How to use the pino function in pino

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pino examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github teppeis / duck / src / cli.ts View on Github external
import { buildJs, BuildJsCompilationError } from "./commands/buildJs";
import { buildSoy, BuildSoyConfig } from "./commands/buildSoy";
import { cleanDeps } from "./commands/cleanDeps";
import { cleanSoy, CleanSoyConfig } from "./commands/cleanSoy";
import { serve } from "./commands/serve";
import { DuckConfig, loadConfig } from "./duckconfig";
import { setGlobalLogger } from "./logger";
import { ErrorReason, reportTestResults } from "./report";

assertNodeVersionGte(process.version, 10);

 * Transform ndjson (Newline Delimited JSON) stream to JSON object stream.
const logStream = split(JSON.parse);
const logger = pino(logStream);

 * Task wrapper that conbines the log stream with the promise to make an
 * observable that does not "complete" until the promise is resolved,
 * because listr can accept only one of Promise, Stream and Observable.
function wrap(task: () => Promise): () => Observable {
  return () => {
    // Run the task in the next tick to register the observable to listr before the first logging.
    const await = Promise.resolve().then(task);
    return streamToObservable(logStream, { await, endEvent: false }).pipe(
      map(obj => {
        if (obj.msg) {
          return String(obj.msg);
        } else {
github bengreenier / browserd / components / stream-provider / src / node / main.ts View on Github external
import pino from "pino";
import url from "url";
import { Application } from "./application";
import { requestTwilioTurnServer } from "./turn";
import { Win } from "./win";

// we'll export this and use it for testing
// it won't impact the runtime as the runtime ignores it
let runtimeIgnoredExportSuccess: () => void;
let runtimeIgnoredExportFailure: (err: Error) => void;
const runtimeIgnoredExportValue: Promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  runtimeIgnoredExportSuccess = resolve;
  runtimeIgnoredExportFailure = reject;

const logger = pino();

 * Configure dotenv - Supported values:
 * + SERVICE_URL (string) - the web service address (to render)
 * + TURN_URL (string) - a turn address
 * + TURN_USERNAME (string) - a turn username
 * + TURN_PASSWORD (string) - a turn password credential
 * + POLL_URL (string) - a signaling server base address
 * + POLL_INTERVAL (number) - a signaling poll interval in ms
 * + HEIGHT (number) - the window height
 * + WIDTH (number) - the window width
 * + EXP_HIDE_STREAMER (boolean) - experiment flag for hiding the streamer window
 * + TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID (string) - a Twilio AccountSid required to get a Network Traversal Service Token
 * + TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN (string) - a Twilio AuthToken required to get a Network Traversal Service Token
const dotenv = config();
github ShabadOS / desktop / app / lib / logger.js View on Github external
 * Simple logging with bunyan
 * @ignore

import pino from 'pino'
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs-extra'
import { PassThrough } from 'stream'
import { stdout } from 'process'

import { electronVersion, isDev, LOG_FILE } from './consts'

const logThrough = new PassThrough()

const logger = pino( {
  prettyPrint: isDev && { colorize: true, ignore: 'hostname,pid', translateTime: 'HH:MM:ss.l' },
}, logThrough )

// Only write to file in electron production builds
if ( electronVersion && !isDev ) logThrough.pipe( createWriteStream( LOG_FILE, { flags: 'a' } ) )

// Pipe all log output to stdout in dev only
if ( isDev ) logThrough.pipe( stdout )

export default logger
github commercetools / nodejs / packages / personal-data-erasure / src / cli.js View on Github external
type: 'string',

// instantiate logger
const loggerConfig = {
  level: args.logLevel,
  prettyPrint: args.prettyLogs,

// If the stdout is used for a data output, save all logs to a log file.
// pino writes logs to stdout by default
let logDestination
if (args.output === process.stdout)
  logDestination = fs.createWriteStream(args.logFile)

const logger = pino(loggerConfig, logDestination)

// print errors to stderr if we use stdout for data output
// if we save data to output file errors are already logged by pino
const logError = error => {
  const errorFormatter = new PrettyError()

  if (args.logLevel === 'debug')
    process.stderr.write(`ERR: ${errorFormatter.render(error)}`)
  else process.stderr.write(`ERR: ${error.message || error}`)

const errorHandler = errors => {
  if (Array.isArray(errors)) errors.forEach(logError)
  else logError(errors)

  process.exitCode = 1
github commercetools / nodejs / packages / customer-groups-exporter / src / cli.js View on Github external
type: 'string',

