How to use the simple-markdown.inlineRegex function in simple-markdown

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github keybase / client / shared / common-adapters / markdown / shared.js View on Github external
parse: (capture, parse, state) => {
      const content = capture[0].replace(/^ *> */gm, '')
      const blockQuoteRecursionLevel = state.blockQuoteRecursionLevel || 0
      const nextState = {...state, blockQuoteRecursionLevel: blockQuoteRecursionLevel + 1}

      return {
        content: parse(content, nextState),
  del: {
    // original:
    // match: inlineRegex(/^~~(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)~~/),
    // ours: single tilde doesn't cross a newline
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^~((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)~(?!~)/)),
  em: {
    // original is pretty long so not inlining it here
    // ours: wrapped in _'s
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^_((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)_(?!_)/)),
  emoji: {
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(emojiRegex),
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.text.order - 0.5,
    parse: function(capture, parse, state) {
      // If it's a unicode emoji, let's get it's shortname
      const shortName = emojiIndexByChar[capture[0]]
      return {content: shortName || capture[0]}
github leovoel / embed-visualizer / src / components / markdown.jsx View on Github external
  text: {
    parse(capture, recurseParse, state) {
      return state.nested ? {
        content: capture[0]
      } : recurseParse(translateSurrogatesToInlineEmoji(capture[0]), {
        nested: true
  s: {
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u.order,
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^~~([\s\S]+?)~~(?!_)/),
    parse: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u.parse

function createRules(r) {
  const paragraph = r.paragraph;
  const url = r.url;
  const link =;
  const codeBlock = r.codeBlock;
  const inlineCode = r.inlineCode;

  return {
    // rules we don't care about:
    //  mention
    //  channel
    //  highlight
github leovoel / embed-visualizer / src / components / markdown.jsx View on Github external

function translateSurrogatesToInlineEmoji(surrogates) {
  return surrogates.replace(replacer, (_, match) => convertSurrogateToName(match));

// i am not sure why are these rules split like this.

const baseRules = {
  newline: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.newline,
  paragraph: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph,
  escape: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape,
  autolink: {
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^<(https?:\/\/[^ >]+)>/)
  url: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.url,
  strong: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.strong,
  em: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.em,
  u: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u,
  inlineCode: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.inlineCode,
  emoticon: {
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.text.order,
    match: function(source) {
      return /^(¯\\_\(ツ\)_\/¯)/.exec(source);
    parse: function(capture) {
      return { type: 'text', content: capture[1] };
github Khan / perseus / src / widgets / passage / passage-markdown.jsx View on Github external

var RefEnd = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <span style="{REF_STYLE}">_</span>;

var rules = {
    newline: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.newline,
    paragraph: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph,
    escape: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape,
    passageFootnote: {
        order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape.order + 0.1,
        match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^\^/),
        parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            // if no footnotes have been seen, we're id 1. otherwise,
            // we're the next subsequent id
            var id = + 1;
            var footnote = {
                id: id,
                // our text is what to output. if there is only one footnote,
                // it's a *; otherwise it's a superscript number
                text: id === 1 ? "*" : "" + id,

            // If the previous footnote was a *, we need to adjust it to be
            // a number, since now we know there is more than one footnote
            if (state.lastFootnote.text === "*") {
                state.lastFootnote.text = "" +;
github keybase / client / shared / common-adapters / markdown / shared.js View on Github external
// This copies the functionality of this named group
// $FlowIssue treat this like a RegExp
const linkRegex: RegExp = {
  exec: source => {
    const result = _linkRegex.exec(source)
    if (result) {
      result.groups = {tld: result[4]}
      return result
    return null

