How to use the react-toastify.ToastPosition.TOP_RIGHT function in react-toastify

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-toastify examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eez-open / studio / packages / eez-studio-ui / notification.tsx View on Github external
export function error(message: string, options?: UpdateOptions) {
    return toast.error(message, options);

export function update(toastId: ToastId, options: UpdateOptions) {
    return toast.update(toastId, options);

export function dismiss(toastId: number) {

export const container = (

export const INFO = toast.TYPE.INFO;
export const SUCCESS = toast.TYPE.SUCCESS;
export const WARNING = toast.TYPE.WARNING;
export const ERROR = toast.TYPE.ERROR;