How to use the rc-tree-select.TreeNode function in rc-tree-select

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few rc-tree-select examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github godaner / vm-engine / vm-backend / src / main / resources / static / node_modules / antd / lib / tree-select / index.js View on Github external
_a$notFoundContent = _a.notFoundContent,
                notFoundContent = _a$notFoundContent === undefined ? locale.notFoundContent : _a$notFoundContent,
                dropdownStyle = _a.dropdownStyle,
                restProps = __rest(_a, ["prefixCls", "className", "size", "notFoundContent", "dropdownStyle"]);
            var cls = (0, _classnames2['default'])((_classNames = {}, (0, _defineProperty3['default'])(_classNames, prefixCls + '-lg', size === 'large'), (0, _defineProperty3['default'])(_classNames, prefixCls + '-sm', size === 'small'), _classNames), className);
            var checkable = restProps.treeCheckable;
            if (checkable) {
                checkable = _react2['default'].createElement('span', { className: prefixCls + '-tree-checkbox-inner' });
            return _react2['default'].createElement(_rcTreeSelect2['default'], (0, _extends3['default'])({}, restProps, { prefixCls: prefixCls, className: cls, dropdownStyle: (0, _extends3['default'])({ maxHeight: '100vh', overflow: 'auto' }, dropdownStyle), treeCheckable: checkable, notFoundContent: notFoundContent }));
    return TreeSelect;

TreeSelect.TreeNode = _rcTreeSelect.TreeNode;
TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_ALL;
TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT;
TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD;
TreeSelect.defaultProps = {
    prefixCls: 'ant-select',
    transitionName: 'slide-up',
    choiceTransitionName: 'zoom',
    showSearch: false,
    dropdownClassName: 'ant-select-tree-dropdown'
// Use Select's locale
var injectSelectLocale = (0, _injectLocale2['default'])('Select', {});
exports['default'] = injectSelectLocale(TreeSelect);
module.exports = exports['default'];
github iuap-design / / tinper-bee / bee-tree-select / build / TreeSelect.js View on Github external
getPopupContainer: getPopupContainer,
            dropdownClassName: (0, _classnames2["default"])(dropdownClassName, prefixCls + '-dropdown'),
            prefixCls: prefixCls,
            className: cls,
            dropdownStyle: _extends({ maxHeight: '100vh', overflow: 'auto' }, dropdownStyle),
            notFoundContent: notFoundContent,
            treeCheckable: checkable,
            ref: this.saveTreeSelect,
            searchPlaceholder: '\u8BF7\u641C\u7D22'

    return TreeSelect;

TreeSelect.TreeNode = _rcTreeSelect.TreeNode;
TreeSelect.SHOW_ALL = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_ALL;
TreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_PARENT;
TreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD = _rcTreeSelect.SHOW_CHILD;
TreeSelect.propTypes = propTypes;
TreeSelect.defaultProps = defaultProps;
exports["default"] = TreeSelect;
module.exports = exports['default'];


tree-select ui component for react

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