How to use the raphael.animation function in raphael

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few raphael examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github joyent / sdc-adminui / www / js / views / servers-list.js View on Github external
used = 0;

        var w = $node.width();
        var h = 4;
        var paper = new Raphael($node.get(0), w, h);

        var uw = w * (used/total);
        var ug = paper.rect(0, 0, 0, h);
        ug.attr({ 'fill': "#ccc", 'stroke-width': 0 });

        var fw = w * (avail/total);
        var fg = paper.rect(uw, 0, 0, h);
        fg.attr({ 'fill': "#00d295", 'stroke-width': 0 });
        var uga = Raphael.animation({width: uw}, 300, 'linear');
        var fga = Raphael.animation({width: fw}, 300, '>');

github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / plugins / raphaelRenderUtil.js View on Github external
animateOpacity(element, startOpacity, endOpacity, duration) {
        const animationDuration = isNumber(duration) ? duration : 600;
        const animationStartOpacity = isNumber(startOpacity) ? startOpacity : 0;
        const animationEndOpacity = isNumber(endOpacity) ? endOpacity : 1;
        const animation = raphael.animation({
            opacity: animationEndOpacity
        }, animationDuration);

            opacity: animationStartOpacity

github joyent / sdc-adminui / www / js / views / servers-list.js View on Github external
if (used < 0) {
            used = 0;

        var w = $node.width();
        var h = 4;
        var paper = new Raphael($node.get(0), w, h);

        var uw = w * (used/total);
        var ug = paper.rect(0, 0, 0, h);
        ug.attr({ 'fill': "#ccc", 'stroke-width': 0 });

        var fw = w * (avail/total);
        var fg = paper.rect(uw, 0, 0, h);
        fg.attr({ 'fill': "#00d295", 'stroke-width': 0 });
        var uga = Raphael.animation({width: uw}, 300, 'linear');
        var fga = Raphael.animation({width: fw}, 300, '>');

github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / plugins / raphaelPieChart.js View on Github external
this.sectorInfos.forEach(sectorInfo => {
            const {angles} = sectorInfo;
            const attrMap = {
                fill: sectorInfo.color
            const animationTime = LOADING_ANIMATION_DURATION * sectorInfo.ratio;

            if ((angles.startAngle === 0) && (angles.endAngle === DEGREE_360)) {
                angles.endAngle = DEGREE_360 - MIN_DEGREE;
            attrMap[sectorName] = sectorArgs.concat([angles.startAngle, angles.endAngle]);

            const anim = raphael.animation(attrMap, animationTime, '>');
            delayTime += animationTime;
github nhn / tui.chart / src / js / plugins / raphaelBoxplotChart.js View on Github external
animate(onFinish) {
        const animation = raphael.animation({
            opacity: 1

        raphaelRenderUtil.forEach2dArray(this.groupBoxes, box => {
            if (!box) {
            this._animateRect(box.rect, box.bound);

        raphaelRenderUtil.forEach2dArray(this.groupWhiskers, whisker => {

        raphaelRenderUtil.forEach2dArray(this.groupMedians, median => {
github SonyCSLParis / NONOTO / record_audio.ts View on Github external
start: function(tempo, repeats) {
                tick_count = 0;
                mn.attr("transform", "R-20 " + x + "," + y);
                var interval = 120000 / tempo;

         var ticktockAnimationParam = {
            "50%": { transform:"R20 " + x + "," + y, easing: "sinoid", callback: () => {if (playSound) {
            "100%": { transform:"R-20 " + x + "," + y, easing: "sinoid", callback: () => {if (playSound) {
    			var ticktock = Raphael.animation(ticktockAnimationParam, interval).repeat(repeats / 2);
    			weight.animateWith(arm, ticktockAnimationParam, ticktock);
    stop: function() {