How to use the react-styleguidist/lib/client/utils/handleHash.hasInHash function in react-styleguidist

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const scrollToOrigin = () => {
	const hash = window.location.hash
	if (hasInHash(hash, '#/') || hasInHash(hash, '#!/')) {
		// Extracts the id param of hash
		const idHashParam = getParameterByName(hash, 'id')

		// For default scroll scrollTop is the page top
		let scrollTop = 0

		if (idHashParam) {
			// Searches the node with the same id, takes his offsetTop
			// And with offsetTop, tries to scroll to node
			const idElement = document.getElementById(idHashParam)
			if (idElement && idElement.offsetTop) {
				scrollTop = idElement.offsetTop
		window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop)