How to use the screwdriver-data-schema.config function in screwdriver-data-schema

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few screwdriver-data-schema examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / pipelines / helper.js View on Github external
const formatCheckoutUrl = (checkoutUrl) => {
    let result = checkoutUrl;
    const matched = (schema.config.regex.CHECKOUT_URL).exec(result);
    let branchName = matched[MATCH_COMPONENT_BRANCH_NAME];

    // Check if branch name exists
    if (!branchName) {
        branchName = '#master';

    // Do not convert branch name to lowercase
    result = result.split('#')[0].toLowerCase().concat(branchName);

    return result;
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / events / create.js View on Github external
payload.creator = creator;

                // Trigger "~pr" needs to have PR number given
                // Note: To kick start builds for all jobs under a PR,
                // you need both the prNum and the trigger "~pr" as startFrom
                if (startFrom.match(validationSchema.config.regex.PR_TRIGGER) && !prNum) {
                    throw boom.badRequest('Trigger "~pr" must be accompanied by a PR number');

                if (!prNum) {
                    // If PR number isn't given, induce it from "startFrom"
                    // Match PR-prNum, then extract prNum
                    // e.g. if startFrom is "PR-1:main", prNumFullName will be "PR-1"; prNum will be "1"
                    const prNumFullName = startFrom.match(

                    prNum = prNumFullName ? prNumFullName[1].split('-')[1] : null;

                // Fetch the job and user models
                return Promise.all([
                    userFactory.get({ username, scmContext })
                ]).then(([pipeline, user]) => {
                    // In pipeline scope, check if the token is allowed to the pipeline
                    if (!isValidToken(, request.auth.credentials)) {
                        throw boom.unauthorized('Token does not have permission to this pipeline');

                    let scmConfig;
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / events / create.js View on Github external
if (meta) {
                    payload.meta = meta;

                if (causeMessage) {
                    payload.causeMessage = causeMessage;

                if (creator) {
                    payload.creator = creator;

                // Trigger "~pr" needs to have PR number given
                // Note: To kick start builds for all jobs under a PR,
                // you need both the prNum and the trigger "~pr" as startFrom
                if (startFrom.match(validationSchema.config.regex.PR_TRIGGER) && !prNum) {
                    throw boom.badRequest('Trigger "~pr" must be accompanied by a PR number');

                if (!prNum) {
                    // If PR number isn't given, induce it from "startFrom"
                    // Match PR-prNum, then extract prNum
                    // e.g. if startFrom is "PR-1:main", prNumFullName will be "PR-1"; prNum will be "1"
                    const prNumFullName = startFrom.match(

                    prNum = prNumFullName ? prNumFullName[1].split('-')[1] : null;

                // Fetch the job and user models
                return Promise.all([
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / commands / create.js View on Github external
/* eslint no-underscore-dangle: ["error", { "allow": ["_data", "_shot"] }] */

'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const validator = require('screwdriver-command-validator');
const hoek = require('hoek');
const urlLib = require('url');
const req = require('request');
const VERSION_REGEX = schema.config.regex.VERSION;
const DEFAULT_BYTES = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB

 * Publish file to the store
 * @method publishFileToStore
 * @param  {CommandFactory} commandFactory      commandFactory
 * @param  {Object}         config              Command config
 * @param  {Uint8Array}     file                File published to the store
 * @param  {String}         storeUrl            URL to the store
 * @param  {String}         authToken           Bearer Token to be passed to the store
 * @return {Promise}
function publishFileToStore(commandFactory, config, file, storeUrl, authToken) {
    const [, major, minor] = VERSION_REGEX.exec(config.version);
    const searchVersion = minor ? `${major}${minor}` : major;
    let publishVersion;
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / commands / createTag.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const baseSchema = schema.models.commandTag.base;
const urlLib = require('url');
const VERSION_REGEX = schema.config.regex.VERSION;
const exactVersionSchema = joi.reach(schema.models.commandTag.base, 'version');
const tagSchema = joi.reach(schema.models.commandTag.base, 'tag');

