How to use the postcss-scss.stringify function in postcss-scss

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few postcss-scss examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github DomainGroupOSS / sass-to-emotion / transform.js View on Github external
root.walkAtRules('mixin', (atRule) => {
    const { params } = atRule;
    const selector = mixinParamsToFunc(params);

    let contents = '';
    postcssScss.stringify(atRule, (string, node, startOrEnd) => {
      // if node.type === decl skip when doing this above
      // stops first and last part entering the string e.g "@mixin ad-exact($width, $height) {"
      if (node && node === atRule && startOrEnd) return;

      contents += string;

    let isUsedInFile = false;
    // search to see if mixin is used in file
    root.walkAtRules('include', (rule) => {
      if (rule.originalParams.split('(')[0] === params.split('(')[0]) {
        isUsedInFile = true;

    output.classes.set(selector, {
github DomainGroupOSS / sass-to-emotion / transform.js View on Github external

    if (
        nodeToCheck => nodeToCheck.type === 'atrule' && === 'mixin',
    ) return;

    if (rule.contentsAlreadyPrinted) {

    let contents = '';

    postcssScss.stringify(rule, (string, node, startOrEnd) => {
      if (node && node === rule && startOrEnd) return;

      // asumption here is that there is some state involved
      // e.g &:hover or &.is-selected.
      const nestedInAmpersand = node
        && checkUpTree(
          nodeToCheck => nodeToCheck.type === 'rule' && nodeToCheck.selector.startsWith('&'),

      if (node && isPlaceHolder) {
        node.contentsAlreadyPrinted = true;

      // ref class if nested in ampersand
      if (


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