How to use the radium.getState function in radium

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few radium examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dremio / dremio-oss / dac / ui / src / components / Fields / FieldList.js View on Github external
render() {
    const {addItem, style, children} = this.props;
    const isHovered = Radium.getState(this.state, 'addItem', ':hover');
    const combinedStyle = {':hover': {}, ...styles.addButton,}; // need Radium fakeout
    return <a style="{combinedStyle}">
github sherubthakur / react-horizontal-timeline / src / Components / TimelineDot.jsx View on Github external
__getDotStyles__ = (dotType, key) => {
    const hoverStyle = {
      backgroundColor: this.props.styles.foreground,
      border: `2px solid ${this.props.styles.foreground}`,

    return [
      { left: this.props.labelWidth / 2 - dots.base.width / 2},
      Radium.getState(this.state, key, ':hover') || Radium.getState(this.state, 'dot-dot', ':hover')
        ? hoverStyle
        : undefined,
github KissKissBankBank / kitten / assets / javascripts / kitten / karl / buttons / button-filter.js View on Github external
render() {
    const animateIsHovered = Radium.getState(
    const animateIsFocused = Radium.getState(
    const animateIsActived = Radium.getState(

    const isDisabled = this.props.disabled

    const isModifier = this.props.modifier

    const isAnimated =
      !isDisabled && (animateIsHovered || animateIsFocused || animateIsActived)
github dremio / dremio-oss / dac / ui / src / pages / ExplorePage / components / JoinTypes / JoinHeader.js View on Github external
return =&gt; {
      const { hasRecommendations, viewState } = this.props;
      const isHovered = Radium.getState(this.state,, ':hover');
      const disabledStyle = ( === RECOMMENDED_JOIN &amp;&amp; !hasRecommendations) || viewState.get('isInProgress')
        ? styles.disabled
        : {};
      const activeTabStyle = (isHovered || this.isActiveTab( &amp;&amp; !viewState.get('isInProgress')
        ? styles.activeTab
        : {};

      return (
        <h5 style="{[," data-qa="{}">
github KissKissBankBank / kitten / assets / javascripts / kitten / components / navigation / pagination.js View on Github external
const {
    } = this.props

    const buttonLabel =
      direction == 'left'
        ? parseHtml(prevButtonLabel)
        : parseHtml(nextButtonLabel)

    const isDisabled =
      direction == 'left' ? currentPage == 1 : currentPage == totalPages

    const linkIsHovered = Radium.getState(
    const linkIsFocused = Radium.getState(
    const linkIsActived = Radium.getState(

    const styleList = [
github dont-fear-the-repo / fear-the-repo / src / components / BlockDumbComp.js View on Github external
const blockDrag = {
      opacity: isDragging ? 0 : 1,
      cursor: 'move',
      margin: '0px',
      ':hover': {
        boxSizing: 'border-box',
        WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
        boxShadow: '0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24)'

    return connectDragSource(connectDropTarget(
      <div style="{blockDrag}">

        {Radium.getState(this.state, 'block', ':hover')}

          <div style="{resumeThemes[currentTheme].blockDiv}">
             this.props.handleUpdateLocalState(e, 'jobTitle', 'blocks', this.props.blockId)} /&gt;

            <div style="{resumeThemes[currentTheme].pipe}">

             this.props.handleUpdateLocalState(e, 'companyName', 'blocks', this.props.blockId)} /&gt;
github aMarcireau / origami / source / containers / AddDoi.js View on Github external
':active': {
                            backgroundColor: this.props.colors.sideBackground,
                    onClick={() =&gt; {
                        this.props.dispatch(publicationFromDoi(this.state.value.match(doiPattern)[1], new Date().getTime()));
                        this.setState({valid: false, value: ''});
                    {this.props.connected ? (
                        <svg viewBox="0 0 39 39" height="39px" width="39px">
                            <path transform="translate(19.946152, 17.361216) rotate(30.000000) translate(-19.946152, -17.361216)" d="M23.4461524,8.86121593 L25.4461524,8.86121593 L25.4461524,23.8612159 L23.4461524,23.8612159 L23.4461524,8.86121593 Z M14.4461524,23.8612159 L25.4461524,23.8612159 L25.4461524,25.8612159 L14.4461524,25.8612159 L14.4461524,23.8612159 Z" style="{{"></path>
                    ) : (
                        <svg viewBox="0 0 39 39" height="39px" width="39px">
                            <rect height="12" width="2" y="10" x="18.5" fill="{this.props.colors.sideSeparator}"></rect>
                            <rect height="2" width="2" y="24" x="18.5" fill="{this.props.colors.sideSeparator}"></rect>
github pubpub / pubpub / src / components / EditorBottomNav / EditorBottomNav.jsx View on Github external
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
		if (this.props.viewMode !== nextProps.viewMode || this.props.loadStatus !== nextProps.loadStatus || this.props.darkMode !== nextProps.darkMode || this.props.activeFocus !== nextProps.activeFocus || this.props.showBottomLeftMenu !== nextProps.showBottomLeftMenu || this.props.showBottomRightMenu !== nextProps.showBottomRightMenu ) {
			return true;
		if (this.props.tocH1.length !== nextProps.tocH1.length) {
			return true;
		for (let index = nextProps.tocH1.length; index--;) {
			if (this.props.tocH1[index].title !== nextProps.tocH1[index].title) {
				return true;
		const keys = ['bNav_toc', 'showAllTOCButton', 'bNav_format'];
		for (let index = keys.length; index--;) {
			if (Radium.getState(this.state, keys[index], ':hover') !== Radium.getState(nextState, keys[index], ':hover')) {
				return true;
		for (let index = formattingOptions.length; index--;) {
			if (Radium.getState(this.state, 'brNav' + index, ':hover') !== Radium.getState(nextState, 'brNav' + index, ':hover')) {
				return true;
		for (let index = nextProps.tocH1.length; index--;) {
			if (Radium.getState(this.state, 'blNav' + index, ':hover') !== Radium.getState(nextState, 'blNav' + index, ':hover')) {
				return true;
		return false;
github dont-fear-the-repo / fear-the-repo / src / components / Heading.js View on Github external

    return connectDragSource(connectDropTarget(
      <div style="{blockDrag}">

         this.props.handleUpdateLocalState(e, 'companyName', 'blocks', this.props.blockId)} /&gt;

         this.props.handleUpdateLocalState(e, 'location', 'blocks', this.props.blockId)} /&gt;

        {Radium.getState(this.state, 'heading', ':hover') ? (
          <img src="{require('styles/assets/ic_remove_circle_outline_black_24px.svg')}"> this.hideBlock(e, this.props.blockId)} /&gt;
            ) : null}

github blueberryapps / haystack / src / browser / HomePage / intro / Expand.react.js View on Github external
render() {
    const { msg } = this.props;
    const hover = Radium.getState(this.state, 'dsfsda', ':hover');

    return (
      <div style="{styles.wrapper}">
        <div style="{styles.text}">
        <span style="{[,">