How to use the resin-multibuild.RegistrySecretValidator function in resin-multibuild

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async function parseRegistrySecrets(
	secretsFilename: string,
): Promise {
	const { fs } = await import('mz');
	try {
		let isYaml = false;
		if (/.+\.ya?ml$/i.test(secretsFilename)) {
			isYaml = true;
		} else if (!/.+\.json$/i.test(secretsFilename)) {
			throw new Error('Filename must end with .json, .yml or .yaml');
		const raw = (await fs.readFile(secretsFilename)).toString();
		const registrySecrets = new MultiBuild.RegistrySecretValidator().validateRegistrySecrets(
			isYaml ? require('js-yaml').safeLoad(raw) : JSON.parse(raw),
		return registrySecrets;
	} catch (error) {
		return exitWithExpectedError(
			`Error validating registry secrets file "${secretsFilename}":\n${


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