How to use the react-s3-uploader/s3upload function in react-s3-uploader

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-s3-uploader examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github founderlab / react-dropzone-s3-uploader / src / DropzoneS3Uploader.js View on Github external
signingUrlQueryParams: this.props.signingUrlQueryParams,
      signingUrlHeaders: this.props.signingUrlHeaders,

      uploadRequestHeaders: this.props.headers || this.props.uploadRequestHeaders,
      contentDisposition: this.props.contentDisposition,

      onProgress: this.onProgress,
      onFinishS3Put: this.onFinish,
      onError: this.onError,

      server: this.props.server || || '',
    }, this.props.uploaderOptions)

    if (this.props.preprocess) options.preprocess = this.props.preprocess

    new S3Upload(options) // eslint-disable-line

    this.props.onDrop && this.props.onDrop(files, rejectedFiles)


React component that renders a file input and automatically uploads to an S3 bucket

Latest version published 4 years ago

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