How to use react-css-super-themr - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-css-super-themr examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / communities / cs / Footer / index.jsx View on Github external
Footer.defaultProps = {
  // text: '',
  theme: {
    footer: '',
    footerText: '',

Footer.propTypes = {
  theme: PT.shape({
    footer: PT.string.isRequired,
    footerText: PT.string,

export default themr('Footer', defaultStyle)(Footer);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / communities / wipro / Footer / index.jsx View on Github external
Footer.defaultProps = {
  // text: '',
  theme: {
    footer: '',
    footerText: '',

Footer.propTypes = {
  theme: PT.shape({
    footer: PT.string.isRequired,
    footerText: PT.string,

export default themr('Footer', defaultStyle)(Footer);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / communities / veterans / Footer / index.jsx View on Github external
Footer.defaultProps = {
  // text: '',
  theme: {
    footer: '',
    footerText: '',

Footer.propTypes = {
  theme: PT.shape({
    footer: PT.string.isRequired,
    footerText: PT.string,

export default themr('Footer', defaultStyle)(Footer);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / containers / terms-detail / index.jsx View on Github external
    getDocuSignUrl: (tokens, templateId, returnUrl) => {
      dispatch(actions.terms.getDocuSignUrlDone(templateId, returnUrl, tokens.tokenV2));
    agreeTerms: (tokens, termId) => {
      dispatch(actions.terms.agreeTermDone(termId, tokens.tokenV2));

export default connect(
)(themr('Contentful-Blog', styles)(TermsDetailPageContainer));
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / ArticleCard / index.jsx View on Github external
link: PT.shape({
    title: PT.string.isRequired,
    url: PT.string.isRequired,
  theme: PT.shape({
    container: PT.string,
    image: PT.string,
    content: PT.string,
    title: PT.string,
    text: PT.string,
    linkWrap: PT.string,
    link: PT.string,

export default themr('tcCommunities-ArticleCard', defaultStyle)(ArticleCard);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / Contentful / Accordion / Accordion / index.jsx View on Github external
container: PT.string,
    titleList: PT.string,
    titleListItem: PT.string,
    titleListItemSelected: PT.string,
    content: PT.string,
    outerContainer: PT.any,
    description: PT.any,
  title: PT.string,
  description: PT.string,
  preview: PT.bool,
  spaceName: PT.string,
  environment: PT.string,

export default themr('Contentful-Accordion', defaultStyle)(Accordion);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / VideoCard / index.jsx View on Github external

ArticleCard.propTypes = {
  title: PT.string.isRequired,
  theme: PT.shape({
    container: PT.string,
    content: PT.string,
    title: PT.string,
    video: PT.string,
  url: PT.string.isRequired,

export default themr('tcCommunities-ArticleCard', defaultStyle)(ArticleCard);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / Text / index.jsx View on Github external

Text.defaultProps = {
  theme: {},

Text.propTypes = {
  children: PT.node.isRequired,
  theme: PT.shape({
    container: PT.string,

export default themr('tcCommunities-Text', defaultStyle)(Text);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tc-communities / ResourceCard / index.jsx View on Github external
link: PT.shape({
    openNewTab: PT.bool,
    title: PT.string.isRequired,
    url: PT.string.isRequired,
  theme: PT.shape({
    container: PT.string,
    icon: PT.string,
    title: PT.string,
    text: PT.string,
    linkWrap: PT.string,
    link: PT.string,

export default themr('tcCommunities-ResourceCard', defaultStyle)(ResourceCard);
github topcoder-platform / community-app / src / shared / components / tags / index.js View on Github external
import { Button as GenericButton } from 'topcoder-react-utils';
import { themr } from 'react-css-super-themr';

import defaultTag from './default.scss';

import dataScienceTrackTag from './primary/data-science.scss';
import designTrackTag from './primary/design.scss';
import developmentTrackTag from './primary/develop.scss';

import dataScienceTrackEventTag from './event/data-science.scss';
import designTrackEventTag from './event/design.scss';
import developmentTrackEventTag from './event/develop.scss';

export const Tag =
  themr('Tag', defaultTag)(GenericButton);

export const DataScienceTrackTag =
  themr('DataScienceTrackTag', dataScienceTrackTag)(GenericButton);
export const DataScienceTrackEventTag =
  themr('DataScienceTrackEventTag', dataScienceTrackEventTag)(GenericButton);

export const DesignTrackTag =
  themr('DesignTrackTag', designTrackTag)(GenericButton);
export const DesignTrackEventTag =
  themr('DesignTrackEventTag', designTrackEventTag)(GenericButton);

export const DevelopmentTrackTag =
  themr('DevelopmentTrackTag', developmentTrackTag)(GenericButton);
export const DevelopmentTrackEventTag =
  themr('DevelopmentTrackEventTag', developmentTrackEventTag)(GenericButton);


React CSS Super Themr

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