How to use the prismjs.hooks function in prismjs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few prismjs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github Foveluy / ReStory / src / rscomponent / codeblock.js View on Github external
if (!pre) {

    if (!pre.hasAttribute('data-line')) {
      pre.setAttribute('data-line', '')

    highlightLines(pre, range, 'temporary ')


  var fakeTimer = 0 // Hack to limit the number of times applyHash() runs

  Prism.hooks.add('before-sanity-check', function(env) {
    var pre = env.element.parentNode
    var lines = pre && pre.getAttribute('data-line')

    if (!pre || !lines || !/pre/i.test(pre.nodeName)) {

      * Cleanup for other plugins (e.g. autoloader).
       * Sometimes <code> blocks are highlighted multiple times. It is necessary
       * to cleanup any left-over tags, because the whitespace inside of the <div>
       * tags change the content of the <code> tag.
    var num = 0
    $$('.line-highlight', pre).forEach(function(line) {</code></div></code>
github stone-payments / pos-mamba-sdk / docs-sapper / routes / api / guide / _sections.js View on Github external
let code = $element.html()
          // &amp; -&gt; &amp;
          code = escape.amp(code)
          // &lt; -&gt; '&lt;', &gt; -&gt; '&gt;'
          code = escape.tag(code)

          let env = {
            $element: $element,
            language: language,
            grammar: grammar,
            code: code,
            options: options,

'before-sanity-check', env)

          if (!env.code || !env.grammar) {
            if (env.code) {
              env.element.textContent = env.code
  'complete', env)

'before-highlight', env)

          let highlightedCode = Prism.highlight(code, grammar)

          env.highlightedCode = highlightedCode
'before-insert', env)
github benweet / stackedit / src / services / markdownConversionSvc.js View on Github external
// Disable spell checking in specific tokens
const noSpellcheckTokens = Object.create(null);
  'pre gfm',
  'math block',
  'math inline',
  'math expr block',
  'math expr inline',
  'latex block',
  .forEach((key) => {
    noSpellcheckTokens[key] = true;
Prism.hooks.add('wrap', (env) => {
  if (noSpellcheckTokens[env.type]) {
    env.attributes.spellcheck = 'false';

function createFlagMap(arr) {
  return arr.reduce((map, type) => ({, [type]: true }), {});
const startSectionBlockTypeMap = createFlagMap([
github intraxia / wp-gistpen / client / components / Editor / Code.tsx View on Github external
togglePlugin('line-numbers', true).then(() =&gt; {
        // We only need to register this callback once, but only after the
        // plugin has been loaded once.
        if (!init) {
          init = true;
          Prism.hooks.add('line-numbers', env =&gt; {
            const code = env.element;
            const pre = code?.parentNode as HTMLPreElement | null;

            if (pre == null || code == null) {

            const incoming = code.querySelector('.line-numbers-rows');
            const outgoings = pre.querySelectorAll('.line-numbers-rows');

            for (let i = 0; i &lt; outgoings.length; i++) {
              const outgoing = outgoings[i];

              if (outgoing !== incoming) {
github ng-bootstrap / ng-bootstrap / demo / src / app / shared / code / code-highlight.service.ts View on Github external
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';

import * as prism from 'prismjs';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-typescript';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-bash';

// Prism tries to highlight the whole document on DOMContentLoad.
// Unfortunately with webpack the only way of disabling it
// is by simply forcing it to highlight no elements -> []
prism.hooks.add('before-highlightall', (env) => {
  env['elements'] = [];

export class CodeHighlightService {

  highlight(code: string, lang: string) {
    return prism.highlight(code.trim(), prism.languages[lang], lang);
github kennetpostigo / rdn / src / components / Standalone / CodeBlock.js View on Github external
function CodeBlock(props) {
  return (

Prism.hooks.add('complete', function(env) {
  if (!env.code) {
  var pre = env.element.parentNode;
  var clsReg = /\s*\bline-numbers\b\s*/;
  if (
    !pre ||
      !/pre/i.test(pre.nodeName) ||
      (!clsReg.test(pre.className) &amp;&amp; !clsReg.test(env.element.className))
  ) {

  if (env.element.querySelector('.line-numbers-rows')) {
github stone-payments / pos-mamba-sdk / docs-sapper / routes / api / _processLineNumbers.js View on Github external
let $lineNumbersWrapper = $('<span>')
    .attr('aria-hidden', true)
  for (let i = 0; i &lt; linesNum; i++) {

  if ($'start')) {
    let start = parseInt($'start'), 10) - 1
    $pre.css('counter-reset', 'linenumber ' + start)


Prism.hooks.add('complete', lineNumber)

export default lineNumber
github ngx-prism / core / src / prism.service.ts View on Github external
public hooks() {
    return Prism.hooks;
github pomber / code-surfer / packages / code-surfer / src / highlighter.js View on Github external
const highlight = code => {
  const grammar = Prism.languages["jsx"];
  const language = null;
  const env = {
    code: code,
    grammar: grammar,
    language: language
  };"before-tokenize", env);
  env.tokens = Prism.tokenize(env.code, env.grammar);"after-tokenize", env);

  env.tokens = addCustomTokens(env.tokens);

  return Prism.Token.stringify(Prism.util.encode(env.tokens), env.language);
github treasure-data / digdag / digdag-ui / console.jsx View on Github external
  'td-load': {
    pattern: /td_load>:.*/,
    inside: {
      atrule: /td_load>/,
      punctuation: /:/,
      'td-load-value': {
        pattern: /(\s*).*/,
        lookbehind: true

Prism.hooks.add('wrap', (env) => {
  if (env.type === 'td-run-value') {
    const queryId = model().getTDQueryIdFromName(env.content)
    if (queryId) {
      env.tag = 'a' = '_blank'
      env.attributes.href =
  } else if (env.type === 'td-load-value') {
    env.tag = 'a' = '_blank'
    env.attributes.href =

type AuthItem = {
  key: string;