How to use react-instantsearch-dom - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-instantsearch-dom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github 0xProject / 0x-monorepo / packages / website / ts / components / docs / search_input.tsx View on Github external
import React from 'react';

import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
import { Configure, connectAutoComplete, Index, InstantSearch } from 'react-instantsearch-dom';

import { CustomAutoComplete } from 'ts/components/docs/search/autocomplete';

const searchClient = algoliasearch('39X6WOJZKW', '6acba761a34d99781628c6178af1e16c');

interface ISearchInputProps {
    isHome?: boolean;

const AutoComplete = connectAutoComplete(CustomAutoComplete);

export const SearchInput: React.FC = ({ isHome }) => (
            // console.log('searchState', searchState);
github janosh / / src / components / Search / index.js View on Github external
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite'
import React, { createRef, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import { connectStateResults, Index, InstantSearch } from 'react-instantsearch-dom'
import { useOnClickOutside } from 'hooks'
import Hits from './Hits'
import Input from './Input'
import { HitsWrapper, PoweredBy, Root } from './styles'

const Results = connectStateResults(
  ({ searching, searchState: state, searchResults: res }) =>
    (searching &amp;&amp; <div>Searching...</div>) ||
    (res &amp;&amp; res.nbHits === 0 &amp;&amp; <div>No results for '{state.query}'</div>)

const Stats = connectStateResults(
  ({ searchResults: res }) =&gt;
    res &amp;&amp; res.nbHits &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; `${res.nbHits} result${res.nbHits &gt; 1 ? `s` : ``}`

export default function Search({ indices, collapse = true, hitsAsGrid }) {
  const ref = createRef()
  const [query, setQuery] = useState(``)
  const [focus, setFocus] = useState(false)
  const appId = process.env.GATSBY_ALGOLIA_APP_ID
  const searchKey = process.env.GATSBY_ALGOLIA_SEARCH_KEY
  // useMemo prevents the searchClient from being recreated on every render.
  // Avoids unnecessary XHR requests (see
  const searchClient = useMemo(() =&gt; algoliasearch(appId, searchKey), [
github postmanlabs / postman-docs / src / components / Search / searchPreview.jsx View on Github external
const SearchBox = ({ currentRefinement, refine }) =&gt; (
    <form role="search" action="" novalidate="">
      <input value="{currentRefinement}" type="search"> refine(event.currentTarget.value)}

export const CustomSearchBox = connectSearchBox(SearchBox);

// on page load do not display
const Hits = ({ hits }) =&gt; (
  // if parent component set is type, render, otherwise hide
    {hits.length &lt; 1 ? <li>No search results found</li> : ''}
    { =&gt; (
        <a href="{hit.fields.slug}">
          </span></a><p><a href="{hit.fields.slug}">

      //  Work on highlighting
      // /////////////////////////////////////////////////</ul>
github algolia / react-instantsearch / examples / ssr / src / server.js View on Github external
server.get('/', async (req, res) =&gt; {
  const { App, props } = createApp();

  // URLSync
  const searchState = {
    query: 'iPhone',
    refinementList: {
      brand: ['Apple'],

  const resultsState = await findResultsState(App, {

  const initialState = {

  const body = ReactDOM.renderToString();

      title: 'Hello World from the server',
      initialState: JSON.stringify(initialState),
github dataform-co / dataform / docs / components / search / index.tsx View on Github external
import { connectHits, createConnector, InstantSearch } from "react-instantsearch-dom";

const searchClient = algoliasearch("Q9QS39IFO0", "153e21a16f649c7f9ec28185683415cf");

export class Search extends React.Component&lt;{}, {}&gt; {
  public render() {
    return (

// Mostly magic to me:
const connectWithQuery = createConnector({
  displayName: "WidgetWithQuery",
  getProvidedProps(props, searchState) {
    // Since the `attributeForMyQuery` searchState entry isn't
    // necessarily defined, we need to default its value.
    const currentRefinement = searchState.attributeForMyQuery || "";

