How to use the path-to-regexp.tokensToFunction function in path-to-regexp

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few path-to-regexp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github gaoding-inc / v-model / src / model-base.js View on Github external
static extend(url, actions, staticProps, options) {
        const Model = class Model extends this {};

        const urlTokens = pathToRegexp.parse(url);

        // optional last token
        const urlLastToken = urlTokens[urlTokens.length - 1];
        if(typeof urlLastToken === 'object') {
            urlLastToken.optional = true;

        Model.url = pathToRegexp.tokensToFunction(urlTokens);
        Model.urlTokens = urlTokens;
        Model.options = options;

        // staic props
        assign(Model, staticProps);

        // actions
        forEach(actions, (action, name) => {
            Model.addAction(name, action);

        return Model;
github FrankerFaceZ / FrankerFaceZ / src / utilities / compat / fine-router.js View on Github external

		const parts = parse(path),
			score = parts.reduce((total, val) => total + (
				typeof val === 'string' ?
					val.split('/').length - 1 :
			), 0),
			route = this.routes[name] = {
				regex: tokensToRegExp(parts),
				url: tokensToFunction(parts)

		if ( process ) {
			this.__routes.sort((a,b) => b.score - a.score);
			if ( this.location )
github d-band / koa-mapper / src / layer.js View on Github external
this.url = (params, options = {}) => {
        let replace = {};
        if (Array.isArray(params)) {
          this.pathKeys.forEach((key, i) => {
            replace[] = params[i];
        } else {
          replace = params;
        const toPath = ptr.tokensToFunction(tokens);
        const base = toPath(replace, options);
        return toURI(base, options.query);
      this.pathTemplate = () => {
github kriasoft / universal-router / src / generateUrls.js View on Github external

    let regexp = cache.get(route.fullPath)
    if (!regexp) {
      let fullPath = ''
      let rt = route
      while (rt) {
        const path = Array.isArray(rt.path) ? rt.path[0] : rt.path
        if (path) {
          fullPath = path + fullPath
        rt = rt.parent
      const tokens = pathToRegexp.parse(fullPath, options)
      const toPath = pathToRegexp.tokensToFunction(tokens, options)
      const keys = Object.create(null)
      for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        if (typeof tokens[i] !== 'string') {
          keys[tokens[i].name] = true
      regexp = { toPath, keys }
      cache.set(fullPath, regexp)
      route.fullPath = fullPath

    let url = router.baseUrl + regexp.toPath(params, options) || '/'

    if (options.stringifyQueryParams && params) {
      const queryParams = {}
      const keys = Object.keys(params)