--format ${f}`).join(' ')
    args = Mustache.render(args, this)
    args = stringArgv(args)
    return, args)
github hkwu / ghastly / src / command / parsers / ParameterParser.js View on Github external
parsed.defaultValue = [];
    } else if (name.endsWith('...')) {
      if (parsed.type !== STRING) {
        throw new ParameterParserError(`Literals can only be used with string parameters: '${definition}'.`);
      } = trimEnd(name, '. ');
      parsed.literal = true;
    } else if (name.includes(' ')) {
      throw new ParameterParserError(`Parameter name must not contain spaces: '${definition}'.`);
    } else { = name;

    if (matched) {
      const defaults = stringArgv(matched[2]);
      // default value automatically makes it optional
      parsed.optional = true;

      if (!parsed.repeatable && defaults.length > 1) {
        throw new ParameterParserError(`Cannot provide more than one default argument for non-repeatable parameters: '${definition}'.`);

      const typedDefaults = => {
        if (!isType(value, parsed.type)) {
          throw new ParameterParserError(`Given default value '${value}' is not of the correct type: '${definition}'.`);

        return convertType(value, parsed.type);

      parsed.defaultValue = parsed.repeatable ? typedDefaults : typedDefaults[0];
github actions-rs / grcov / src / configuration.ts View on Github external
function loadInputs(): Input {
    if (!process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE) {
        throw new Error('Environment variable GITHUB_WORKSPACE is undefined. \
Did you forgot to checkout the code first?');

    let inputs: Input = {
        testArgs: ['test'].concat(stringArgv(input.getInput('args'))),

    const relConfigPath = input.getInput('config');
    if (relConfigPath.length > 0) {
        inputs.configPath = path.join(
    } else {
        inputs.configPath = path.join(

    return inputs;
github hkwu / ghastly / src / parsers / SignatureParser.js View on Github external
const { value: type, } = SignatureParser.parseTokenModifiers(modifiers);

      if (!Constants.TOKEN.TYPE[type]) {
        throw new SignatureParserError(`<${type}> is not a valid parameter type. Given parameter: <[${parameter}]>.`);

      token = { ...token,, type: Constants.TOKEN.TYPE[type] };
      signature = signatureAndType[1].trim();
    } else {
      const { value, } = SignatureParser.parseTokenModifiers(signature);
      token = { ...token, };
      signature = value;

    if (token.arity === Constants.TOKEN.ARITY.VARIADIC) {
      token.defaultValue = token.defaultValue ? stringArgv(token.defaultValue) : [];

    if (token.defaultValue && token.type !== Constants.TOKEN.TYPE.STRING) {
      const typeValidator = (value) => {
        if (!Constants.TYPE_CHECKERS[token.type](value)) {
          throw new SignatureParserError(`Expected default value <${value}> to be of type <${token.type}>. Given parameter: <[${parameter}]>.`);

        return value;

      if (token.arity === Constants.TOKEN.ARITY.UNARY) {
        token.defaultValue = Constants.TYPE_CONVERTERS[token.type](typeValidator(token.defaultValue));
      } else {
        token.defaultValue = => (
github nrkno / tv-automation-casparcg-launcher / src / main / process.js View on Github external
try {
      const exeStat = fs.statSync(procPath)
      fileExists = exeStat.isFile()
    } catch (e) {
      fileExists = false
    if (!fileExists) {'[' + + '] Executable does not exist: ' + procPath)
      this.pipeLog('event', '== Executable does not exist ==')

    const args = this.config.args || ''
    this.process = respawn(
      [this.config.exeName].concat(stringArgv(args)), {
        cwd: basePath

    this.process.on('start', () => {
      if (this.healthMon) {

      this.restarting = false'[' + + '] ' + this.config.exeName + ' start')
      this.pipeLog('event', '== Process has started ==')
    this.process.on('stdout', (data) => {
      this.pipeLog('log', data)
github Gawdl3y / discord-rpbot / src / commands / dispatcher.js View on Github external
export function matchDefault(message, pattern, commandNameIndex = 1) {
	const matches = pattern.exec(message.content);
	if(matches) {
		const commandName = matches[commandNameIndex].toLowerCase();
		const command = commands.find(cmd => === commandName || (cmd.aliases && cmd.aliases.some(alias => alias === commandName)));
		if(command && !command.disableDefault) {
			const argString = message.content.substring(matches[1].length + (matches[2] ? matches[2].length : 0));
			return [command, !command.singleArgument ? stringArgv(argString) : [argString.trim()]];
		return [null, null, true];
	return [null, null, false];
github hkwu / ghastly / src / Commands / CommandHandler.js View on Github external

    if (!handler) {
      return false;

    if (parsed.mentioned && handler.mentionable === MENTIONABLE_DENY) {
      return false;
    } else if (!parsed.mentioned && handler.mentionable === MENTIONABLE_ONLY) {
      return false;

    try {
      const commandArgs = ArgumentParser.parse(handler.parameters, stringArgv(args.join(' ')));
      handler.action(message, commandArgs);

      return true;
    } catch (error) {

      return false;
github shesek / spark-wallet / client / src / util.js View on Github external
export const parseRpcCmd = str => {
  const [ method, ...args ] = stringArgv(str)
  return [ method, => arg in specialArgs ? specialArgs[arg] : arg) ]


string-argv parses a string into an argument array to mimic process.argv. This is useful when testing Command Line Utilities that you want to pass arguments to.

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Popular string-argv functions