How to use psi - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few psi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github koljakutschera / yafbp / gulpfile.js View on Github external
_.each(dataPages, function (value, key, list) {

				console.log('Awaiting psi-report for: ' + url + '/' + key +'.html');

				psi.output(url + '/' + key +'.html',{
					nokey: 'true', // or use key: ‘YOUR_API_KEY’
					strategy: 'desktop',
				}).then(() => {
					psi.output(url + '/' + key +'.html',{
						nokey: 'true', // or use key: ‘YOUR_API_KEY’
						strategy: 'mobile',
github GoogleChromeLabs / airhorn / gulpfile.js View on Github external
// Note: this uses an unsigned certificate which on first access
    //       will present a certificate warning in the browser.
    // https: true,
    server: 'dist',
    baseDir: "dist"

// Build Production Files, the Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function(cb) {
  runSequence('styles', ['html', 'scripts', 'styles', 'images', 'fonts', 'sounds', 'copy', 'copy-workerscripts'], cb);

// Run PageSpeed Insights
// Update `url` below to the public URL for your site
gulp.task('pagespeed', pagespeed.bind(null, {
  // By default, we use the PageSpeed Insights
  // free (no API key) tier. You can use a Google
  // Developer API key if you have one. See
  // for info key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  url: '',
  strategy: 'mobile'

// Load custom tasks from the `tasks` directory
// try { require('require-dir')('tasks'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
github fusionstrings / project-fusion / gulp / tasks / pagespeed.js View on Github external
gulp.task('pagespeed', cb => {
  // Update the below URL to the public URL of your site
  pagespeed('', {
    strategy: 'mobile',
    // By default we use the PageSpeed Insights free (no API key) tier.
    // Use a Google Developer API key if you have one:
    // key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  }, cb);
github dstroot / skeleton / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('desktop', ['mobile'], function (cb) {
  // output a formatted report to the terminal
  psi.output(site, {
    strategy: 'desktop',
    locale: 'en_US',
    threshold: 80
  }, cb);
github Tempurturtul / udacity-fend-projects / fend-resume / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('psi:desktop', ['serve:tunnelled'], function() {
  var site = browserSync.instance.tunnel.url;
  // Ensure http protocol is used to avoid breaking resources.
  site = site.replace(/^https?/, 'http');
  // Add user-defined path.
  site = site + (psiPath || '');

  return psi.output(site, {
    nokey: 'true',
    strategy: 'desktop',
    threshold: 1  // Prevents error if score is below default of 70.
github dsebastien / midnightLightV2 / gulp / tasks / pagespeed.js View on Github external
gulp.task('pagespeed', 'Run PageSpeed Insights', (cb) =>{
	// Update the below URL to the public URL of your site
	pagespeed.output(packageJSON.homepage, {
		strategy: 'mobile' // desktop

		// Use the PageSpeed Insights free (no API key) tier.
		// Use a Google Developer API key if you have one:
		// key: 'API_KEY'
	}, cb);
github WPKitIO / WPKit / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('pagespeed', function (cb) {
  // Update the below URL to the public URL of your site
  pagespeed.output('', {
    strategy: 'mobile',
    // By default we use the PageSpeed Insights free (no API key) tier.
    // Use a Google Developer API key if you have one:
    // key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
  }, cb);
github Tempurturtul / udacity-fend-projects / fend-design-patterns / cat-clicker-v1 / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('psi:mobile', ['serve:tunnelled'], function() {
  var site = browserSync.instance.tunnel.url;
  // Ensure http protocol is used to avoid breaking resources.
  site = site.replace(/^https?/, 'http');
  // Add user-defined path.
  site = site + (psiPath || '');

  return psi.output(site, {
    nokey: 'true',
    strategy: 'mobile',
    threshold: 1  // Prevents error if score is below default of 70.
github mikelambert / dancedeets-monorepo / server / gulpfile.babel.js View on Github external
gulp.task('pagespeed', cb =>
  // Update the below URL to the public URL of your site
      strategy: 'mobile',
      // By default we use the PageSpeed Insights free (no API key) tier.
      // Use a Google Developer API key if you have one:
      // key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
github tastejs / todomvc / gulpfile.js View on Github external
// CSS and JS.
		.pipe($.vulcanize({ dest: 'dist', strip: true }))
		.pipe($.size({title: 'html'}));

// Clean Output Directory
gulp.task('clean', del.bind(null, ['.tmp', 'dist']));

// Build Production Files, the Default Task
gulp.task('default', ['clean'], function (cb) {
	runSequence(['styles', 'copy'], ['jshint', 'html', 'images'], cb);

// Run PageSpeed Insights
// Update `url` below to the public URL for your site
gulp.task('pagespeed', pagespeed.bind(null, {
	// By default, we use the PageSpeed Insights
	// free (no API key) tier. You can use a Google
	// Developer API key if you have one. See
	// for info key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'
	url: '',
	strategy: 'mobile'

gulp.task('serve', function (cb) {
	app.listen(8080, cb);

gulp.task('test-server', function (cb) {
	app.listen(8000, cb);


PageSpeed Insights with reporting

Latest version published 3 years ago

Package Health Score

51 / 100
Full package analysis

Popular psi functions