How to use the react-table.ReactTableDefaults.ThComponent function in react-table

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if (!pivotParentColumn.Header) {
      props.HeaderPivoted = 'Grouped'

  // Mark actual column group headers
  if (column.Header) {
    props.className = classNames('-headerGroup', column.className)

  return props

// ThComponent that can render a custom HeaderPivoted element and be navigated
// using a keyboard, with sorting toggleable through the enter or space key.
const DefaultThComponent = ReactTableDefaults.ThComponent
class ThComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      showFocus: false,
      clicked: false

  render() {
    let { HeaderPivoted, defaultSortOrder, isSortable, isSorted, isResizing, ...props } = this.props

    if (HeaderPivoted) {
      props.children = HeaderPivoted