How to use the postgraphile.postgraphile function in postgraphile

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few postgraphile examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enisdenjo / relay-modern-boilerplate / postgraphile / server.js View on Github external
const PgSimplifyInflectorPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-simplify-inflector');
const PgIdToRowIdInflectorPlugin = require('./plugins/PgIdToRowIdInflectorPlugin');
const PgNonNullRelationsPlugin = require('@graphile-contrib/pg-non-null/relations');

// constants
const postgresUser = process.env.POSTGRES_USER;
const postgresPassword = process.env.POSTGRES_PASSWORD;
const postgresPort = process.env.POSTGRES_PORT;
const postgresDb = process.env.POSTGRES_DB;
const noAuth = !!process.env.NO_AUTH;

console.log(`Starting PostGraphile${noAuth ? ' in no-auth mode' : ''}...\n`);

      'public', // introspected schema
        classicIds: true,
        dynamicJson: true,
        setofFunctionsContainNulls: false,
        ignoreRBAC: false,
        pgDefaultRole: noAuth ? 'viewer' : 'anonymous',
        disableDefaultMutations: true,
        disableQueryLog: false,
        jwtSecret: process.env.POSTGRAPHILE_JWT_SECRET,
        graphiql: true,
        watchPg: true,
        jwtPgTypeIdentifier: 'private.jwt_token',
        graphileBuildOptions: {
          pgStrictFunctions: true,
github sagefy / sagefy / server / index.js View on Github external
const express = require('express')
const { postgraphile } = require('postgraphile')
const { Pool } = require('pg')

const pool = new Pool({
  user: process.env.DB_USER,
  host: process.env.DB_HOST,
  database: process.env.DB_DATABASE,
  password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD,
  port: process.env.DB_PORT,

const app = express()

const postgraphileInstance = postgraphile(pool, process.env.DB_SCHEMA, {
  // Dev, debug, test
  graphiql: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
  enhanceGraphiql: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',

  // JWT Authentication
  jwtSecret: process.env.JWT_SECRET,
  defaultRole: process.env.JWT_ROLE,
  jwtPgTypeIdentifier: process.env.JWT_TOKEN,

  // Postgraphile recommended config
  setofFunctionsContainNulls: true,
  // If none of your RETURNS SETOF compound_type functions
  // mix NULLs with the results
  // then you may set this true
  // to reduce the nullables in the GraphQL schema.
  ignoreRBAC: false,
github graphile-contrib / postgraphile-upload-example / server / src / index.js View on Github external
const { postgraphile } = require("postgraphile");
const PostGraphileUploadFieldPlugin = require("postgraphile-plugin-upload-field");
const { graphqlUploadExpress } = require("graphql-upload");

const app = express();

const UPLOAD_DIR_NAME = "uploads";

// Serve uploads as static resources
app.use(`/${UPLOAD_DIR_NAME}`, express.static(path.resolve(UPLOAD_DIR_NAME)));

// Attach multipart request handling middleware

  postgraphile("postgres://localhost:5432/upload_example", "public", {
    graphiql: true,
    enableCors: true,
    appendPlugins: [PostGraphileUploadFieldPlugin],
    graphileBuildOptions: {
      uploadFieldDefinitions: [
          match: ({ column }) => column === "header_image_file",
          resolve: resolveUpload,

app.listen(5000, () => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line
github graphile / bootstrap-react-apollo / server / middleware / installPostGraphile.js View on Github external
module.exports = app => {
  const httpServer = app.get("httpServer");
  const authPgPool = app.get("authPgPool");
   * If we're using subscriptions, they may want access to sessions/etc. Make
   * sure any websocketMiddlewares are installed before this point. Note that
   * socket middlewares must always call `next()`, otherwise you're going to
   * have some issues.
  const websocketMiddlewares = app.get("websocketMiddlewares");

  // Install the PostGraphile middleware
  const middleware = postgraphile(

  if (enhanceHttpServerWithSubscriptions) {
    enhanceHttpServerWithSubscriptions(httpServer, middleware);
github BlueSCar / cfb-api / config / express.js View on Github external
const dbInfo = require('./database')();

    require('./swagger')(app, cors);
    app.use('/api/docs', cors(), express.static('./node_modules/swagger-ui-dist'));

        swaggerSpec: require('../swagger'),
        apdexThreshold: 250,
        authentication: true,
        onAuthenticate: (req, username, password) => {
            return username.toLowerCase() == process.env.USERNAME.toLowerCase() && password == process.env.PASSWORD

    app.use(postgraphile(dbInfo.connectionString, 'public', {
        disableDefaultMutations: true,
        graphiql: true

    let corsConfig = cors(corsOptions);
    require('../app/coach/coach.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/game/game.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig, speedLimiter);
    require('../app/play/play.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/team/team.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/venue/venue.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/rankings/rankings.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/lines/lines.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/recruiting/recruiting.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/ratings/ratings.route')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/ppa/ppa.routes')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
    require('../app/stats/stats.routes')(app, dbInfo.db, corsConfig);
github clevertech / boilerplate / api / middleware / installPostgraphile.js View on Github external
function installPostgraphile(app) {
  app.use(postgraphile(db, schemas, postgraphileOptions))


A GraphQL schema created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema 🐘 (previously known as PostGraphQL)

Latest version published 2 years ago

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