How to use the redis-commands.list.filter function in redis-commands

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few redis-commands examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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const redis = require('redis');
const commands = require('redis-commands').list;
const objectDecorator = require('./object-decorator');

const AsyncRedis = function (args) {
  const client = Array.isArray(args) ? redis.createClient(...args) : redis.createClient(args);
  return AsyncRedis.decorate(client);

AsyncRedis.createClient = (...args) => new AsyncRedis(args);

// this is the set of commands to NOT promisify
const commandsToSkipSet = new Set(['multi']);
// this is the set of commands to promisify
const commandSet = new Set(commands.filter(c => !commandsToSkipSet.has(c)));

AsyncRedis.decorate = redisClient => objectDecorator(redisClient, (name, method) => {
  if (commandSet.has(name)) {
    return (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      args.push((error, ...results) => {
        if (error) {
          reject(error, ...results);
        } else {
      method.apply(redisClient, args);
  return method;