Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
return sdl;
case "graphql":
return { sdl: inputText, loc: 0 };
throw new Error(
`Unknown input file type ${inputFileType}, supported file types are: .js(x), .ts(x), .gql, or .graphql`
const { sdl, loc } = getSDL();
try {
const translated = translate(sdl, target);
const prettierOptions = await prettier.resolveConfig(output);
const formatted = prettier.format(translated, {
parser: "typescript",
await new Promise(resolve => writeFile(output, formatted, resolve));
} catch (e) {
let message: string = e.message;
if (message && message.includes("Syntax Error")) {
// error in gql parse. Are they maybe passing an introspection result?
message +=
".\nIs the input in SDL format?\nSee for help with schema formats";
} else if (message && message.match(/\(\d+,\d+\).*/)) {
message = message
files: handleGlobPattern(config.models.files),
if (!validateConfig(config, parsedSchema)) {
return false
const modelMap = parseModels(
const options = (await prettier.resolveConfig(process.cwd())) || {} // TODO: Abstract this TS specific behavior better
if (JSON.stringify(options) !== '{}') {
console.log(`Found a prettier configuration to use`))
const { generatedTypes, generatedResolvers } = generateCode({
schema: parsedSchema!,
language: config.language,
prettify: true,
prettifyOptions: options,
Project.writeTypes(generatedTypes, config)
const transform = (file, encoding, callback) => {
/* resolve from the projects config */
prettier.resolveConfig(file.relative).then(options => {
if (file.state !== 'deleted') {
const str = file.contents.toString('utf8');
if (!options || Object.keys(options).length === 0) {
options = defaultOptions;
// for better errors
options.filepath = file.relative;
const data = prettier.format(str, options);
file.contents = Buffer.from(data);
callback(null, file);
return through.obj(transform);
it("should be done based on prettier config", async () => {
const config = await resolveConfig(__dirname);
const files = glob.sync(join(__dirname, "./abis/*.ts"), { absolute: true });
files.forEach(filePath => {
expect(check(readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8"), config!));
async function generateNewIcons() {
const iconTemplate = fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(__dirname, './icon-template.txt'),
const svgs = fs
.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './svg'))
.filter(f => f.endsWith('.svg'));
const prettierOptions = (await prettier.resolveConfig(__dirname)) || {};
const iconExports = [];
svgs.forEach(async svgFilename => {
const svgFile = svgFilename.split('.')[0];
const componentName = pascalCase(svgFile);
`export {default as ${componentName}} from './${svgFile}.js';`,
const svgFileContents = fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(__dirname, `./svg/${svgFilename}`),
const iconProps = [`title="${titleCase(svgFile)}"`];
async _provideEdits(document: TextDocument): Promise {
try {
const prettierOptions = await resolveConfig(document.uri.fsPath, { editorconfig: true })
const prettierifiedCode = prettierify(document, Object.assign({}, this.options, prettierOptions))
return [TextEdit.replace(fullDocumentRange(document), prettierifiedCode)]
} catch (error) {
console.log('Prettier format failed')
return []
async function resolvePrettierOptions(path: string): Promise {
const options = (await prettier.resolveConfig(path)) || {}
return options
async prettifySoureFile(sourceFile: SourceFile) {
const {
filesystem: { cwd }
} = this.context
const opt = await resolveConfig(cwd())
format(sourceFile.getFullText(), {
parser: 'typescript'
} filePath => {
const fileContent = await readFile(filePath);
const prettierConfig = await prettier.resolveConfig(filePath);
const isCompliant = prettier.check(fileContent, {...prettierConfig, filepath: filePath});
if (!isCompliant) {
throw filePath;
async function main() {
const paths = await getFilePathsToFormat();
const workspacePath = getWorkspacePath();
for (const path of paths) {
const absolutePath = `${workspacePath}/${path}`;
const config = await prettier.resolveConfig(absolutePath);
const source = fs.readFileSync(absolutePath, { encoding: "utf-8" });
const options = { ...config, filepath: path };
if (!prettier.check(source, options)) {
fs.writeFileSync(absolutePath, prettier.format(source, options));
process.stdout.write(`${path} ${"FIXED")}\n`);