How to use the ref-napi.refType function in ref-napi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ref-napi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sindresorhus / active-win / lib / windows.js View on Github external
/* eslint-disable new-cap */
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const ffi = require('ffi-napi');
const wchar = require('ref-wchar-napi');
const ref = require('ref-napi');
const struct = require('ref-struct-napi');

// Create the struct required to save the window bounds
const Rect = struct({
	left: 'long',
	top: 'long',
	right: 'long',
	bottom: 'long'
const RectPointer = ref.refType(Rect);

// Required by QueryFullProcessImageName

// Create FFI declarations for the C++ library and functions needed (User32.dll), using their "Unicode" (UTF-16) version
const user32 = new ffi.Library('User32.dll', {
	GetForegroundWindow: ['pointer', []],
	GetWindowTextW: ['int', ['pointer', 'pointer', 'int']],
	GetWindowTextLengthW: ['int', ['pointer']],
	GetWindowThreadProcessId: ['uint32', ['pointer', 'uint32 *']],
	// Get window bounds function
github node-ffi-napi / node-ffi-napi / lib / dynamic_library.js View on Github external
'use strict';
 * Module dependencies.

const ForeignFunction = require('./foreign_function');
const assert = require('assert');
const debug = require('debug')('ffi:DynamicLibrary');
const bindings = require('./bindings');
const funcs = bindings.StaticFunctions;
const ref = require('ref-napi');
const read  = require('fs').readFileSync;

// typedefs
const int =;
const voidPtr = ref.refType(ref.types.void);

const dlopen  = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlopen,  voidPtr, [ 'string', int ]);
const dlclose = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlclose, int,     [ voidPtr ]);
const dlsym   = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlsym,   voidPtr, [ voidPtr, 'string' ]);
const dlerror = ForeignFunction(funcs.dlerror, 'string', [ ]);

 * `DynamicLibrary` loads and fetches function pointers for dynamic libraries
 * (.so, .dylib, etc). After the libray's function pointer is acquired, then you
 * call `get(symbol)` to retreive a pointer to an exported symbol. You need to
 * call `get___()` on the pointer to dereference it into its actual value, or
 * turn the pointer into a callable function with `ForeignFunction`.

function DynamicLibrary (path, mode) {
  if (!(this instanceof DynamicLibrary)) {
github node-ffi-napi / node-ffi-napi / test / foreign_function.js View on Github external
it('should call the static "add_boxes" bindings', function () {
    const count = 3;
    const boxes = new Buffer(box.size * count);
    box.set(boxes, box.size * 0, { width: 1, height: 10 });
    box.set(boxes, box.size * 1, { width: 2, height: 20 });
    box.set(boxes, box.size * 2, { width: 3, height: 30 });
    const boxPtr = ref.refType(box);
    const add_boxes = ffi.ForeignFunction(bindings.add_boxes, box, [ boxPtr, 'int' ]);
    const rtn = add_boxes(boxes, count);
    assert(rtn instanceof box);
    assert.strictEqual(6, rtn.width);
    assert.strictEqual(60, rtn.height);
github node-ffi-napi / node-ffi-napi / test / library.js View on Github external
it('should work with "gettimeofday" and a "timeval" Struct pointer', () => {
      const timeval = new Struct({
        tv_sec: ref.types.long,
        tv_usec: ref.types.long
      const timevalPtr = ref.refType(timeval);
      const timezonePtr = ref.refType(ref.types.void);
      const l = new Library(null, {
        gettimeofday: [, [timevalPtr, timezonePtr]]
      const tv = new timeval();
      l.gettimeofday(tv.ref(), null);
      assert.strictEqual(Math.floor( / 1000), tv.tv_sec);
github node-ffi-napi / node-ffi-napi / test / callback.js View on Github external
it('should not call "set()" of a pointer type', function () {
    const voidType = Object.create(ref.types.void);
    voidType.get = function () {
      throw new Error('"get()" should not be called');
    voidType.set = function () {
      throw new Error('"set()" should not be called');
    const voidPtr = ref.refType(voidType);
    let called = false;
    const cb = ffi.Callback(voidPtr, [ voidPtr ], function (ptr) {
      called = true;
      assert.strictEqual(0, ptr.address());
      return ptr;

    const fn = ffi.ForeignFunction(cb, voidPtr, [ voidPtr ]);
    const nul = fn(ref.NULL);
    assert.strictEqual(0, nul.address());
github ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs / lib / mqitypes.js View on Github external
exports.CBC = MQCBC._MQCBCffi_t;
exports.CMHO = ref.types.void;
exports.DMHO = ref.types.void;
exports.IMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.SMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.DMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.PD   = ref.types.void;

exports.PHCONN = ref.refType(exports.HCONN);
exports.PHOBJ = ref.refType(exports.HOBJ);
exports.PLONG = ref.refType(exports.LONG);
exports.PHMSG = ref.refType(exports.HMSG);

