How to use standard-engine - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few standard-engine examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github root-systems / dogstack / commands / lint.js View on Github external
handler: argv => {
    const lintOptions = require('standard/options')
    const lint = require('standard-engine').cli

    const { cwd } = argv
    // remove sub-command 'lint' from args
    process.argv.splice(2, 1)
    lint(assign({ cwd }, lintOptions))
github standard / semistandard / index.js View on Github external
// programmatic usage
var Linter = require('standard-engine').linter

var opts = require('./options.js')

module.exports = new Linter(opts)
github KidkArolis / healthier / index.js View on Github external
// programmatic usage
const Linter = require('standard-engine').linter

const opts = require('./options.js')

module.exports = new Linter(opts)
github zooniverse / front-end-monorepo / packages / tools-standard / bin / cmd.js View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

if (process.version.match(/v(\d+)\./)[1] < 4) {
  console.error('standardx: Node v4 or greater is required. `standardx` did not run.')
} else {
  var opts = require('../options')
github standard / standard / bin / cmd.js View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

var match = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
var major = parseInt(match[1], 10)
var minor = parseInt(match[2], 10)

if (major >= 9 || (major === 8 && minor >= 6)) {
} else {
  console.error('standard: Node 8 or greater is required. `standard` did not run.')
github root-systems / catstack / cli / command / lint.js View on Github external
command: (args) => {
      const lintOptions = require('standard/options')
      const lint = require('standard-engine').cli

      const { cwd } = api.config.all()
      process.argv.splice(2, 1)
      lint(assign({ cwd }, lintOptions))
github standard / semistandard / bin / cmd.js View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

var opts = require('../options.js')
github django-stars / frontend-skeleton / linter.js View on Github external
const path = require('path')
const pkg = require('./package.json')

const opts = {
  version: pkg.version,
  homepage: pkg.homepage,
  bugs: pkg.bugs.url,
  eslint: eslint,
  cmd: 'linter',
  eslintConfig: {
    configFile: path.join(__dirname, '.eslintrc.json'),
  cwd: '',

github KidkArolis / healthier / bin / standard-engine.js View on Github external
function Cli(opts) {
  const Linter = require('standard-engine').linter
  const standard = new Linter(opts)

  opts = Object.assign(
      cmd: 'standard-engine',
      tagline: 'JavaScript Custom Style',
      version: '0.0.0'

  const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
    alias: {
      global: 'globals',
      plugin: 'plugins',
      env: 'envs',
      format: 'f',
github standard / standard / index.js View on Github external
const Linter = require('standard-engine').linter
const opts = require('./options')

module.exports = new Linter(opts)


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