How to use the react-icons-kit.withBaseIcon function in react-icons-kit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-icons-kit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enzeberg / tongzhong-music / client / src / pages / index / components / MusicPlayer.jsx View on Github external
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Row, Col, Slider, Button, Icon, Tooltip } from 'antd';
import { withBaseIcon } from 'react-icons-kit';
import { repeat } from 'react-icons-kit/ikons/repeat';
import { ic_repeat_one } from 'react-icons-kit/md/ic_repeat_one'
import { shuffle } from 'react-icons-kit/ikons/shuffle';
import { volume_2 } from 'react-icons-kit/ikons/volume_2';
import { volume_mute } from 'react-icons-kit/ikons/volume_mute';

import Artists from './Artists';
import MVIcon from './MVIcon';
import PlayingList from './PlayingList';
import { toMinAndSec } from '../lib/time_converter';
import { musicPlayer } from '../../../config';

const Icon1 = withBaseIcon({
  size: 20,
  style: {
    color: 'white',
    verticalAlign: 'middle',
    paddingLeft: 10
const modeIcons = {
  loop: repeat,
  single: ic_repeat_one,
  shuffle: shuffle,

const playModes = ['loop', 'shuffle', 'single'];
const modeExplanations = {
  loop: '循环',
github enzeberg / tongzhong-music / client / src / pages / mobile_index / components / MusicPlayer.jsx View on Github external
import { shuffle } from 'react-icons-kit/ikons/shuffle';

import Playlist from './Playlist';
import { toMinAndSec } from '../lib/time_converter';
import { musicPlayer } from '../../../config';
import neteaseMusicLogo from '../images/netease_16.ico';
import qqMusicLogo from '../images/qq_16.ico';
import xiamiMusicLogo from '../images/xiami_16.ico';

  placement: 'bottomRight',
  bottom: 50,
  duration: 3,

const Icon1 = withBaseIcon({
  size: 22, style: { color: 'black', verticalAlign: 'middle' }
const modeIcons = {
  loop: repeat,
  single: ic_repeat_one,
  shuffle: shuffle,

const playModes = ['loop', 'single', 'shuffle'];
const modeExplanations = {
  loop: '循环',
  single: '单曲循环',
  shuffle: '随机',

const isiOS = Boolean(navigator.userAgent.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/));