// Only allow a small set of characters before a url
const beforeLinkRegex = /[\s/(]/
const inlineLinkMatch = SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(linkRegex)
const textMatch = SimpleMarkdown.anyScopeRegex(
  new RegExp(
    // [\s\S]+? any char, at least 1 - lazy
    // (?= // Positive look ahead. It should have these chars ahead
    //     // This is kinda weird, but for the regex to terminate it should have these cases be true ahead of its termination
    //   [^0-9A-Za-z\s] not a character in this set. So don't terminate if there is still more normal chars to eat
    //   | [\u00c0-\uffff] OR any unicode char. If there is a weird unicode ahead, we terminate
    //   | [\w-_.]+@ // OR something that looks like it starts an email. If there is an email looking thing ahead stop here.
    //   | (\w+\.)+(${commonTlds.join('|')}) // OR there is a url with a common tld ahead. Stop if there's a common url ahead
    //   | \w+:\S // OR there's letters before a : so stop here.
    //   | $ // OR we reach the end of the line
    // )
github keybase / client / shared / common-adapters / markdown / shared.js View on Github external
serviceDecoration: {
    match: (source, state, lookBehind) => {
      return serviceDecorationMatcher(source, state, lookBehind)
    order: 1,
    parse: capture => ({
      content: capture[1],
      type: 'serviceDecoration',
  strong: {
    // original
    // match: inlineRegex(/^\*\*((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\])+?)\*\*(?!\*)/),
    // ours: single stars
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^\*((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)\*(?!\*)/)),
  text: {
    // original:
    // /^[\s\S]+?(?=[^0-9A-Za-z\s\u00c0-\uffff]|\n\n| {2,}\n|\w+:\S|$)/
    // ours: stop on single new lines and common tlds. We want to stop at common tlds so this regex doesn't
    // consume the common case of saying: Checkout, they got all the cool gizmos.
    match: (source, state, lookBehind) =>
      Styles.isMobile && !state.inParagraph ? null : textMatch(source, state, lookBehind),

const simpleMarkdownParser = SimpleMarkdown.parserFor(rules)

const isAllEmoji = ast => {
  const trimmed = ast.filter(n => n.type !== 'newline')
github Khan / perseus / src / perseus-markdown.jsx View on Github external
                ) :  // :( (middle of the ternary expression)
                "//invalid table//";
            return <div>
                    {output(node.title, state)}
    widget: {
        order: - 0.75,
        match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(Util.rWidgetRule),
        parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            return {
                id: capture[1],
                widgetType: capture[2],
        react: (node, output, state) =&gt; {
            // The actual output is handled in the renderer, where
            // we know the current widget props/state. This is
            // just a stub for testing.
            return <em>
                [Widget: {}]
    blockMath: {
github Khan / perseus / src / widgets / passage / passage-markdown.jsx View on Github external
parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            return {
                content: capture[1],
        react: (node, output, state) =&gt; {
            return [
    reviewHighlight: {
        order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape.order + 0.7,
        match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(
        parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            return {
                content: capture[1],
        react: (node, output, state) =&gt; {
            return [
    strong: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.strong,
github andangrd / react-native-markdown-package / rules.js View on Github external
        return image;
    inlineCode: {
      parse: parseCaptureInline,
      react: function (node, output, {...state}) {
        state.withinText = true;
        return React.createElement(Text, {
          key: state.key,
          style: styles.inlineCode,
        }, output(node.content, state));
    link: {
      match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(new RegExp(
        '^\\[(' + LINK_INSIDE + ')\\]\\(' + LINK_HREF_AND_TITLE + '\\)'
      react: function (node, output, {...state}) {
        state.withinLink = true;
        const _pressHandler = () => {
        const link = React.createElement(Text, {
          key: state.key,
          style: styles.autolink,
          onPress: _pressHandler,
        }, output(node.content, state));
        state.withinLink = false;
        return link;
github jaylineko / discohook / src / markup / parseMarkup.tsx View on Github external
react: (node, _, state) =&gt; (
  roleMention: {
    order: defaultRules.text.order,
    match: inlineRegex(/^&lt;@&amp;\d+&gt;/),
    parse: () =&gt; ({
      type: "mention",
      content: "@unknown-role",
    react: null,
  channelMention: {
    order: defaultRules.text.order,
    match: inlineRegex(/^&lt;#\d+&gt;/),
    parse: () =&gt; ({
      type: "mention",
      content: "#unknown-channel",
    react: null,

const parseInline = parserFor(inlineRules, { inline: true })
const parseBlock = parserFor(blockRules, { inline: true })
const reactOutput = outputFor({ ...inlineRules, ...blockRules }, "react")

const ellipsize = (text: string, length: number) =&gt; {
  const shortenedText = text.replace(/\s+/g, " ")
  return shortenedText.length &lt;= length
    ? shortenedText