How to use rdf-canonize - 6 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rdf-canonize examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / lib / jsonld.js View on Github external
skipExpansion: false,
    contextResolver: new ContextResolver(
      {sharedCache: _resolvedContextCache})
  if('inputFormat' in options) {
    if(options.inputFormat !== 'application/n-quads' &&
      options.inputFormat !== 'application/nquads') {
      throw new JsonLdError(
        'Unknown canonicalization input format.',
    // TODO: `await` for async parsers
    const parsedInput = NQuads.parse(input);

    // do canonicalization
    return canonize.canonize(parsedInput, options);

  // convert to RDF dataset then do normalization
  const opts = {...options};
  delete opts.format;
  opts.produceGeneralizedRdf = false;
  const dataset = await jsonld.toRDF(input, opts);

  // do canonicalization
  return canonize.canonize(dataset, options);
github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / lib / jsonld.js View on Github external
    // TODO: `await` for async parsers
    const parsedInput = NQuads.parse(input);

    // do canonicalization
    return canonize.canonize(parsedInput, options);

  // convert to RDF dataset then do normalization
  const opts = {...options};
  delete opts.format;
  opts.produceGeneralizedRdf = false;
  const dataset = await jsonld.toRDF(input, opts);

  // do canonicalization
  return canonize.canonize(dataset, options);
github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / tests / test-common.js View on Github external
async function compareCanonizedExpectedNQuads(test, result) {
  let expect;
  try {
    expect = await readTestNQuads(_getExpectProperty(test))(test);
    const opts = {algorithm: 'URDNA2015'};
    const expectDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(expect);
    const expectCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(expectDataset, opts);
    const resultDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(result);
    const resultCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(resultDataset, opts);
    assert.strictEqual(resultCmp, expectCmp);
  } catch(err) {
    if(options.bailOnError) {
      console.log('\nTEST FAILED\n');
      console.log('EXPECTED:\n' + expect);
      console.log('ACTUAL:\n' + result);
    throw err;
github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / tests / test-common.js View on Github external
async function compareCanonizedExpectedNQuads(test, result) {
  let expect;
  try {
    expect = await readTestNQuads(_getExpectProperty(test))(test);
    const opts = {algorithm: 'URDNA2015'};
    const expectDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(expect);
    const expectCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(expectDataset, opts);
    const resultDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(result);
    const resultCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(resultDataset, opts);
    assert.strictEqual(resultCmp, expectCmp);
  } catch(err) {
    if(options.bailOnError) {
      console.log('\nTEST FAILED\n');
      console.log('EXPECTED:\n' + expect);
      console.log('ACTUAL:\n' + result);
    throw err;
github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / tests / test-common.js View on Github external
async function compareCanonizedExpectedNQuads(test, result) {
  let expect;
  try {
    expect = await readTestNQuads(_getExpectProperty(test))(test);
    const opts = {algorithm: 'URDNA2015'};
    const expectDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(expect);
    const expectCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(expectDataset, opts);
    const resultDataset = rdfCanonize.NQuads.parse(result);
    const resultCmp = await rdfCanonize.canonize(resultDataset, opts);
    assert.strictEqual(resultCmp, expectCmp);
  } catch(err) {
    if(options.bailOnError) {
      console.log('\nTEST FAILED\n');
      console.log('EXPECTED:\n' + expect);
      console.log('ACTUAL:\n' + result);
    throw err;
github digitalbazaar / jsonld.js / lib / util.js View on Github external
api.relabelBlankNodes = (input, options) => {
  options = options || {};
  const issuer = options.issuer || new IdentifierIssuer('_:b');
  return _labelBlankNodes(issuer, input);


An implementation of the RDF Dataset Canonicalization algorithm in JavaScript

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