How to use the snarkjs.Circuit function in snarkjs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few snarkjs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testMerkleTree.js View on Github external
before('Setup Hasher Library', async () => {
    hasherContract = await hasherFactory.deploy()

    // Load circuits
    mtInsertCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeInsert_test.circom'))

    mtLeafExistsCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeLeafExists_test.circom'))

    mtCheckRootCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeCheckRoot_test.circom'))
github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testMACILogic.js View on Github external
// Submits it to the smart contract
      cmdTree.insert(user2NewLeaf, user2NewMessage)

      // Construct circuit inputs
      const [cmdTreePathElements, cmdTreePathIndex] = cmdTree.getPathUpdate(cmdTree.nextIndex - 1)

      // 1st index because we're getting user 2
      const [stateTreePathElements, stateTreePathIndex] = stateTree.getPathUpdate(1)

      const ecdhPrivateKey = ecdh(

      const circuit = new Circuit(updateStateTreeCircuitDef)

      const circuitInput = {
        cmd_tree_root: stringifyBigInts(cmdTree.root),
        cmd_tree_path_elements: stringifyBigInts(cmdTreePathElements),
        cmd_tree_path_index: stringifyBigInts(cmdTreePathIndex),
        state_tree_root: stringifyBigInts(stateTree.root),
        state_tree_path_elements: stringifyBigInts(stateTreePathElements),
        state_tree_path_index: stringifyBigInts(stateTreePathIndex),
        encrypted_data: stringifyBigInts(user2NewEncryptedMsg),
        existing_public_key: stringifyBigInts(user2PublicKey),
        existing_state_tree_leaf: stringifyBigInts(user2Leaf),
        ecdh_private_key: stringifyBigInts(ecdhPrivateKey)

      const witness = circuit.calculateWitness(circuitInput)
github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testMerkleTree.js View on Github external
before('Setup Hasher Library', async () => {
    hasherContract = await hasherFactory.deploy()

    // Load circuits
    mtInsertCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeInsert_test.circom'))

    mtLeafExistsCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeLeafExists_test.circom'))

    mtCheckRootCircuit = new Circuit(
      await compiler(path.join(__dirname, '../test/merkleTreeCheckRoot_test.circom'))
github kobigurk / semaphore / test / circuit / circuit.js View on Github external
before( async () => {
      const cirDef = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,'../../build/circuit.json')).toString());
      circuit = new snarkjs.Circuit(cirDef);

      console.log('NConstrains Semaphore: ' + circuit.nConstraints);
github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testCircuit.js View on Github external
it('#Verification', async () => {
      const circuitDef = await compiler(path.join(__dirname, 'verify_signature_test.circom'))
      const circuit = new Circuit(circuitDef)

      const sk1 = randomPrivateKey()
      const pk1 = privateToPublicKey(sk1)

      const msg = [3n, 4n, 5n, 32767n]
      const msgHash = multiHash(msg)

      const signature = sign(sk1, msgHash)

      const circuitInputs = {
        'from_x': stringifyBigInts(pk1[0]),
        'from_y': stringifyBigInts(pk1[1]),
        'R8x': stringifyBigInts(signature.R8[0]),
        'R8y': stringifyBigInts(signature.R8[1]),
        'S': stringifyBigInts(signature.S),
        'preimage': stringifyBigInts(msg)
github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testCircuit.js View on Github external
it('#Decryption', async () => {
      const circuitDef = await compiler(path.join(__dirname, 'decrypt_test.circom'))
      const circuit = new Circuit(circuitDef)

      const sk1 = randomPrivateKey()
      const sk2 = randomPrivateKey()

      const pk1 = privateToPublicKey(sk1)
      const pk2 = privateToPublicKey(sk2)

      const sharedKey = ecdh(sk2, pk1)

      const msg = [3n, 4n, 5n, 32767n]

      const encryptedMsg = encrypt(msg, sk1, pk2)

      const circuitInputs = {
        'message': stringifyBigInts(encryptedMsg),
        'private_key': stringifyBigInts(sharedKey)
github kobigurk / semaphore / test / contracts / semaphore.js View on Github external
it('tests proof', async () => {
        const cirDef = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,'../../build/circuit.json')).toString());
        circuit = new snarkjs.Circuit(cirDef);

        const prvKey = Buffer.from('0001020304050607080900010203040506070809000102030405060708090001', 'hex');

        const pubKey = eddsa.prv2pub(prvKey);

        const external_nullifier = bigInt('12312');
        const signal_str = 'hello!';
        const signal_hash_raw = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(signal_str, 'utf8').digest();
        const signal_hash = beBuff2int(signal_hash_raw.slice(0, 31));
        const signal_to_contract = web3.utils.asciiToHex(signal_str);

        const msg = mimc7.multiHash([external_nullifier, signal_hash]);
        const signature = eddsa.signMiMC(prvKey, msg);

        assert(eddsa.verifyMiMC(msg, signature, pubKey));
github barryWhiteHat / maci / test / testCircuit.js View on Github external
it('#HashOutput', async () => {
      const circuitDef = await compiler(path.join(__dirname, 'hashleftright_test.circom'))
      const circuit = new Circuit(circuitDef)

      const left = 32767n
      const right = 1337n

      const circuitInputs = {
        'left': stringifyBigInts(left),
        'right': stringifyBigInts(right)

      const witness = circuit.calculateWitness(circuitInputs)

      const outputIdx = circuit.getSignalIdx('main.hash')
      const output = witness[outputIdx]

      const outputJS = hashLeftRight(left, right)
github LimeChain / etherlime / packages / etherlime / cli-commands / zk-proof / trusted-setup.js View on Github external
const createTrustedSetup = async (compiledCircuitFiles) => {
	console.log('===== Trusted Setup Started =====');
	console.log('===== Generating pk and vk =====');
	for (compiledCircuit of compiledCircuitFiles) {
		let extension = path.extname(compiledCircuit, 'json');
		let nameOfFile = path.basename(compiledCircuit, extension);
		const file = require(`${process.cwd()}/${compiledCircuit}`);
		let circuit = new zkSnark.Circuit(file);
		let setup = zkSnark.original.setup(circuit);
		fs.writeFileSync(`${trustedSetup}/${nameOfFile}_proving_key.json`, JSON.stringify(zkSnark.stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_proof), null, 1), "utf8");
		fs.writeFileSync(`${trustedSetup}/${nameOfFile}_verification_key.json`, JSON.stringify(zkSnark.stringifyBigInts(setup.vk_verifier), null, 1), "utf8");