How to use react-dnd - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-dnd examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / react-dnd_v2.x.x / flow_v0.53.x- / test_react-dnd-v2.js View on Github external
          position: "relative",
          width: "100%",
          height: "100%"
        {isOver && !canDrop && this.renderOverlay("red")}
        {!isOver && canDrop && this.renderOverlay("yellow")}
        {isOver && canDrop && this.renderOverlay("green")}

const DndBoardSquare = DropTarget(

(DndBoardSquare.DecoratedComponent: typeof BoardSquare);

// $ExpectError: Missing required prop
(: React.Element);

(: React.Element);

// $ExpectError: Invalid required prop
(: React.Element);

(: React.Element);
github jacobp100 / hooks-test / src / App.js View on Github external
import React, { useReducer } from "react";
import { DragDropContext } from "react-dnd";
import HTML5Backend from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
import Button from "./Button";
import GraphView from "./GraphView";

const updater = (current, by) => Math.max(current + by, 0);

// This is really just to demonstrate there's no global state, and that you can
// have multiple graph views
export default DragDropContext(HTML5Backend)(() => {
  const [numGraphViews, incrementGraphViewBy] = useReducer(updater, 1);

  return (
      <button> incrementGraphViewBy(1)} title="Add Graph View" /&gt;
      </button><button> incrementGraphViewBy(-1)}
        title="Remove Graph View"
      {Array.from({ length: numGraphViews }, (_, i) =&gt; (
github flow-typed / flow-typed / definitions / npm / react-dnd_v2.x.x / flow_v0.53.x- / test_react-dnd-v2.js View on Github external
static defaultProps: CustomDragLayerProps = {
    isDragging: false,
    title: ""

  render() {
    const { title, isDragging } = this.props;
    if (!isDragging) {
      return null;

    return <div>this.props.title</div>;

const DndCustomDragLayer = DragLayer(dragLayerCollect)(CustomDragLayer);

(DndCustomDragLayer.DecoratedComponent: typeof CustomDragLayer);

// Test Drag Drop Context
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

type BoardProps = {
  width: number,
  height: number

class Board extends React.Component {
  static defaultProps: BoardProps = {
    width: 400,
    height: 400
github choerodon / choerodon-front-agile / agile / src / app / agile / containers / program / Board / BoardHome / components / BoardBody / IssueCard.js View on Github external
// console.log(source.boardFeatureId, boardFeatureId);
      if ( !== id) {
        props.moveCard(source, {
          index: props.index,
          sprintId: props.sprintId,
          projectId: props.projectId,
      return props;
  connect => ({
    connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
      beginDrag: props => ({
        issue: props.issue,
        index: props.index,
        sprintId: props.sprintId,
        projectId: props.projectId,
      endDrag(props, monitor) {
        const source = monitor.getItem();
        const didDrop = monitor.didDrop();
        const result = monitor.getDropResult();
        if (result) {
          const {
            dropType, teamProjectId, sprintId, index,
github choerodon / agile-service-old / react / routes / StoryMap / StoryMapHome / components / StoryMapBody / StoryArea / StoryColumn.js View on Github external
style={{ background: isOver ? 'rgb(240,240,240)' : 'white', position: 'relative' }}
        <div style="{{">
          {storys &amp;&amp;, index) =&gt; )}
          {!StoryMapStore.isFullScreen &amp;&amp; }

StoryColumn.propTypes = {


export default DropTarget(
    drop: props =&gt; ({ epic: props.epic, feature: props.feature, version: props.version }),
  (connect, monitor) =&gt; ({
    connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
    isOver: monitor.isOver(),
    // canDrop: monitor.canDrop(), //去掉可以优化性能
github netlify / netlify-cms / packages / netlify-cms-core / src / components / UI / DragDrop.js View on Github external
export const DragSource = ({ namespace, ...props }) => {
  const DragComponent = ReactDNDDragSource(
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
      beginDrag({ children, isDragging, connectDragComponent, ...ownProps }) {
        // We return the rest of the props as the ID of the element being dragged.
        return ownProps;
    connect => ({
      connectDragComponent: connect.dragSource(),
  )(({ children, connectDragComponent }) => children(connectDragComponent));

  return React.createElement(DragComponent, props, props.children);
DragSource.propTypes = {
github joshwcomeau / react-flip-move / examples / components / 3_Scrabble.jsx View on Github external
}                                       from 'react-dnd';

import FlipMove from 'react-flip-move';
import Toggle from './Toggle.jsx';
import tiles from '../data/tiles.js';

const BOARD_WIDTH   = 11;
const BOARD_HEIGHT  = 7;
const SQUARE_SIZE   = 56;
const TILE_OFFSET   = 3;

class Scrabble extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { tiles }

    this.updateDroppedTilePosition = this.updateDroppedTilePosition.bind(this);
    this.resetTiles = this.resetTiles.bind(this);

  updateDroppedTilePosition({x, y}, tile) {
    // Normally, this would be done through a Redux action, but because this
    // is such a contrived example, I'm just passing the action down through
    // the child.

    // Create a copy of the state, find the newly-dropped tile.
    let stateTiles = this.state.tiles.slice();
github Opentrons / opentrons / protocol-designer / src / components / ProtocolEditor.js View on Github external
            {/* TODO: Ian 2018-06-28 All main page modals will go here */}


export default DragDropContext(MouseBackEnd)(ProtocolEditor)
github jamstack-cms / jamstack-cms / src / components / pageTemplates / heroTemplate.js View on Github external
function Draggable({ content, updateContent, currentView, component: Component, id, deleteComponent, index, moveCard, theme }) {
  const ref = useRef(null)
  const [, drop] = useDrop({
    accept: 'COMPONENT',
    hover(item, monitor) {
      if (!ref.current) {
      const dragIndex = item.index
      const hoverIndex = index
      // Don't replace items with themselves
      if (dragIndex === hoverIndex) {
      // Determine rectangle on screen
      const hoverBoundingRect = ref.current.getBoundingClientRect()
      // Get vertical middle
      const hoverMiddleY =
        (hoverBoundingRect.bottom - / 2
github MichelleWillaQu / ObjectViewGallery-Art-Showcase / static / gallery.js View on Github external
// entire lifetime of the component
  const reference = useRef(null);

  const [{isDragging}, drag] = useDrag({
    item: {id:,
           order: props.order, 
           type: ItemTypes.TWOD,
           url: props.url},
    canDrag: () =&gt; props.editMode,
    collect: (monitor) =&gt; ({
      isDragging: !!monitor.isDragging()

  const [, drop] = useDrop({
    accept: [ItemTypes.TWOD, ItemTypes.OBJ, ItemTypes.GLTF],
    canDrop: () =&gt; props.editMode,
    hover(item) {
      if (item.order !== props.order){
        props.onHover(item, props);
  // Initialize drag and drop reference component
  // Background-image over img tag to be able to use background-size/position
  const imageElement = (
    <div style="{{backgroundImage:" name="{}"></div>