exports.POD = ref.refType(exports.OD);
exports.PSD = ref.refType(exports.SD);
exports.PMD = ref.refType(exports.MD);
exports.PPMO = ref.refType(exports.PMO);
exports.PGMO = ref.refType(exports.GMO);
exports.PCNO = ref.refType(exports.CNO);
exports.PCSP = ref.refType(exports.CSP);
exports.PSCO = ref.refType(exports.SCO);
exports.PSRO = ref.refType(exports.SRO);
exports.PSTS = ref.refType(exports.STS);
exports.PCTLO = ref.refType(exports.CTLO);
exports.PCBD = ref.refType(exports.CBD);
exports.PCBC = ref.refType(exports.CBC);
exports.PCMHO = ref.refType(exports.CMHO);
exports.PDMHO = ref.refType(exports.DMHO);
exports.PIMPO = ref.refType(exports.IMPO);
exports.PSMPO = ref.refType(exports.SMPO);
exports.PDMPO = ref.refType(exports.DMPO);
exports.PPD   = ref.refType(exports.PD);
github ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs / lib / mqitypes.js View on Github external
exports.SMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.DMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.PD   = ref.types.void;

exports.PHCONN = ref.refType(exports.HCONN);
exports.PHOBJ = ref.refType(exports.HOBJ);
exports.PLONG = ref.refType(exports.LONG);
exports.PHMSG = ref.refType(exports.HMSG);

exports.POD = ref.refType(exports.OD);
exports.PSD = ref.refType(exports.SD);
exports.PMD = ref.refType(exports.MD);
exports.PPMO = ref.refType(exports.PMO);
exports.PGMO = ref.refType(exports.GMO);
exports.PCNO = ref.refType(exports.CNO);
exports.PCSP = ref.refType(exports.CSP);
exports.PSCO = ref.refType(exports.SCO);
exports.PSRO = ref.refType(exports.SRO);
exports.PSTS = ref.refType(exports.STS);
exports.PCTLO = ref.refType(exports.CTLO);
exports.PCBD = ref.refType(exports.CBD);
exports.PCBC = ref.refType(exports.CBC);
exports.PCMHO = ref.refType(exports.CMHO);
exports.PDMHO = ref.refType(exports.DMHO);
exports.PIMPO = ref.refType(exports.IMPO);
exports.PSMPO = ref.refType(exports.SMPO);
exports.PDMPO = ref.refType(exports.DMPO);
exports.PPD   = ref.refType(exports.PD);

exports.CHARV = StructType({
  VSPtr    : ref.refType(ref.types.void),
  VSOffset : ref.types.int32,
github ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs / lib / mqitypes.js View on Github external
exports.PPMO = ref.refType(exports.PMO);
exports.PGMO = ref.refType(exports.GMO);
exports.PCNO = ref.refType(exports.CNO);
exports.PCSP = ref.refType(exports.CSP);
exports.PSCO = ref.refType(exports.SCO);
exports.PSRO = ref.refType(exports.SRO);
exports.PSTS = ref.refType(exports.STS);
exports.PCTLO = ref.refType(exports.CTLO);
exports.PCBD = ref.refType(exports.CBD);
exports.PCBC = ref.refType(exports.CBC);
exports.PCMHO = ref.refType(exports.CMHO);
exports.PDMHO = ref.refType(exports.DMHO);
exports.PIMPO = ref.refType(exports.IMPO);
exports.PSMPO = ref.refType(exports.SMPO);
exports.PDMPO = ref.refType(exports.DMPO);
exports.PPD   = ref.refType(exports.PD);

exports.CHARV = StructType({
  VSPtr    : ref.refType(ref.types.void),
  VSOffset : ref.types.int32,
  VSBufSize: ref.types.int32,
  VSLength : ref.types.int32,
  VSCCSID  : ref.types.int32

exports.PCHARV = ref.refType(exports.CHARV);
github ibm-messaging / mq-mqi-nodejs / lib / mqitypes.js View on Github external
exports.SCO = ref.types.void;
exports.SRO = ref.types.void;
exports.STS = ref.types.void;
exports.SD = ref.types.void;
exports.CTLO = ref.types.void;
exports.CBD = ref.types.void;
exports.CBC = MQCBC._MQCBCffi_t;
exports.CMHO = ref.types.void;
exports.DMHO = ref.types.void;
exports.IMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.SMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.DMPO = ref.types.void;
exports.PD   = ref.types.void;

exports.PHCONN = ref.refType(exports.HCONN);
exports.PHOBJ = ref.refType(exports.HOBJ);
exports.PLONG = ref.refType(exports.LONG);
exports.PHMSG = ref.refType(exports.HMSG);

exports.POD = ref.refType(exports.OD);
exports.PSD = ref.refType(exports.SD);
exports.PMD = ref.refType(exports.MD);
exports.PPMO = ref.refType(exports.PMO);
exports.PGMO = ref.refType(exports.GMO);
exports.PCNO = ref.refType(exports.CNO);
exports.PCSP = ref.refType(exports.CSP);
exports.PSCO = ref.refType(exports.SCO);
exports.PSRO = ref.refType(exports.SRO);
exports.PSTS = ref.refType(exports.STS);
exports.PCTLO = ref.refType(exports.CTLO);
exports.PCBD = ref.refType(exports.CBD);
exports.PCBC = ref.refType(exports.CBC);