How to use sails - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few sails examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jaumard / sails-hook-schedule / test / basic.js View on Github external
before(function (done)

		// Hook will timeout in 10 seconds

		// Attempt to lift sails
			hooks  : {
				// Load the hook
				"sails-hook-schedule" : require('../'), // Skip grunt (unless your hook uses it)
				"grunt"          : false
			}, log : {level : "error"}

		}, function (err, _sails)
			if (err)
				return done(err);
			sails = _sails;
			return done();
github robophil / sails-hook-jsonwebtoken / test / basic.js View on Github external
before(function (done) {

        // Hook will timeout in 10 seconds

        // Attempt to lift sails
            hooks: {
                // Load the hook
                "sails-hook-jsonwebtoken": require('../'),
                // Skip grunt (unless your hook uses it)
                "grunt": false
            log: { level: "info" }
        }, function (err, _sails) {
            if (err) return done(err);
            sails = _sails;
            return done();
github emahuni / sails-util-micro-apps / test / helpers / bootstrap.js View on Github external
before(function (done) {
  // Hook will timeout in 10 seconds

  // change the working dir to test so we load test app

  // Attempt to lift sails
    port: 1300,
    log: {
      // level: 'debug',
      level: 'verbose',
      custom: console,
      inspect: false,
    hooks: {
      // load this hook before sails ORM
      "beforeORM": require('../fixtures/sails-hook-before-orm'),
      // load the ORM
      "orm": require('sails-hook-orm'),
      // Load this hook after sails ORM
      "afterORM": require('../fixtures/sails-hook-after-orm'),
github benetech / mmlc-api / test / features / support / hooks.js View on Github external
BeforeAll(function(done) {
    // Tests expect to run with NODE_ENV=development
    process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
        // Your sails app's configuration files will be loaded automatically,
        // but you can also specify any other special overrides here for testing purposes.

        // For example, we might want to skip the Grunt hook,
        // and disable all logs except errors:
        hooks: { grunt: false },
        log: { level: 'info' },
    }, done);
github balderdashy / sails / test / integration / helpers / appHelper.js View on Github external
var _ = require('@sailshq/lodash');
var SocketIOClient = require('');
delete require.cache[require.resolve('')];
var SailsIOClient = require('');
var Sails = require('../../../lib/app');

// Build a Sails socket client instance.
// (Of course, this runs as soon as this file is first required.
//  But it's OK because we don't actually connect except in the
//  functions below.)
var io = SailsIOClient(SocketIOClient);
io.sails.environment = 'production';
io.sails.autoConnect = false;

// Make existsSync not crash on older versions of Node
fs.existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync;
// ^ probably not necessary anymore, this is only relevant for pre-Node-0.8
// (or maybe it was Node 0.8, can't remember). Anyways, it was back when
// `existsSync()` lived in the `path` lib.
github pantsel / konga / bin / konga.js View on Github external
        {cwd : path.join(__dirname,".."), stdio: "inherit"});
    cmd.on('exit', function(code){
else if(argv._[0] === 'prepare') {

  // Validate node version
  const Utils = require('../api/services/Utils');
  if(!Utils.isRuntimeVersionSupported()) {
    console.error("Incompatible Node.js version. Please make sure that you have Node.js >= 8 installed.")

  Sails.log("Preparing database...")

  if(!process.env.DB_ADAPTER && !argv.adapter) {
    Sails.log.error("No db adapter defined. Set --adapter {mongo || mysql || postgres || sql-srv}")
    return process.exit(1);

  if(!process.env.DB_URI && !argv.uri) {
    Sails.log.error("No db connection string is defined. Set --uri {db_connection_string}")
    return process.exit(1);

  process.env.DB_ADAPTER = process.env.DB_ADAPTER || argv.adapter;
  process.env.DB_URI = process.env.DB_URI || argv.uri;
  process.env.PORT = _.isString(argv.port) || _.isNumber(argv.port) ? argv.port : 1339;

  require("../makedb")(function(err) {
github microsoft / devops-project-samples / node / sail.js / kubernetes / Application / app.js View on Github external
rc = require('rc');
} catch (e0) {
  try {
    rc = require('sails/node_modules/rc');
  } catch (e1) {
    console.error('Could not find dependency: `rc`.');
    console.error('Your `.sailsrc` file(s) will be ignored.');
    console.error('To resolve this, run:');
    console.error('npm install rc --save');
    rc = function () { return {}; };

// Start server
github SpoonX / sails-hook-wetland / blueprints / find.js View on Github external
// Look up the model
  let Model           = actionUtil.parseModel(req);
  let countInResponse = sails.config.blueprints.countInResponse;

  if (!Model.mapping) {
    return fallback(req, res);

  if (actionUtil.parsePk(req)) {
    return require('./findOne')(req, res);

  let populate   = actionUtil.populateRequest(null, req);
  let repository = req.getRepository(Model.Entity);
  let criteria   = actionUtil.parseCriteria(req);
  let options    = {
    limit  : actionUtil.parseLimit(req),
    offset : actionUtil.parseSkip(req),
    orderBy: actionUtil.parseSort(req)

  if (populate && populate.length && populate[0] !== undefined) {
    options.populate = populate;

  let promises = [repository.find(criteria, options)];

  if (countInResponse) {
    promises.push(count(repository, criteria, options));
github wejs / generator-wejs / blog / templates / bin / resetDB.js View on Github external
  console.log('--- Database drop!!! DANGER!!! ----');

  var confirm = process.argv[2];
  if (!confirm) {
    // alows user set new user data
    confirm = sget('Are you sure you want to reset the database??. \n y or n?');
    confirm = confirm.replace('\n','');

  if (confirm === 'y') {
      port: 1930,
      hooks: {
        grunt: false,
        socket: false,
        pubsub: false
      models: {
        migrate: 'drop'
      orm: {
        _hookTimeout: 50000
      environment: 'development'
    },function loadSailsToDropDB(err, sails) {
    if (err) {
      return doneAll(err);
github sailshq / treeline1 / legacy / lib / actions / run.js View on Github external
delayedLog(50)('Synchronizing app with Treeline mothership...'.grey);
  delayedLog(450)('Calibrating machines...'.grey);
  delayedLog(2500)('Hold tight, this can take a moment...'.grey);

  // Give up after 30 seconds
  delayedLog.timers.push(setTimeout(function () {
    log.error('The preview server isn\'t starting...');
    log.error('Please try again later.  If the problem persists, check @treelineHQ for updates.');
    for (var i in delayedLog.timers) {
  }, 30000));

  var sails = new Sails();
  var watch = watcher(sails);
  var treelineCliConfig = {
    src: {
      secret: conf.credentials.secret,
      baseURL: conf.config.treelineURL,
      url: conf.config.treelineURL + '/' + + '/modules',
      protocol: 'https://',
      host: '',
      port: 443,
      prefix: '',
      endpoint: '/modules'

  var options = conf.targetProject.options || {};