How to use react-material-ui-form-validator - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-material-ui-form-validator examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NewOldMax / react-material-ui-form-validator / src / components / examples / CustomRulesFormExample.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
        // custom rule will have name 'isPasswordMatch'
        ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isPasswordMatch', (value) => {
            const { formData } = this.state;
            if (value !== formData.password) {
                return false;
            return true;
github rjwats / esp8266-react / interface / src / forms / WiFiSettingsForm.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isIP', isIP);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isHostname', isHostname);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isOptionalIP', optional(isIP));
github Colt / react-colors / colors-app / src / PaletteMetaForm.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule("isPaletteNameUnique", value =>
        ({ paletteName }) => paletteName.toLowerCase() !== value.toLowerCase()
  handleChange(evt) {
github rjwats / esp8266-react / interface / src / forms / UserForm.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('uniqueUsername', this.props.uniqueUsername);
github rjwats / esp8266-react / interface / src / forms / WiFiSettingsForm.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isIP', isIP);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isHostname', isHostname);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isOptionalIP', optional(isIP));
github Colt / react-colors / colors-app / src / ColorPickerForm.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule("isColorNameUnique", value =>
        ({ name }) => name.toLowerCase() !== value.toLowerCase()
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule("isColorUnique", value =>
      this.props.colors.every(({ color }) => color !== this.state.currentColor)
  updateCurrentColor(newColor) {
github rjwats / esp8266-react / interface / src / forms / OTASettingsForm.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isIPOrHostname', or(isIP, isHostname));
github tamasszoke / mern-boilerplate / client / src / components / Registration / Registration.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isPasswordMatch', (value) => {
      if (value !== this.state.password) {
        return false
      return true
github tamasszoke / mern-boilerplate / client / src / components / RecoveryHash / RecoveryHash.js View on Github external
componentDidMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isPasswordMatch', (value) => {
      if (value !== this.state.password) {
        return false
      return true
github rjwats / esp8266-react / interface / src / forms / WiFiSettingsForm.js View on Github external
componentWillMount() {
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isIP', isIP);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isHostname', isHostname);
    ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isOptionalIP', optional(isIP));


Simple validator for forms designed with material-ui v1/v3/v4/v5 components.

Latest version published 2 years ago

Package Health Score

50 / 100
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Popular react-material-ui-form-validator functions