How to use promptly - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few promptly examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitpay / jsonPaymentProtocol / examples / bitcoinRpc.js View on Github external
currency: choice.currency,
      unsignedTransactions: [{
        tx: fundedTx,
        // `vsize` for bitcoin core w/ segwit support, `size` for other clients
        weightedSize: decodedTx.vsize || decodedTx.size
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Error verifying payment');
    throw e;

  // Display tx to user for confirmation
  console.log(JSON.stringify(decodedTx, null, 2));

  const signPayment = await promptly.confirm('Send this payment? (y/n)');
  if (!signPayment) {
    throw new Error('User aborted');

   * Send signed transaction to server for actual payment

  await sendPayment();
  await sendP2pPayment();

  async function sendPayment() {
    try {
      await client.sendSignedPayment({
        paymentUrl: paymentOptions.requestUrl,
        chain: choice.chain,
github bitpay / jsonPaymentProtocol / examples / bitcoinRpc.js View on Github external
async function sendPayment() {
    try {
      await client.sendSignedPayment({
        paymentUrl: paymentOptions.requestUrl,
        chain: choice.chain,
        currency: choice.currency,
        signedTransactions: [{
          tx: signedTx,
          // `vsize` for bitcoin core w/ segwit support, `size` for other clients
          weightedSize: decodedTx.vsize || decodedTx.size
      console.log('Payment successfully sent via payment protocol');
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Error sending payment', e);
      let confirm = promptly.confirm('Retry payment?', { default: false });
      if (confirm) {
        return await sendPayment();
      } else {
        throw e;
github superfly / fly / packages / core / src / cmd / apps.ts View on Github external
processResponse(res, async () => {
        const choices: any = {}
        // tslint:disable-next-line:forin
        for (const i in {
          choices[i] =[i].id

        let choiceText = ""
        for (const [i, slug] of Object.entries(choices)) {
          choiceText += `${i}) ${slug}\n`

        const chose = await promptly.choose(
          `Select organization to move to:
Enter a number:`,
        const orgSlug = choices[chose]
        console.log(`Moving app '${appName}' to organization '${orgSlug}'`)
        const resUpdate = await API.patch(`/api/v1/apps/${appName}`, {
          data: {
            attributes: {
              org_slug: orgSlug

        processResponse(resUpdate, () => {
github bitpay / jsonPaymentProtocol / examples / bitcoinRpc.js View on Github external
// Must display network cost if provided, not doing so would be hiding costs
      const networkCost = minerFee / Math.pow(10, decimals);
      const usdCost = networkCost * getExchangeRate(chain, 'USD');
      console.log(`${index++}. ${chain} ${round(estimatedAmount * Math.pow(10, -decimals), decimals)} - (Network Cost: $${round(usdCost, 2)})`);

    if (unavailable.length) {
      console.log(`There are ${unavailable.length} additional options that this wallet does not support or for which you do not have sufficient balance:`);
      for (let { chain, estimatedAmount, decimals } of unavailable) {
        console.log(`- ${chain} ${estimatedAmount * Math.pow(10, -decimals)}`);


    choice = await promptly.choose('What payment method would you like to use?', choices);
    choice = paymentOptions.responseData.paymentOptions[choice - 1];

  let rpcConfig = config.rpcServers[choice.chain];
  rpcUrl = `http://${rpcConfig.ipAddress}:${rpcConfig.port}`;
  rpcUser = rpcConfig.username;
  rpcPass = rpcConfig.password;

  const { responseData: paymentRequest } = await client.selectPaymentOption(paymentOptions.requestUrl, choice.chain, choice.currency);

   * Wallet creates a transaction matching data in the instructions

  // Format outputs as expected for bitcoin rpc client
  let outputObject = {};
github jedireza / frame / first-time-setup.js View on Github external
options = {
        default: 'frame'
    const mongodbName = await Promptly.prompt(`MongoDB name: (${options.default})`, options);

    // connect to db

    const db = await MongoModels.connect({ uri: mongodbUri, db: mongodbName });

    if (!db) {
        throw Error('Could not connect to MongoDB.');

    // get root user creds

    const rootEmail = await Promptly.prompt('Root user email:');
    const rootPassword = await Promptly.password('Root user password:');

    // clear tables

    await Promise.all([

    // setup root group
github auth0 / wt-cli / bin / command_init.js View on Github external
function (cb) {
            if (!program.wt.config[options.profile])
                return cb();
            console.log('You already have the `' + options.profile + '` profile:');
            program.wt.print_profile(options.profile, program.wt.config[options.profile]);
            promptly.confirm('Do you want to override it? ', function (error, value) {
                if (error) return cb(error);
                if (!value) process.exit(1);
        function (cb) {
github kube-js / kube-ts-server / src / presenter / commander / functions / dbSeed / functions / createUser / index.ts View on Github external
const createUser = (config: FactoryConfig) => async ({
}: Options) => {
  console.log(`Creating ${userType}...`);

  const email = await promptly.prompt(
    `Choose email [default: ${defaultEmail}]: `,
    { default: defaultEmail }
  const password = await promptly.password(
    `Choose password [default: ${defaultPassword}]: `,
    { default: defaultPassword }

  const { service } = config;

  console.log('Validating input...');
  validateData(rules)({ email, password });
  console.log('Input validated successfuly!');

  console.log(`Creating ${userType}...`);
github spacekit / spacekit / bin / spacekit.js View on Github external
function signupRequest () {
  let msg = 'Would you like to create a new account?';
  Promptly.prompt(msg, { default: 'yes' }, (err, value) => {
    if (err) {
      console.log('Exception prompting input.');

    if (value === 'yes') {
      console.log('Ok, let\'s create an account...');
    } else {
      console.log('Ok, please enter your credentials...');
github superfly / fly / packages / core / src / cmd / login.ts View on Github external
.action(async (opts, args, rest) => {
    const email = await promptly.prompt("Email: ")
    const password = await promptly.password("Password: ")
    const otp = await promptly.prompt("2FA code (if any): ", { default: "n/a", retry: false })
    try {
      const res = await`${baseURL}/api/v1/sessions`, {
        data: { attributes: { email, password, otp } }
      processResponse(res, () => {
        const homepath = homeConfigPath()
        const credspath = path.join(homepath, "credentials.yml")
        fs.writeFileSync(credspath, YAML.dump({ access_token: }))
        console.log("Wrote credentials at:", credspath)
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.response) {
      } else {
        throw e
github bitpay / jsonPaymentProtocol / examples / bitcoinRpc.js View on Github external
async function sendP2pPayment() {
    try {
      await broadcastP2P(signedTx);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log('Error broadcasting transaction to p2p network', e);
      let confirm = promptly.confirm('Retry broadcast?', { default: false });
      if (confirm) {
        return await sendPayment();
      } else {
        throw e;


Simple command line prompting utility

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