    // Connect the underlying component with the `currentRefinement`
    return { currentRefinement };
  refine(props, searchState, nextRefinement) {
    // When the underlying component calls its `refine` prop,
    // we update the searchState with the provided refinement.
    return {
      // `searchState` represents the search state of *all* widgets. We need to extend it
      // instead of replacing it, otherwise other widgets will lose their respective state.
github pmt-mcpe-fun / website / components / PoggitSearch.jsx View on Github external

const SearchBox = ({ currentRefinement, refine }) =&gt; (

const CustomSearchBox = connectSearchBox(SearchBox);

const Content = connectStateResults(
  ({ searchState, searchResults }) =&gt;
    searchResults &amp;&amp; searchResults.nbHits !== 0
      ? null
      : <div>
          No plugins were found matching <em>{searchState.query}</em>

const Hit = ({ hit }) =&gt; {
  if (hit.api &amp;&amp; hit.api.length) {
    if (SemverJS.split(hit.api[0].from).major == '3') {
      return (
            <a href="{`${hit.project_name}`}"></a>
github yarnpkg / website / js / src / util / formatKeywords.js View on Github external
function parseHighlightedAttribute({
  preTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPreTag,
  postTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPostTag,
}) {
  const splitByPreTag = highlightedValue.split(preTag);
  const firstValue = splitByPreTag.shift();
  const elements =
    firstValue === '' ? [] : [{ value: firstValue, isHighlighted: false }];

  if (postTag === preTag) {
    let isHighlighted = true;
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      elements.push({ value: split, isHighlighted });
      isHighlighted = !isHighlighted;
  } else {
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      const splitByPostTag = split.split(postTag);
github yarnpkg / website / js / src / util / formatKeywords.js View on Github external
function parseHighlightedAttribute({
  preTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPreTag,
  postTag = HIGHLIGHT_TAGS.highlightPostTag,
}) {
  const splitByPreTag = highlightedValue.split(preTag);
  const firstValue = splitByPreTag.shift();
  const elements =
    firstValue === '' ? [] : [{ value: firstValue, isHighlighted: false }];

  if (postTag === preTag) {
    let isHighlighted = true;
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
      elements.push({ value: split, isHighlighted });
      isHighlighted = !isHighlighted;
  } else {
    splitByPreTag.forEach(split => {
github ChilliCream / hotchocolate / website / src / components / misc / search.tsx View on Github external

const SearchBox = connectSearchBox(
  ({ currentRefinement, onFocus, refine }) =&gt; (

const Results = connectStateResults((comp) =&gt;
  comp.searchResults &amp;&amp; comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 0
    ? (comp.children as any)
    : (`No results for '${comp.searchState.query}'` as any)

const Stats = connectStateResults(
  (comp) =&gt;
    comp.searchResults &amp;&amp;
    comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 0 &amp;&amp;
    (`${comp.searchResults.nbHits} result${
      comp.searchResults.nbHits &gt; 1 ? `s` : ``
    }` as any)

const DocHit = (siteUrl: string, clickHandler: () =&gt; void) =&gt; ({
github wildbit / smtp-field-manual / src / components / search / index.js View on Github external
} from 'react-instantsearch-dom'
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite'
import cn from 'classnames'
import { Algolia } from 'styled-icons/fa-brands/Algolia'

import Input from './input'
import * as hitComps from './hitComps'

const IndexResults = connectStateResults(({ searchResults, children }) =&gt;
  searchResults &amp;&amp; searchResults.nbHits !== 0 ? children : null

const AllResults = connectStateResults(
  ({ allSearchResults, searching, children }) =&gt; {
    const hasResults =
      allSearchResults &amp;&amp;
      Object.values(allSearchResults).some(results =&gt; results.nbHits &gt; 0)

    return !hasResults ? (
        {searching ? (
            <h5 aria-hidden="">
            <p>Searching the catacombs...</p>
        ) : (
            <h5 aria-hidden="">
            <p>Couldn’t find any results!</p></h5></div></div>