How to use react-app-rewired - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few react-app-rewired examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github strothj / react-app-rewire-typescript-babel-preset / packages / rewire / rewireWebpack.ts View on Github external
// Replace the babel-preset-react-app preset with the preset rewire from this
  // package. This is done so @babel/preset-flow can be removed.
  // const babelLoader = getBabelLoader(config.module.rules) as webpack.NewLoader;
  const babelLoader = getLoader(
    scriptLoader.use as webpack.RuleSetRule[],
  ) as webpack.NewLoader;
  if (!babelLoader || !babelLoader.options)
    throw new Error("Unable to locate Babel loader.");
  babelLoader.options.presets = [path.resolve(__dirname, "rewirePreset")];

  // Older versions of react-scripts v2 use a Webpack loader to add support for
  // SVGs as React components. Later versions do this using a Babel plugin.
  // Check if it is present. If it is, replace the preset in the SVG loader's
  // sibling Babel loader.
  const svgLoader = getLoader(config.module.rules, svgLoaderMatcher);
  if (svgLoader) {
    if (!("use" in svgLoader) || !Array.isArray(svgLoader.use))
      throw new Error("Unexpected layout for SVG loader.");
    const svgBabelLoader = svgLoader.use.find((l: any) =>
    if (
      !svgBabelLoader ||
      typeof svgBabelLoader !== "object" ||
      !("options" in svgBabelLoader) ||
      svgBabelLoader.options == null
      throw new Error("Unable to locate sibling Babel loader in SVG loader.");
    if (typeof svgBabelLoader.options === "string")
      throw new Error("Unexpected layout for SVG loader.");
    svgBabelLoader.options.presets = babelLoader.options.presets;
github AdaptiveConsulting / ReactiveTraderCloud / src / client / config-overrides.js View on Github external
// Inject babel-plugin-emotion
  config = injectBabelPlugin(
        autoLabel: true,
        hoist: env === 'production',
        labelFormat: '[filename]--[local]',
        sourceMap: env !== 'production'

  // Rewire typescript with our rewired babel config
  const babelLoader = getBabelLoader(config.module.rules)
  const tsLoader = getLoader(config.module.rules, rule => /ts|tsx/.test(rule.test))
    loader: babelLoader.loader,
    options: babelLoader.options

  config.devtool = env !== 'production' ? 'source-map' : config.devtool

  return config 
github nos / client / config-overrides.js View on Github external
function rewireBabel(config, _env) {
  const loader = getBabelLoader(config.module.rules);

  if (!loader) {
    console.warn('babel-loader not found'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
    return config;

  loader.options = merge(loader.options, {
    babelrc: fs.existsSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './.babelrc'))

  return config;
github svenberglund / react-mst-grid-layout / config-overrides.js View on Github external
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
  config = injectBabelPlugin("babel-plugin-styled-components", config);
  config = rewireMobX(config, env);
    test: /\.worker\.jsx$/,
    use: [
      { loader: 'worker-loader' },
      { loader: 'babel-loader' }
  // If we want to apply the babel loader to some node module...
  config = rewireBabelLoader.include(
github andriijas / monkey-admin / config-overrides.js View on Github external
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
  config = injectBabelPlugin(
    ["import", { libraryName: "antd", style: true, libraryDirectory: "es" }],

  if (env === "production") {
    // Remove default polyfills
    config.entry = { main: paths.appIndexJs };

    // Change css module class names in production
    const cssLoader = getLoader(
      rule => String(rule.test) === String(/\.module\.css$/),
    ).loader.find(loader => loaderNameMatches(loader, "css-loader"));
    cssLoader.options.localIdentName = "ma-[hash:base64:8]";

    // Include bundle analyzation
github LANIF-UI / dva-boot-desktop / config-overrides.js View on Github external
if (env === 'development') {
    config = injectBabelPlugin(['dva-hmr'], config);
  } else {
    // 替换uglify为uglify-es否则,build时会出错
    config = removeWebpackPlugins(config, env, {
      pluginNames: ['UglifyJsPlugin']
    config.plugins = (config.plugins || []).concat([
      new ParallelUglifyPlugin({
        uglifyES: {}

  config = injectBabelPlugin('transform-decorators-legacy', config);
  config = injectBabelPlugin(
    ['import', { libraryName: 'antd', style: true }],

  config.externals = {};

  return rewireLess.withLoaderOptions(
    `${env === 'production' ? 'app' : '[local]'}-[hash:base64:8]`,
      modifyVars: {}
  )(config, env);
github alibaba / nopage / examples / config-overrides.js View on Github external
module.exports = function override(config, env) {
    // do stuff with the webpack config...
    config.output.publicPath = './';
    config = injectBabelPlugin(['import', { libraryName: 'antd', style: true }], config);
    config = injectBabelPlugin(['wrapper', {}], config);
    config = rewireLess.withLoaderOptions({
        modifyVars: { '@primary-color': '#1DA57A' },
        javascriptEnabled: true,
    })(config, env);

    return config;
github timarney / react-app-rewired / packages / react-app-rewire-less / index.js View on Github external
return function(config, env) {
    const lessExtension = /\.less$/;

    const fileLoader = getLoader(
      rule => loaderNameMatches(rule, 'file-loader')

    const cssRules = getLoader(
      rule => String(rule.test) === String(/\.css$/)

    let lessRules;
    if (env === "production") {
      const lessLoader = cssRules.loader || cssRules.use

      lessRules = {
        test: lessExtension,
        loader: [
          // TODO: originally this part is wrapper in extract-text-webpack-plugin
          //       which we cannot do, so some things like relative publicPath
          //       will not work.
github strothj / react-app-rewire-typescript-babel-preset / packages / rewire / rewireTSLint.ts View on Github external
export default function(
  c: webpack.Configuration,
  options?: object
): webpack.Configuration {
  // Validate and narrow type
  const config = getValidatedConfig(c);

  // Grab the current ESLint config so we can copy some of its settings
  const esLintLoader = getLoader(config.module.rules, esLintLoaderMatcher);

  if (!esLintLoader) {
    throw new Error("Could not locate eslint-loader.");

  // Create a new rule
  const tsLintLoader: webpack.RuleSetRule = {
    test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,
    enforce: "pre",
    use: [
        loader: require.resolve("tslint-loader")
    include: esLintLoader.include,
github jgchenu / Mobile-electricity-provider3 / config-overrides.js View on Github external
'not ie < 9', // React doesn't support IE8 anyway
                flexbox: 'no-2009',
          loader: require.resolve('sass-loader'),

  // file-loader exclude
  let l = getLoader(config.module.rules, fileLoaderMatcher);

  return config;