How to use the rsvp/promise.resolve function in rsvp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rsvp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info / resolved-handler-info.js View on Github external
resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
    // A ResolvedHandlerInfo just resolved with itself.
    if (payload && payload.resolvedModels) {
      payload.resolvedModels[] = this.context;
    return Promise.resolve(this, this.promiseLabel("Resolve"));
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
checkForAbort: function(shouldContinue, promiseValue) {
    return Promise.resolve(shouldContinue(), this.promiseLabel("Check for abort")).then(function() {
      // We don't care about shouldContinue's resolve value;
      // pass along the original value passed to this fn.
      return promiseValue;
    }, null, this.promiseLabel("Ignore fulfillment value and continue"));
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / transition-state.js View on Github external
resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
    // First, calculate params for this state. This is useful
    // information to provide to the various route hooks.
    var params = this.params;
    forEach(this.handlerInfos, function(handlerInfo) {
      params[] = handlerInfo.params || {};

    payload = payload || {};
    payload.resolveIndex = 0;

    var currentState = this;
    var wasAborted = false;

    // The prelude RSVP.resolve() asyncs us into the promise land.
    return Promise.resolve(null, this.promiseLabel("Start transition"))
    .then(resolveOneHandlerInfo, null, this.promiseLabel('Resolve handler'))['catch'](handleError, this.promiseLabel('Handle error'));

    function innerShouldContinue() {
      return Promise.resolve(shouldContinue(), currentState.promiseLabel("Check if should continue"))['catch'](function(reason) {
        // We distinguish between errors that occurred
        // during resolution (e.g. beforeModel/model/afterModel),
        // and aborts due to a rejecting promise from shouldContinue().
        wasAborted = true;
        return Promise.reject(reason);
      }, currentState.promiseLabel("Handle abort"));

    function handleError(error) {
      // This is the only possible
      // reject value of TransitionState#resolve
      var handlerInfos = currentState.handlerInfos;
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
    var checkForAbort  = bind(this, this.checkForAbort,      shouldContinue),
        beforeModel    = bind(this, this.runBeforeModelHook, payload),
        model          = bind(this, this.getModel,           payload),
        afterModel     = bind(this, this.runAfterModelHook,  payload),
        becomeResolved = bind(this, this.becomeResolved,     payload),
        self = this;

    return Promise.resolve(this.handlerPromise, this.promiseLabel("Start handler"))
            .then(function(handler) {
              // We nest this chain in case the handlerPromise has an error so that
              // we don't have to bubble it through every step
              return Promise.resolve(handler)
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check for abort"))
                .then(beforeModel, null, self.promiseLabel("Before model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted during 'beforeModel' hook"))
                .then(model, null, self.promiseLabel("Model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'model' hook"))
                .then(afterModel, null, self.promiseLabel("After model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'afterModel' hook"))
                .then(becomeResolved, null, self.promiseLabel("Become resolved"));
            }, function(error) {
              throw error;
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / transition-state.js View on Github external
function innerShouldContinue() {
      return Promise.resolve(shouldContinue(), currentState.promiseLabel("Check if should continue"))['catch'](function(reason) {
        // We distinguish between errors that occurred
        // during resolution (e.g. beforeModel/model/afterModel),
        // and aborts due to a rejecting promise from shouldContinue().
        wasAborted = true;
        return Promise.reject(reason);
      }, currentState.promiseLabel("Handle abort"));
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
fetchHandler: function() {
    var handler = this.getHandler(;

    // Setup a handlerPromise so that we can wait for asynchronously loaded handlers
    this.handlerPromise = Promise.resolve(handler);

    // Wait until the 'handler' property has been updated when chaining to a handler
    // that is a promise
    if (isPromise(handler)) {
      this.handlerPromise = this.handlerPromise.then(bind(this, this.updateHandler));
    } else if (handler) {
      // Store the name of the handler on the handler for easy checks later
      handler._handlerName =;
      return this.handler = handler;

    return this.handler = undefined;
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
.then(function(handler) {
              // We nest this chain in case the handlerPromise has an error so that
              // we don't have to bubble it through every step
              return Promise.resolve(handler)
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check for abort"))
                .then(beforeModel, null, self.promiseLabel("Before model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted during 'beforeModel' hook"))
                .then(model, null, self.promiseLabel("Model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'model' hook"))
                .then(afterModel, null, self.promiseLabel("After model"))
                .then(checkForAbort, null, self.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'afterModel' hook"))
                .then(becomeResolved, null, self.promiseLabel("Become resolved"));
            }, function(error) {
              throw error;
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
function HandlerInfo(_props) {
  var props = _props || {};

  // Set a default handler to ensure consistent object shape
  this._handler = DEFAULT_HANDLER;

  if (props.handler) {
    var name =;

    // Setup a handlerPromise so that we can wait for asynchronously loaded handlers
    this.handlerPromise = Promise.resolve(props.handler);

    // Wait until the 'handler' property has been updated when chaining to a handler
    // that is a promise
    if (isPromise(props.handler)) {
      this.handlerPromise = this.handlerPromise.then(bind(this, this.updateHandler));
      props.handler = undefined;
    } else if (props.handler) {
      // Store the name of the handler on the handler for easy checks later
      props.handler._handlerName = name;

  merge(this, props);
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info / unresolved-handler-info-by-object.js View on Github external
getModel: function(payload) {
    this.log(payload, + ": resolving provided model");
    return Promise.resolve(this.context);
github tildeio / router.js / dist / commonjs / router / handler-info.js View on Github external
runSharedModelHook: function(payload, hookName, args) {
    this.log(payload, "calling " + hookName + " hook");

    if (this.queryParams) {

    var result = applyHook(this.handler, hookName, args);

    if (result && result.isTransition) {
      result = null;

    return Promise.resolve(result, this.promiseLabel("Resolve value returned from one of the model hooks"));