/* Currently, only build scope is allowed to tag command due to security reasons.
 * The same pipeline that publishes the command has the permission to tag it.
module.exports = () => ({
    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/commands/{namespace}/{name}/tags/{tagName}',
    config: {
        description: 'Add or update a command tag',
        notes: 'Add or update a specific command',
        tags: ['api', 'commands'],
        auth: {
            strategies: ['token'],
            scope: ['build', '!guest']
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / builds / update.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const hoek = require('hoek');
const joi = require('joi');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const { EXTERNAL_TRIGGER } = schema.config.regex;
const idSchema = joi.reach(schema.models.job.base, 'id');

module.exports = config => ({
    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/builds/{id}',
    config: {
        description: 'Update a build',
        notes: 'Update a specific build',
        tags: ['api', 'builds'],
        auth: {
            strategies: ['token'],
            scope: ['build', 'user', '!guest', 'temporal']
        plugins: {
            'hapi-swagger': {
                security: [{ token: [] }]
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / webhooks / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const workflowParser = require('screwdriver-workflow-parser');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const logger = require('screwdriver-logger');

const ANNOT_NS = '';
const ANNOT_CHAIN_PR = `${ANNOT_NS}/chainPR`;
const ANNOT_RESTRICT_PR = `${ANNOT_NS}/restrictPR`;
const EXTRA_TRIGGERS = schema.config.regex.EXTRA_TRIGGER;
const CHECKOUT_URL_SCHEMA = schema.config.regex.CHECKOUT_URL;
const DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES = 1048576;

 * Determine "startFrom" with type, action and branches
 * @param {String} action          SCM webhook action type
 * @param {String} type            Triggered SCM event type ('pr' or 'repo')
 * @param {String} targetBranch    The branch against which commit is pushed
 * @param {String} pipelineBranch  The pipeline branch
 * @returns {String}               startFrom
function determineStartFrom(action, type, targetBranch, pipelineBranch) {
    let startFrom;

    if (type && type === 'pr') {
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / pipelines / listTriggers.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const { EXTERNAL_TRIGGER, JOB_NAME } = schema.config.regex;
const pipelineIdSchema = joi.reach(schema.models.pipeline.base, 'id');
const destSchema = joi.string().regex(EXTERNAL_TRIGGER).max(64);
const triggerListSchema = joi.array().items(joi.object({
    jobName: JOB_NAME,
    triggers: joi.array().items(destSchema)
})).label('List of triggers');

module.exports = () => ({
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/pipelines/{id}/triggers',
    config: {
        description: 'Get all jobs for a given pipeline',
        notes: 'Returns all jobs for a given pipeline',
        tags: ['api', 'pipelines', 'jobs'],
        auth: {
            strategies: ['token'],
github screwdriver-cd / screwdriver / plugins / webhooks / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const boom = require('boom');
const joi = require('joi');
const workflowParser = require('screwdriver-workflow-parser');
const schema = require('screwdriver-data-schema');
const logger = require('screwdriver-logger');

const ANNOT_NS = '';
const ANNOT_CHAIN_PR = `${ANNOT_NS}/chainPR`;
const ANNOT_RESTRICT_PR = `${ANNOT_NS}/restrictPR`;
const EXTRA_TRIGGERS = schema.config.regex.EXTRA_TRIGGER;
const CHECKOUT_URL_SCHEMA = schema.config.regex.CHECKOUT_URL;
const DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES = 1048576;

 * Determine "startFrom" with type, action and branches
 * @param {String} action          SCM webhook action type
 * @param {String} type            Triggered SCM event type ('pr' or 'repo')
 * @param {String} targetBranch    The branch against which commit is pushed
 * @param {String} pipelineBranch  The pipeline branch
 * @returns {String}               startFrom
function determineStartFrom(action, type, targetBranch, pipelineBranch) {
    let startFrom;

    if (type && type === 'pr') {
        startFrom = '~pr';


Internal Data Schema of Screwdriver

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