How to use the react-async.globalScope.sessionStorage function in react-async

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import React from "react"
import { ActionTypes, reducer, globalScope } from "react-async"

import { Root, Range, Checkbox, Label, Small, Ol, Li, Button } from "./components"

const storage = globalScope.sessionStorage

const state = {
  intercept: (storage && storage.getItem("intercept") === "true") || false,
  latency: (storage && storage.getItem("latency")) || "0",
  update: () => {},

globalScope.__REACT_ASYNC__.devToolsDispatcher = (action, dispatch) => {
  const run = () => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ActionTypes.start:
      if (state.intercept) {
        dispatch({ ...action, payload: undefined })