How to use simple-git - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few simple-git examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github elastic / kibana / tasks / utils / files_to_commit.js View on Github external
export default function filesToCommit(path) {
  const simpleGit = new SimpleGit(path);
  const gitDiff = promisify(simpleGit.diff, simpleGit);

  return gitDiff(['--name-status', '--cached'])
    .then(output => {
      return output
        .filter(line => line.trim().length > 0) // Ignore blank lines
        .map(line => line.trim().split('\t'))
        .map(parts => {
          const status = parts[0];
          // If a file's been edited, it will only have 2 elements. If it's been renamed it will have
          // 3 elements. But in both cases, the last element is the current name of the file.
          const name = parts[parts.length - 1];
          return { status, name };
        .filter(file => file.status !== 'D'); // Ignore deleted files
github alt-code / TaskLights / src / blink.js View on Github external
if( options.remote == undefined )
        options.remote = obj.remote

var directory = path.join(__dirname,"/logs");
var gitDirectory = path.join(directory, ".git");
var dataFile = path.join(directory, "pomodoro.json");
var gh_pages = path.join(directory, "www")

// Save message to repo.
if( options.remote )
    // starting a new repo
    if( !fs.existsSync( gitDirectory ) )
            .clone(options.remote,directory, function (err) 
                // done.
        // update repo and when there are changes, pull changes
           .pull(function(err, update) 
              if(update && update.summary.changes) 
                console.log( "pulled latest")
github alt-code / TaskLights / src / blink2.js View on Github external
if( options.remote == undefined )
        options.remote = obj.remote

var directory = path.join(__dirname,"/logs");
var gitDirectory = path.join(directory, ".git");
var dataFile = path.join(directory, "pomodoro.json");
var gh_pages = path.join(directory, "www")

// Save message to repo.
if( options.remote )
    // starting a new repo
    if( !fs.existsSync( gitDirectory ) )
            .clone(options.remote,directory, function (err) 
                // done.
        // update repo and when there are changes, pull changes
           .pull(function(err, update) 
              if(update && update.summary.changes) 
                console.log( "pulled latest")
github zeebe-io / zeebe-modeler / tasks / sync-fork.js View on Github external
const mergeCmd = [

  let mergeResult;
  try {
    mergeResult = await exec('git', mergeCmd).stdout;
  } catch (e) {


    mergeResult = parseMerge(e.stdout);

  if ((mergeResult.conflicts || []).length) {

    console.log('Sync: Syncing was not successful! There might be some merge' +
          'conflicts which have to be fixed before.');

    // exclude files that should not be synced
    const result = await excludeFilesFromMerge({
      conflicts: mergeResult.conflicts,
      files: [
github decaffeinate / bulk-decaffeinate / src / convert.js View on Github external
async function assertGitWorktreeClean() {
  let status = await git().status();
  if (status.files.length > status.not_added.length) {
    throw new CLIError(`\
You have modifications to your git worktree.
Please revert or commit them before running convert.`);
  } else if (status.not_added.length > 0) {
Warning: the following untracked files are present in your repository:
Proceeding anyway.
github lifegadget / generator-typescript-microservice / src / closure.ts View on Github external
export async function closure(context: IGeneratorDictionary) {
  const git = simplegit(context.destinationPath());
  try {
    const checkIsRepo = await git.checkIsRepo();

    if (checkIsRepo) {
        chalk`{grey - This project is already setup as a git repo; doing nothing more}`
    } else {
        chalk`{grey - this project has {italic not yet} been setup as a git repository}`

      await git.init();
        chalk`- This project has been registered as a {bold git} project`
github decaffeinate / bulk-decaffeinate / src / land.js View on Github external
message += `\n\n${differentialRevisionLine}`;
        await git().commit(message, ['--amend']);

  console.log(`Creating merge commit on ${remoteBranch}`);
  let cherryPickHeadCommit = (await git().revparse(['HEAD'])).trim();
  await git().checkout(remoteBranch);

  let mergeMessage = `Merge decaffeinate changes into ${remoteBranch}`;
  if (phabricatorAware) {
    mergeMessage += `\n\n${differentialRevisionLine}`;
  await git().mergeFromTo(cherryPickHeadCommit, 'HEAD', ['--no-ff']);
  await git().commit(mergeMessage, ['--amend']);
  if (phabricatorAware) {
    console.log('Pulling commit message from Phabricator.');
    await exec('arc amend');
  console.log('Done. Please verify that the git history looks right.');
  console.log('You can push your changes with a command like this:');
  console.log(`git push ${remote} HEAD:${upstreamBranch}`);
  console.log('If you get a conflict, you should re-run "bulk-decaffeinate land".');
github grommet / grommet-site / tools / release-heroku.js View on Github external
del(localFolder).then(() => {
      .clone(repoURL, localFolder)
      .then(() => git(localFolder).checkout('heroku'))
      .then(() => del([`${localFolder}/**/*`]))
      .then(() => fs.copy(localDist, localFolder))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).add(['--all', '.']))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).commit('heroku updated'))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).push('origin', 'heroku'))
      .catch(err => console.error('failed: ', err));
} else {
github grommet / grommet / tools / release-stable.js View on Github external
del(localFolder).then(() => {
      .clone(repoURL, localFolder)
      .then(() => git(localFolder).checkout('stable'))
      .then(() => del([`${localFolder}/**/*`]))
      .then(() => fs.copy(localDist, localFolder))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).add(['--all', '.']))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).commit('stable updated'))
      .then(() => git(localFolder).push('origin', 'stable'))
      .catch(err => console.error('failed: ', err));
} else {
github Jasonette / JEM / src / process / process.js View on Github external
export var CloneAndAddToIDE = function (path, gitUrl){
    var pieces = gitUrl.replace(".git","").split("/");
    var extensionName = pieces[pieces.length-1];
    var fullPath = path + "/Extensions/" + extensionName;
    console.log("Git Url : " + gitUrl);
    console.log("Full path : " + fullPath);
        .clone(gitUrl, fullPath, function(err){
            ShowLoading("Extesnion doesn't exists.", true);
            ShowErrorDialog("Error", "Repository doesn't exists");
        .then(function() {
            ShowLoading('Verifying extension...');
            var AllFiles = GetAllFilesFromPath(fullPath);
            var extName = GetActionName(AllFiles);
            var dep = GetDependencies(AllFiles);
            if(dep != null && dep.length > 0){
              InjectCocoapodsDependencies(path, dep);
          }else {
            ShowLoading('Completed...', true);