How to use the shelljs.cp function in shelljs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few shelljs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github sc-forks / solidity-coverage / test / util / integration.js View on Github external
const migration = deployDouble(contracts);

  // Scaffold
  shell.cp('-Rf', templatePath, temp);

  // Contracts
  contracts.forEach(item => {
    shell.cp(`${sourcesPath}${item}.sol`, `${temp}/contracts/${item}.sol`)

  // Migration
  fs.writeFileSync(migrationPath, migration)

  // Test
  shell.cp(`${testPath}${test}`, `${temp}/test/${test}`);

  // Configs
  fs.writeFileSync(`${temp}/${truffleConfigName}`, getTruffleConfigJS());
  fs.writeFileSync(`${temp}/${buidlerConfigName}`, getBuidlerConfigJS());
  fs.writeFileSync(configPath, configjs);

github holisticon / flynn-book-scanner / app / platforms / windows / cordova / lib / prepare.js View on Github external
function updateConfigFilesFrom(sourceConfig, configMunger, locations) {
    // First cleanup current config and merge project's one into own
    var defaultConfig = locations.defaultConfigXml;
    var ownConfig = locations.configXml;
    var sourceCfg = sourceConfig.path;
    // If defaults.xml is present, overwrite platform config.xml with it.
    // Otherwise save whatever is there as defaults so it can be
    // restored or copy project config into platform if none exists.
    if (fs.existsSync(defaultConfig)) {
        events.emit('verbose', 'Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "windows"');
        shell.cp('-f', defaultConfig, ownConfig);
    } else if (fs.existsSync(ownConfig)) {
        shell.cp('-f', ownConfig, defaultConfig);
    } else {
        shell.cp('-f', sourceCfg, ownConfig);

    // Then apply config changes from global munge to all config files
    // in project (including project's config)

    // Merge changes from app's config.xml into platform's one
    var config = new ConfigParser(ownConfig);
        config.doc.getroot(), 'windows', /*clobber=*/true);
    // CB-6976 Windows Universal Apps. For smooth transition and to prevent mass api failures
    // we allow using windows8 tag for new windows platform
        config.doc.getroot(), 'windows8', /*clobber=*/true);

github QuickBlox / quickblox-javascript-sdk / samples / cordova / text_chat / platforms / android / cordova / lib / prepare.js View on Github external
function updateConfigFilesFrom(sourceConfig, configMunger, locations) {
    events.emit('verbose', 'Generating config.xml from defaults for platform "android"');

    // First cleanup current config and merge project's one into own
    // Overwrite platform config.xml with defaults.xml.
    shell.cp('-f', locations.defaultConfigXml, locations.configXml);

    // Then apply config changes from global munge to all config files
    // in project (including project's config)

    // Merge changes from app's config.xml into platform's one
    var config = new ConfigParser(locations.configXml);
        config.doc.getroot(), 'android', /*clobber=*/true);

    return config;
github webcom-components / reach / deploy-gh-pages.js View on Github external
const { cd, cp, exec, mkdir, rm } = require('shelljs');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

const dist = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist');
const esdoc = path.resolve(__dirname, 'esdoc');
const report = path.resolve(__dirname, 'report');
const samples = path.resolve(__dirname, 'samples');
const coverage = path.resolve(__dirname, 'coverage');
const { GH_TOKEN, TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG } = process.env;

// Copy dist
mkdir('-p', path.join(esdoc, 'dist'));
cp('-r', dist, path.resolve(esdoc));

// Copy samples
mkdir('-p', path.join(esdoc, 'samples'));
cp('-r', samples, path.resolve(esdoc));

// Copy test report
mkdir('-p', path.join(esdoc, 'report'));
const files = fs.readdirSync(report);
const htmlFiles = files.filter(file => path.extname(file) === '.html');
const index = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(esdoc, 'report', 'index.html'));
htmlFiles.forEach((file) =&gt; {
  cp(path.join(report, file), path.join(esdoc, 'report', file));
  index.write(`<li><a href="${file}">${file}</a></li>`);
github apache / cordova-ios / bin / templates / scripts / cordova / lib / plugman / pluginHandlers.js View on Github external
const real_path = fs.realpathSync(src);
    const real_plugin_path = fs.realpathSync(plugin_dir);
    if (real_path.indexOf(real_plugin_path) !== 0) { throw new CordovaError('File "' + src + '" is located outside the plugin directory "' + plugin_dir + '"'); }

    dest = path.resolve(project_dir, dest);