// instantiate logger
const loggerConfig = {
  level: args.logLevel,
  prettyPrint: args.prettyLogs,

// If the stdout is used for a data output, save all logs to a log file.
// pino writes logs to stdout by default
let logDestination
if (args.output === process.stdout)
  logDestination = fs.createWriteStream(args.logFile)

const logger = pino(loggerConfig, logDestination)

// print errors to stderr if we use stdout for data output
// if we save data to output file errors are already logged by pino
const logError = error => {
  const errorFormatter = new PrettyError()

  if (args.logLevel === 'debug')
    process.stderr.write(`ERR: ${errorFormatter.render(error)}`)
  else process.stderr.write(`ERR: ${error.message || error}`)

const errorHandler = errors => {
  if (Array.isArray(errors)) errors.forEach(logError)
  else logError(errors)

  process.exitCode = 1
github Xetera / hifumi / bot / src / utils.ts View on Github external

export const boxContents = (...texts: string[]) => {
  const getLines = (text: string) => text.split("\n").map((line) => line.length);
  const splitTexts = chain(getLines);
  const maxLength = Math.max(...splitTexts(texts));
  const [head, ...tail] = texts;

  const spacer = "-".repeat(maxLength);
  return tail.reduce((all, text) => [...all, text, spacer], [spacer, head, spacer]).join("\n");

export const countMembers = (client: AkairoClient) =>
  client.guilds.reduce((all, guild) => guild.memberCount + all, 0);

export const logger = pino({
  prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production",
  level: "debug"

interface CreateCommand extends CommandOptions {
   * The exec function can be called in 3 different ways, however,
   * Typescript doesn't seem to be able to support explicit `this`
   * coming from external types, union types or overloads. In order to
   * specify the `this` type the signature MUST be directly assigned
   * in the interface
   * @param message
   * @param args
   * @param edited
  exec: (this: Command, message: Message, args: any, edited: boolean) => any;
github poetapp / node / src / index.ts View on Github external
#!/usr/bin/env node

import { app } from 'app'
import Pino from 'pino'

const logger: Pino.Logger = Pino()

process.on('unhandledRejection', (e) => {
  logger.fatal('unhandledRejection', e)

process.on('uncaughtException', (e) => {
  logger.fatal('uncaughtException', e)

  .then(server => process.on('SIGINT', () => server.stop()))
  .catch(exception => logger.fatal({ exception }, 'server was unable to start'))
github poetapp / frost-api / src / utils / Logging / Logging.ts View on Github external
export const createModuleLogger = (configuration: LoggingConfiguration) => (dirname: string): Pino.Logger => {
  return childWithModuleName(Pino(loggingConfigurationToPinoConfiguration(configuration)), dirname)
github mozilla / dispensary / src / logger.js View on Github external
export function createLogger(_process = process) {
  const level = _process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'fatal';
  return pino({ name: 'Dispensary', level }, _process.stdout);
github poetapp / node / src / EthereumRegistryWriter / index.ts View on Github external
import 'Extensions/Array'
import 'Extensions/Error'
import 'Extensions/Promise'

import Pino from 'pino'

import { catchStartupError } from 'Helpers/moduleStartStopCatch'
import { loadConfigurationWithDefaults } from 'LoadConfiguration'

import { EthereumRegistryWriter } from './EthereumRegistryWriter'

const configuration = loadConfigurationWithDefaults()

const logger: Pino.Logger = Pino({
  level: configuration.loggingLevel,
  prettyPrint: configuration.loggingPretty,

  loggingLevel: configuration.loggingLevel,
  loggingPretty: configuration.loggingPretty,
  apiPort: configuration.ethereumRegistryWriterApiPort,
  mongodbUrl: configuration.mongodbUrl,
  rabbitmqUrl: configuration.rabbitmqUrl,
  ipfs: {
    url: configuration.ipfsUrl,
  exchanges: {
    claimIpfsHash: configuration.exchangeClaimIpfsHash,
    batchCreated: configuration.exchangeBatchWriterCreateNextBatchSuccess,