How to use react-markdown - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-markdown examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github denoland / deno_website2 / src / component / Markdown.tsx View on Github external

// We want to allow HTML in markdown, but not anything unsafe like script tags.
const parseHtml = htmlParser({
  isValidNode: (node: any) => {
    return allowedTags.indexOf(node.type.toLowerCase()) >= 0;

function flatten(text: any, child: any) {
  return typeof child === "string"
    ? text + child
    : React.Children.toArray(child.props.children).reduce(flatten, text);

function slugify(text: string): string {
  text = text.toLowerCase();
  text = text.split(" ").join("-");
  text = text.split(/\t/).join("--");
  text = text.split(/[|$&`~=\\/@+*!?({[\]})<>=.,;:'"^]/).join("");
github topheman / npm-registry-browser / src / components / Markdown.js View on Github external
const makeTransformImageUri = ({ repository }) => uri => {
  // make sure to sanitize links through XSS-filter
  let sanitizedUri = uriTransformer(uri);
  // transform github relative links to images to absolute one to
  sanitizedUri = repository.isGithub
    ? buildImageUrl(repository, sanitizedUri)
    : sanitizedUri;
  return sanitizedUri;
github topheman / npm-registry-browser / src / components / Markdown.js View on Github external
const makeTransformLinkUri = ({ repository }) => uri => {
  // make sure to sanitize links through XSS-filter
  let sanitizedUri = uriTransformer(uri);
  // transform github relative links to absolute ones
  // keep the anchors - will be rendered by LinkRenderer
  sanitizedUri =
    repository.isGithub && !(uri && uri.startsWith("#"))
      ? buildLinkUrl(repository, sanitizedUri)
      : sanitizedUri;
  // transform links to npm to be used by our front router
  return sanitizedUri
    ? sanitizedUri.replace(
    : null;
github jimmyleray / Emendare / client / src / components / markdown.js View on Github external
import React from 'react'

import HtmlToReact from 'html-to-react' //
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown' //
import htmlParser from 'react-markdown/plugins/html-parser'

import 'github-markdown-css' //

// See
// for more info on the processing instructions
const processNodeDefinitions = new HtmlToReact.ProcessNodeDefinitions(React)
const parseHtml = htmlParser({
  isValidNode: node => node.type !== 'script',
  processingInstructions: [
      shouldProcessNode: node => {
        return true
      processNode: processNodeDefinitions.processDefaultNode

export const Markdown = ({ children, className }) => (
github StoDevX / AAO-React-Native / modules / markdown / markdown.js View on Github external
// @flow

import * as React from 'react'
import {View} from 'react-native'
import glamorous from 'glamorous-native'
import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'

import propTypes from 'prop-types'
ReactMarkdown.propTypes.containerTagName = propTypes.func

import {Paragraph, Strong, Emph, BlockQuote} from './formatting'
import {Code, HighlightedCodeBlock as CodeBlock} from './code'
import {Heading} from './heading'
import {Link} from './link'
import {Image} from './image'
import {List, ListItem} from './list'

const Softbreak = () => ' '
const Hardbreak = () => '\n'
const HorizontalRule = glamorous.view({
	width: '100%',
	height: 1,
	backgroundColor: 'black',
github hoppula / refire-forum / src / Thread / PostBody.js View on Github external
    }) =&gt; {

  if (hide || !post) {
    return ( <div></div> )
  } else {
    return (
github kazuar / mook / src / App.js View on Github external
render() {
    return (
github hoppula / refire-forum / src / Thread / Post.js View on Github external
                <img src="{post.user.image}">
github hoppula / refire-forum / src / Thread / PreviewFields.js View on Github external
            <p>Nothing to preview yet</p>

    return (
  } else {
    return <div>
github hoppula / refire-forum / src / Board / PreviewFields.js View on Github external

    return (
  } else {
    return <div>


React component to render markdown

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