    // check that dest path is located in project directory
    if (dest.indexOf(project_dir) !== 0) { throw new CordovaError('Destination "' + dest + '" for source file "' + src + '" is located outside the project'); }

    shell.mkdir('-p', path.dirname(dest));

    if (link) {
        linkFileOrDirTree(src, dest);
    } else if (fs.statSync(src).isDirectory()) {
        // XXX shelljs decides to create a directory when -R|-r is used which sucks.
        shell.cp('-Rf', path.join(src, '/*'), dest);
    } else {
        shell.cp('-f', src, dest);
github Shopify / polaris-react / scripts / sass-build.js View on Github external
module.exports = function generateSassBuild(destinationDir) {
  const classnameTokens = readJSONSync(`${destinationDir}/polaris.tokens.json`);

  const buildSass = resolve(destinationDir, 'sass');
  const buildStyles = join(buildSass, 'styles');
  const global = join(buildStyles, 'global');
  const foundation = join(buildStyles, 'foundation');
  const shared = join(buildStyles, 'shared');
  const components = join(buildStyles, 'components');
  const tokens = join(buildStyles, 'polaris-tokens');

  mkdir('-p', components, foundation, global, shared, tokens);
  cp(join(srcStyles, 'foundation', '*.scss'), foundation);
  cp(join(srcStyles, 'polaris-tokens', '*.scss'), tokens);
  cp(join(srcStyles, 'global.scss'), join(buildStyles, 'global.scss'));
  cp(join(srcStyles, 'foundation.scss'), join(buildStyles, 'foundation.scss'));
  cp(join(srcStyles, 'shared.scss'), join(buildStyles, 'shared.scss'));
  cp(resolve(srcStyles, '../styles.scss'), join(buildSass, 'styles.scss'));

  const dirWithCssModulesGlobals = ['global', 'shared'];

  dirWithCssModulesGlobals.forEach((dir) => {
    const srcDir = join(srcStyles, dir);
    const destDir = join(buildStyles, dir);
    const regex = /:global\s*\(([^)]+)\)|:global\s*{\s*([^}]+)\s*}\s*/;

    glob.sync(join(srcDir, '/**/*.scss')).forEach((srcFile) => {
      // On Windows `srcFile` contains forwardslashes as path separators (as it
      // came from glob) while `srcDir` contains backslashes as path separators
      // (as it came from path.join). Replace backslashes with forward-slashes
github dooboolab / dooboo-cli / bin / root.js View on Github external
const componentFile = `./src/components/shared/${upperCamel}.tsx`;
        const testFile = `./src/components/shared/__tests__/${upperCamel}.test.tsx`;
        exists = yield functions_1.fsExists(componentFile);
        if (exists) {
            console.log(chalk_1.default.redBright(`${upperCamel} shared already exists. Delete or rename existing component first.`));
        exists = yield functions_1.fsExists('.dooboo/react.js');
        let tsx, tsxTest;
        if (exists) {
            tsx = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates/react/shared/Shared.tsx');
            tsxTest = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates/react/shared/Shared.test.tsx');
            console.log(chalk_1.default.cyanBright(`creating shared component...`));
            shell.cp(tsx, componentFile);
            shell.cp(tsxTest, testFile);
            shell.sed('-i', 'Shared', `${camel}`, testFile);
            console.log(`generated: src/components/shared/${upperCamel}.tsx
testFile: src/components/shared/__tests__/${upperCamel}.test.tsx`));
        exists = yield functions_1.fsExists('.dooboo/react-native.js');
        if (exists) {
            tsx = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates/react-native/shared/Shared.tsx');
            tsxTest = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'templates/react-native/shared/Shared.test.tsx');
            console.log(chalk_1.default.cyanBright(`creating shared component...`));
            shell.cp(tsx, componentFile);
            shell.cp(tsxTest, testFile);
            shell.sed('-i', 'Shared', `${camel}`, testFile);
            console.log(`generated: src/components/shared/${upperCamel}.tsx
testFile: src/components/shared/__tests__/${upperCamel}.test.tsx`));
github jquery / jquery-mobile / build / release.js View on Github external
_publishDemos: function() {
		var index,
			repo = Release._cloneDemosRepo(),
			dest = repo + "/" + Release.newVersion,
			src = Release.dir.repo + "/dist/demos",
			commitMessage = "Added version " + Release.newVersion;

		shell.mkdir( "-p", dest );
		shell.cp( "-r", src + "/*", dest );

		if ( !Release.preRelease ) {
			console.log( "Updating demos index..." );
			fs.writeFileSync( repo + "/index.php",
github JetBrains / kotlin-playground / utils / copy-examples.js View on Github external
const path = require('path');
const { cp, sed } = require('shelljs');

const projectDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');

cp('-R', `${projectDir}/dist/examples`, projectDir);

github codeBelt / slush-project / slush / tasks / installerSystem / files / tools / npm-postinstall.js View on Github external
/*jshint node:true */
'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var shell = require('shelljs');

    path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules')

shell.chmod(770, path.resolve(__dirname, '../'));
shell.chmod(770, path.resolve(__dirname, ''));