How to use the protvista-utils.ColorScaleParser function in protvista-utils

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github ebi-webcomponents / nightingale / packages / protvista-coloured-sequence / src / protvista-coloured-sequence.js View on Github external
refresh() {
    if (this.seq_g) {
      const scale = this.getScaleFromAttribute();
      if (scale === null) {
        console.error("The attribute scale is not valid.");
      const colorScale = scaleLinear();
      this.colorScale = defaultScale;
      if (this._color_range) {
        this.colorScale = ColorScaleParser(this._color_range);

      const ftWidth = this.getSingleBaseWidth();
      const first = Math.round(Math.max(0, this._displaystart - 2));
      const last = Math.round(
        Math.min(this.sequence.length, this._displayend + 1)
      const bases = this.sequence
        .slice(first, last)
        .map((aa, i) => {
          // use 0 if the base is not in the given scale
          const value = aa.toUpperCase() in scale ? scale[aa.toUpperCase()] : 0;
          return {
            start: 1 + first + i,


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