How to use the q.longStackSupport function in q

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few q examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sevcsik / node-couchdb-model / tests / restapi.spec.js View on Github external
/* global describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it, emit */

 * Unit tests for couchdb-model

var should = require('chai').should();
var couchDBModel = require('../lib/couchdb-model.js'); 
var createNano = require('nano');
var extend = require('node.extend');
var Q = require('q');
var httpMocks = require('node-mocks-http');

Q.longStackSupport = true;

	throw new Error(
		'$COUCHDB_BASE_URL environment variable is not set. ' + 
		'Please provide a working couchdb base URL to run the tests.');

var COUCHDB_DB_NAME = process.env.COUCHDB_DB_NAME || 'couchdb-model-test';

var nano = createNano(COUCHDB_BASE_URL);

describe('couchdb-model REST API', function() {
	beforeEach(function(done) {
		nano.db.destroy(COUCHDB_DB_NAME, function() {
			nano.db.create(COUCHDB_DB_NAME, function(error) {
github martijndeh / fire / test / model-methods.js View on Github external
/* global describe, beforeEach, afterEach, it */
'use strict';

var fire = require('..');

var assert = require('assert');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var uuid = require('node-uuid');

var Q = require('q');
Q.longStackSupport = true;

describe('model methods', function() {
    var models;
    var app = null;

    beforeEach(function(done) {
        app ='methods', {});
            .then(function() {
                models = app.models;

github stanford-oval / thingengine-core / test / manual.js View on Github external
// -*- mode: js; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// This file is part of ThingEngine
// Copyright 2016 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
// Author: Giovanni Campagna 
// See COPYING for details
"use strict";

const Q = require('q');
Q.longStackSupport = true;
process.on('unhandledRejection', (up) => { throw up; });

const assert = require('assert');

const ThingTalk = require('thingtalk');
const Ast = ThingTalk.Ast;
const Utils = require('thingtalk/lib/utils');

const Engine = require('../lib/engine');
const ExecWrapper = require('../lib/apps/exec_wrapper');

function* timerTest(__builtin,env) {
  "use strict";
  let _t_0;
  let _t_1;
  let _t_2;
github stolksdorf / vitreum / node_modules / commoner / lib / commoner.js View on Github external
var ReadFileCache = require("./cache").ReadFileCache;
var Watcher = require("./watcher").Watcher;
var contextModule = require("./context");
var BuildContext = contextModule.BuildContext;
var PreferredFileExtension = contextModule.PreferredFileExtension;
var ModuleReader = require("./reader").ModuleReader;
var output = require("./output");
var DirOutput = output.DirOutput;
var StdOutput = output.StdOutput;
var util = require("./util");
var log = util.log;
var Ap = Array.prototype;
var each = Ap.forEach;

// Better stack traces for promises.
Q.longStackSupport = true;

function Commoner() {
    var self = this;
    assert.ok(self instanceof Commoner);

    Object.defineProperties(self, {
        customVersion: { value: null, writable: true },
        customOptions: { value: [] },
        resolvers: { value: [] },
        processors: { value: [] }

var Cp = Commoner.prototype;

Cp.version = function(version) {
github BitGo / bitgod / src / bitgod.js View on Github external
var ArgumentParser = require('argparse').ArgumentParser;
var assert = require('assert');
var bitgo = require('bitgo');
var bitcoin = bitgo.bitcoin;
var ini = require('ini');
var rpc = require('json-rpc2');
var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('fs');
var _ = require('lodash');
var winston = require('winston');
_.string = require('underscore.string');
var pjson = require('../package.json');
var BITGOD_VERSION = pjson.version;

Q.longStackSupport = true;

var BitGoD = function () {
  this.loggingEnabled = true;

  // Set up logger
  var logLevels = {
    debug: 2,
    info: 1,
    error: 0

  var logColors = {
    debug: 'grey',
    info: 'blue',
    error: 'red',
    fatal: 'magenta'
github sendanor / nor-fs / tests / test-fs-path.js View on Github external
describe('fs-path', function(){

	var Q = require('q');
	Q.longStackSupport = true;

	var FileSystem = require('../src/FileSystem.js');
	var FilePath = require('../src/FilePath.js');
	var fs = require('../src/index.js');
	var is = require('nor-is');
	var assert = require('assert');

	it('should be an instance of FileSystem', function(){
		assert.strictEqual(true, is.objOf(fs, FileSystem));

	describe('.FileSystem', function(){
		it('should be same as FileSystem', function(){
			assert.strictEqual(fs.FileSystem, FileSystem);
github stanford-oval / thingtalk / test / test_permissions.js View on Github external
"use strict";

const Q = require('q');
Q.longStackSupport = true;
const CVC4Solver = require('smtlib').LocalCVC4Solver;

const Ast = require('../lib/ast');
const Grammar = require('../lib/grammar_api');
const Compiler = require('../lib/compiler');
const SchemaRetriever = require('../lib/schema');
const PermissionChecker = require('../lib/permission_checker');

const _mockSchemaDelegate = require('./mock_schema_delegate');
const schemaRetriever = new SchemaRetriever(_mockSchemaDelegate, null, true);

const TEST_CASES = [
    [`now =>"this is really funny lol");`,
      true, { transform: false }],
    [`now =>"this is sad");`,
      false, { transform: false }],
github bahmutov / next-update / bin / next-update.js View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

var q = require('q')
q.longStackSupport = true

const debug = require('debug')('next-update')
var nextUpdate = require('../src/next-update')
var program = require('../src/cli-options')
var join = require('path').join

var parentFolder = join(__dirname, '..')
var pkg = require(join(parentFolder, 'package.json'))
var info = +
  '@' +
  pkg.version +
  '\n' +
  ' - ' +
  pkg.description +
  '\n' +
github porchdotcom / up-to-code / bin / index.js View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

require('q').longStackSupport = true;

github petkaantonov / bluebird / benchmark / performance.js View on Github external
var perf = module.exports = function(args, done) {

    var errs = 0;
    var lastErr;
    var times = args.n;

    global.asyncTime = args.t;
    global.parallelQueries = args.p || 10;

    if (args.longStackSupport) {
        global.longStackSupport = require('q').longStackSupport
            = args.longStackSupport;

    var fn = require(args.file);

    var start =;

    var warmedUp = 0;
    var tot =  Math.min( 350, times );
    for (var k = 0, kn = tot; k < kn; ++k)
        fn(k,'b','c', warmup);

    var memMax; var memStart; var start;
    function warmup() {


A library for promises (CommonJS/Promises/A,B,D)

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