How to use the pug.render function in pug

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pug examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / pug / pug-tests.ts View on Github external
/// pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source, ?options)
        let obj = pug.compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(source);
        clientFunctionString = obj.body;
        str = obj.body;
        let strArray: string[] = obj.dependencies;

        /// pug.compileFileClient(path, ?options)
        clientFunctionString = pug.compileFileClient(path);
        str = pug.compileFileClient(path);

        /// pug.render(source, ?options, ?callback)
        str = pug.render(source);

        // test type for callback paraments
        pug.render(source, {}, (err, html) => {
            let e: Error = err;
            str = html;

        /// pug.renderFile(path, ?options, ?callback)
        str = pug.renderFile(path);

        // test type for callback paraments
        pug.renderFile(path, {}, (err, html) => {
            let e: Error = err;
            str = html;
github epinna / tplmap / tests / env_node_tests / connect-app.js View on Github external
app.use('/pug', function(req, res){
  if(req.url) {
    var url_parts = url.parse(req.url, true);

    var inj = url_parts.query.inj;
    var tpl = '';
    if('tpl' in url_parts.query && url_parts.query.tpl != '') {
      // Keep the formatting a-la-python
      tpl = url_parts.query.tpl.replace('%s', inj);
    else {
      tpl = inj;
    res.end(randomstring.generate() + pug.render(tpl) + randomstring.generate());
github Enalean / tuleap / tools / utils / scripts / gettext / extract.js View on Github external
function preprocessTemplate(data, type) {
    let templateData = data;
    switch (type) {
        case "jade":
        case "pug":
            // Add empty require function to the context to avoid errors with webpack require inside pug
            templateData = pug.render(data, {
                filename: "source.html",
                pretty: true,
                require: function() {}
        case "vue":
            //eslint-disable-next-line no-case-declarations
            const vueFile = vueCompiler.parse({ compiler, source: data, needMap: false });
            if (!vueFile.template) {
                return "";
            } // return an empty string
            templateData = vueFile.template.content;
            if (vueFile.template.lang) {
                return preprocessTemplate(templateData, vueFile.template.lang);
github riot / cli / test / fixtures / config-parsers-pug.js View on Github external
myPug: function (html, opts, url) {
        return require('pug').render(html, {
          pretty: true,
          filename: url,
          doctype: 'html'
github fastify / point-of-view / test / test-pug.js View on Github external
}, (err, response, body) => {
      t.strictEqual(response.statusCode, 200)
      t.strictEqual(response.headers['content-length'], '' + body.length)
      t.strictEqual(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
      t.strictEqual(pug.render(fs.readFileSync('./templates/index.pug', 'utf8'), data), body.toString())
github knockout / tko / / make.js View on Github external
function * genHtmlIncludes ({includes}, htmlSettings, config) {
  for (const relPath of includes || []) {
    const sourcePath = '../packages/' + relPath
    console.log('  |  ', sourcePath)
    const source = fs.readFileSync(sourcePath, ENC)
    if (sourcePath.endsWith('.md')) {
      yield `<span data-bind="source: \&quot;${relPath}\&quot;"></span>
    } else if (sourcePath.endsWith('.pug')) {
      yield pug.render(source, Object.assign({}, htmlSettings, config))
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Bad extension: ${sourcePath} (not .md or .pug)`)
github aMarCruz / rollup-plugin-pug / src / index.js View on Github external
if (is_static) {
        opts = clone(config)
      } else {
        opts = clonePugOpts(config)

      const output = []
      let fn, body, map, keepDbg

      opts.filename = id

      if (is_static) {
        const static_opts = assign(null, config.locals, opts)

        body = `export default ${JSON.stringify(render(code, static_opts))};`

      } else {
        keepDbg = opts.compileDebug
        if (config.sourceMap) {
          opts.compileDebug = map = true
        code = moveImports(code, output)

        fn = compileClientWithDependenciesTracked(code, opts)
        body = fn.body.replace('function template(', '\nexport default function(')

        if (config.runtimeImport && /\bpug\./.test(body)) {
          output.unshift(`import pug from '${config.runtimeImport}';`)

        const deps = fn.dependencies
github Alorel / ngforage / build / inline-ng-templates.js View on Github external
templateProcessor(path, ext, contents, cb) {
      try {
        const rendered = pug.render(contents, {
          filename: path,
          doctype:  'html'
        setImmediate(cb, null, rendered.trim());
      } catch (e) {
        setImmediate(cb, e);
    styleProcessor(path, ext, contents, cb) {
github RelaxedJS / ReLaXed / src / converters.js View on Github external
exports.masterDocumentToPDF = async function(masterPath, page, tempHTML, outputPath, plugins) {
  var html
  var t0 =

  var mixins = []
  for (plugin of plugins)

   *            Generate HTML
  if (masterPath.endsWith('.pug')) {
    try {
      var masterPug = fs.readFileSync(masterPath, 'utf8')

      html = pug.render(pluginMixins + builtinMixins + '\n' + masterPug, {
        filename: masterPath,
        fs: fs,
        cheerio: cheerio,
        basedir: path.dirname(masterPath),
        path: path,
        performance: performance,
        filters: {
          katex: (text, options) => katex.renderToString(text),
          scss: function(text, options) {
            var file = options.filename
            options = file.endsWith('scss') ? { file } : { data: text }
            return sass.renderSync(options).css.toString('utf8')
github SC5 / sc5-styleguide / lib / styleguide.js View on Github external
section.markupPug = section.markup;

    if (section.reference) {
      parentref = section.reference;
      cacheKey = section.reference;
    } else {
      cacheKey = parentref + ' - ' +;

    pugstring = bemtoinclude + section.markup;
    md5 = crypto.createHash('md5').update(pugstring).digest('hex');

    if (pugCache.getItem(cacheKey) && pugCache.getItem(cacheKey).key === md5) {
      section.markup = pugCache.getItem(cacheKey).value;
    } else {
      section.markup = pug.render(pugstring, pugOptions);
      pugCache.setItem(cacheKey, {
        key: md5,
        value: section.markup

    if (section.modifiers) {
      _.each(section.modifiers, convertToPug);