How to use the react-beautiful-dnd.DragDropContext function in react-beautiful-dnd

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-beautiful-dnd examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github iuap-design / / tinper-bee / bee-transfer / build / Transfer.js View on Github external
rightDataSource = _state3.rightDataSource,
        droppableId = _state3.droppableId;

    // const { leftDataSource, rightDataSource } = this.splitDataSource(this.props);

    var leftActive = targetSelectedKeys.length > 0;
    var rightActive = sourceSelectedKeys.length > 0;

    var cls = (0, _classnames2["default"])(className, prefixCls);

    var titles = this.getTitles();
    return _react2["default"].createElement(
      { className: cls },
        { onDragEnd: this.onDragEnd, onDragStart: this.onDragStart },
        _react2["default"].createElement(_list2["default"], {
          titleText: titles[0] //左侧标题
          , dataSource: leftDataSource //左侧数据源
          , filter: leftFilter //搜索框中输入的内容
          , filterOption: filterOption //搜索过滤方法 参数(inputValue, option)
          , style: listStyle //自定义的columns的样式表
          , checkedKeys: sourceSelectedKeys //左侧已勾选的item的keys
          , handleFilter: this.handleLeftFilter //左侧搜索框值更改事件
          , handleClear: this.handleLeftClear //清空左侧搜索框内容
          , handleSelect: this.handleLeftSelect //点击左侧列表中的item,改变选中或取消选中状态
          , handleSelectAll: this.handleLeftSelectAll //点击左侧全选
          , render: render,
          showSearch: showSearch //是否显示搜索框
          , searchPlaceholder: searchPlaceholder //搜索框placeholder
          , notFoundContent: notFoundContent //当没有相关内容的显示内容
github iuap-design / / tinper-bee / bee-dnd / build / SortList.js View on Github external
var _props = this.props,
        onStart = _props.onStart,
        onDrag = _props.onDrag,
        onStop = _props.onStop,
        onDragUpdate = _props.onDragUpdate,
        dropClass = _props.dropClass,
        dropOverClass = _props.dropOverClass,
        dragClass = _props.dragClass,
        dragingClass = _props.dragingClass,
        showKey = _props.showKey,
        type = _props.type;

    return _react2["default"].createElement(
      { onDragEnd: this.onDragEnd, onDragStart: this.onDragStart, onDragUpdate: onDragUpdate },
        { droppableId: 'droppable', direction: type },
        function (provided, snapshot) {
          return _react2["default"].createElement(
              ref: provided.innerRef,
              className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(_extends({}, (0, _util.getClass)(_this2.props, snapshot.isDraggingOver).drop))
   (item, index) {
              return _react2["default"].createElement(
                { key: index, draggableId: '' + index, index: index },
                function (provided, snapshot) {
github iuap-design / / tinper-bee / bee-dnd / build / Between.js View on Github external
dropOverClass = _props.dropOverClass,
            dragClass = _props.dragClass,
            dragingClass = _props.dragingClass,
            showKey = _props.showKey,
            type = _props.type;

        return _react2["default"].createElement(
            { className: (0, _classnames2["default"])({
                    'u-drag-between': type == 'betweenVertical',
                    'u-drag-between u-drag-between-horizontal': type == 'betweenHorizontal'

                }) },
                { onDragEnd: this.onDragEnd, onDragStart: this.onDragStart, onDragUpdate: onDragUpdate },
                    { droppableId: 'droppable', direction: type == 'betweenVertical' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' },
                    function (provided, snapshot) {
                        return _react2["default"].createElement(
                                ref: provided.innerRef,
                                className: (0, _classnames2["default"])(_extends({}, (0, _util.getClass)(_this2.props, snapshot.isDraggingOver).drop)) },
                   (item, index) {
                                return _react2["default"].createElement(
                                        key: '1' + index,
                                        draggableId: '1' + index,
github exced / react-file-manager / lib / App.js View on Github external
var preview = itemSelectedId ? renderPreview(map[itemSelectedId], itemSelectedIndex) : null;

      return _react2.default.createElement(
                { onDragStart: this.onDragStart, onDragEnd: this.onDragEnd },
       (id) {
                  return map[id].children && _react2.default.createElement(
                    { key: 'column-' + id },
                    _react2.default.createElement(_Column2.default, {
                      listId: id,
                      listType: 'card',
                      data: assemble(map, map[id].children),
                      autoFocusId: autoFocusId,
                      selectedId: itemSelectedId,
                      onClickItem: _this2.onClickItem,
                      itemSelectedColor: itemSelectedColor,
                      dropBackgroundColor: dropBackgroundColor,
                      renderItem: renderItem,
                      onOutsideDrop: onOutsideDrop,
github openequella / openEQUELLA / Source / Plugins / Core / com.equella.core / js / src / ExtUI / DragNDrop / Beautiful.js View on Github external
const DND = require('react-beautiful-dnd');

exports.dragDropContextClass = DND.DragDropContext;
exports.draggableClass = DND.Draggable;
exports.droppableClass = DND.Droppable;
github iuap-design / / tinper-bee / bee-dnd / build / Dnd.js View on Github external
_extends({ defaultClassName: this.props.dragClass,
                    defaultClassNameDragging: this.props.dragingClass,
                    defaultClassNameDragged: this.props.draggedClass
                }, this.props),

    return Dnd;

Dnd.propTypes = propTypes;
Dnd.defaultProps = defaultProps;
Dnd.Drag = _reactDraggable2["default"];
Dnd.DragDropContext = _reactBeautifulDnd.DragDropContext;
Dnd.Droppable = _reactBeautifulDnd.Droppable;
Dnd.Draggable = _reactBeautifulDnd.Draggable;
Dnd.GridLayout = _GridLayout2["default"];
exports["default"] = Dnd;
module.exports = exports['default'];
github olymp / olymp / external / fela / menu / dnd / context.js View on Github external
exports.default = function (_ref) {
  var children = _ref.children,
      onDragEnd = _ref.onDragEnd;
  return _react2.default.createElement(
    { onDragEnd: onDragEnd },
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