How to use the patternfly-react.patternfly.pfDonutTooltipContents function in patternfly-react

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few patternfly-react examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oVirt / ovirt-web-ui / src / components / VmDetails / cards / UtilizationCard.js View on Github external
{/* Disks don't have historic data */}
DiskCharts.propTypes = {
github oVirt / ovirt-web-ui / src / components / VmDetails / cards / UtilizationCard / CpuCharts.js View on Github external
{ history.length === 0 &&  }
          { history.length > 0 &&
github syndesisio / syndesis / apps / dashboard / dist / components / IntegrationBoard.js View on Github external
Published: patternfly.pfPaletteColors.blue400,
                Stopped: patternfly.pfPaletteColors.black300
            columns: [
                ["Running", this.props.runningIntegrations],
                ["Stopped", this.props.stoppedIntegrations],
                ["Pending", this.props.pendingIntegrations]
            type: "donut"
        return (React.createElement(Card, null,
            React.createElement(Card.Heading, null,
                React.createElement(Card.Title, null, "Integration Board")),
            React.createElement(Card.Body, null,
                React.createElement(DonutChart, { id: "integration-board", size: { height: 120 }, data: data, tooltip: {
                        contents: patternfly.pfDonutTooltipContents,
                        show: true
                    }, title: { type: "total", secondary: "Integrations" }, legend: { show: true, position: "right" } }))));