How to use quasar-framework - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few quasar-framework examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github phpzm / quasar-boilerplate / src / themes / phpzm / components / fields / components / wysiwyg.vue View on Github external
events: {
          'froalaEditor.initialized' () {
        language: 'pt_br',
        imagePaste: true,
        charCounterCount: true,
        placeholderText: 'test',
        toolbarStickyOffset: 50,
        height: this.getAppHeight - 200,
        imageManagerPageSize: 20,
        imageManagerLoadURL: URL_IMAGE_MANAGER,
        imageUploadURL: URL_IMAGE_UPLOAD,
        imageUploadParams: {
          uid: uid(),
          type: 'image'
//        toolbarButtons: [
//          'undo', 'redo', '|',
//          'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikeThrough', 'paragraphFormat', '|',
//          'subscript', 'superscript', '|',
//          'outdent', 'indent', '|',
//          'formatOL', 'formatUL', 'insertTable', 'insertLink', 'insertImage', '|',
//          'clearFormatting', 'html'
//        ],
        toolbarButtonsXS: ['undo', 'redo', '-', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline']
    extends: FieldAbstract,
github Rebolon / php-sf-flex-webpack-encore-vuejs / assets / js / lib / login.js View on Github external
export const logout = function() {
        message: 'You have been logged out.',
        type: 'info'

    // @todo check if current route is !== from login then go to login else do nothing'compare the location.href with / if different then push / to router, check that you dont loop infinitly')
    if (location.hash.replace('#/', '/') !== '/') {
github Rebolon / php-sf-flex-webpack-encore-vuejs / assets / js / login / components / Secured.vue View on Github external
created() {
        const defaultUser = {
            user: {
                username: 'inconnu'

        this.user = defaultUser

        if (typeof localStorage == 'undefined') {
                message: `No localStorage feature available in the browser`,
                type: 'warning'

        IsLoggedInObservable.subscribe(isLoggedIn => {
            if (!isLoggedIn
                || ! {
                this.user = defaultUser
            } else {
                this.user =
            this.isLoading = false
        }, err => {
            // @todo we may have different message belongs to err
github phpzm / quasar-boilerplate / src / themes / phpzm / components / transition / AppTransitionSlide.vue View on Github external
updateTransition (from, to) {
        this.key = uid()
        if (from === to) {
          this.transition = ''
        const fromDepth = String(from).split('/').length
        const toDepth = String(to).split('/').length
        this.transition = toDepth < fromDepth ? 'slide-right' : 'slide-left'
github Rebolon / php-sf-flex-webpack-encore-vuejs / assets / js / lib / axiosMiddlewares.js View on Github external
.then(res => {
                    message: `Invalid token, please try again`,
                    type: 'warning'
            .catch(err => console.warn('axios middleware CsrfTokenRetreiveOnInvalidResponse', 'getToken', err))
github Rebolon / php-sf-flex-webpack-encore-vuejs / assets / js / lib / apollo.js View on Github external
onError(({ networkError }) => {
    if (423 === networkError.statusCode) {
            .then(res => Toast.create.warning(`Invalid token, please try again`))
            .catch(err => console.warn('apollo onError', 'getToken', err))
    } else {
        console.warn(`Unknown error ${networkError.statusCode}`, networkError)
            message: `Unknown error ${networkError.statusCode}`,
            type: 'warning'
github phpzm / quasar-boilerplate / src / root.vue View on Github external
'$route' (to, from) {
        Events.$emit('app.route.update', from.path, to.path)
github phpzm / quasar-boilerplate / src / app / infra / router / guard.js View on Github external
const toNext = (to, next, path = '') => {
  Events.$emit('app.route.before', to, path)
  if (path) {
    return next(path)
github Saeid-Khaleghi / QJDatetime / src / date.js View on Github external
export function setupDateForPersianDate (date) {
  if (isString(date)) {
    let dd = date.substring(0, 19).replace('T', ' ')
    if (rePersianDateTimeStr.exec(dd) !== null) {
      let datetime = dd.replace(rePersianDateTimeStr, function (match, text) {
        return match.split('-').join('/')
      }).substring(0, 19).split(' ')
      datetime[1] = (typeof datetime[1] !== 'undefined') ? datetime[1] : '00:00:00'
      date = datetime[0].split('/').concat(datetime[1].split(':')).map(Number)
  return date
github quasarframework / quasar / dev / views / typography.vue View on Github external
toggleFullscreen () {
      if (AppFullscreen.isActive()) {
      else {