How to use the passport-local.Strategy function in passport-local

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few passport-local examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github chingu-voyage5 / BitHelper / config / passport.js View on Github external

  // =========================================================================
  // LOCAL SIGNUP ============================================================
  // =========================================================================

    new LocalStrategy(
        // override with email instead of email instead of userame
        usernameField: "email",
        passwordField: "password",
        passReqToCallback: true // allows us to pass back the entire request to the callback
      function(req, email, password, done) {
        // asynchronous
        // User.findOne wont fire unless data is sent back
        process.nextTick(function() {
          // find a user whose email is the same as the forms email
          // we are checking to see if the user trying to login already exists
              "email": email
github mhaidarh / super-workshop-js / servers / server-express-mvc / server.js View on Github external
// Middlewares
const tokenMiddleware = require('./middlewares/token')
app.use('/token', tokenMiddleware)

// Normal Routes
app.use('/', api)
app.use('/auth', apiAuth)
app.use('/api/accounts', apiAccounts)
app.use('/api/books', apiBooks)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Local
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(Account.authenticate()))

// GitHub
passport.use(new GitHubStrategy({
  clientID: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,
  callbackURL: process.env.GITHUB_CALLBACK,
  passReqToCallback: true

// Facebook
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
  clientID: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET,
  callbackURL: process.env.FACEBOOK_CALLBACK,
  profileFields: ['id', 'displayName', 'photos', 'email'],
github wejs / we-core / lib / auth / passport / local.js View on Github external
module.exports = function initLocalStrategy(we) {
  // - Local
  passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
  , function findUserAndValidPassword(email, password, done) {
      // build the find user query
      var query = { where: {}};
      query.where[we.config.passport.strategies.local.usernameField] = email;
      // find user in DB
      we.db.models.user.find(query).then (function (user) {
        if (!user) {
          return done(null, false, { message: '' });
        // get the user password
        user.getPassword().then(function (passwordObj) {
          if (!passwordObj) return done(null, false, { message: 'auth.login.user.dont.have.password' });

          passwordObj.validatePassword(password, function (err, isValid) {
            if (err) return done(err);
github NishiGaba / User-Login-System / routes / users.js View on Github external

//Flow (III)
var comparePassword = function(candidatePassword,hash,callback) {,hash,function(err, isMatch) {
		if(err) return callback(err);


//Flow (II)
passport.use(new localStrategy(
	function(username, password, done) {
		User.find({username : username}, function(err,user) {
			if(err) throw err;
			if(user.length == 0) {
				console.log('Unknown User');
				return done(null,false,{message: 'Unknown User'});
			comparePassword(password,user[0].password, function(err,isMatch) {
				if(err) throw err;
				if(isMatch) {
					return done(null, user);
				} else {
					console.log('Invalid Password');
github reneweb / oauth2orize_authorization_grant_example / auth.js View on Github external
* Module dependencies.
var passport = require('passport')
    , LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy
    , BasicStrategy = require('passport-http').BasicStrategy
    , ClientPasswordStrategy = require('passport-oauth2-client-password').Strategy
    , BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy
    , db = require('./db').db()
    , bcrypt = require('bcrypt')
    , crypto = require('crypto')

* LocalStrategy
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
    function(username, password, done) {
        db.collection('users').findOne({username: username}, function(err, user) {
            if (err) { return done(err); }
            if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
  , user.password, function (err, res) {
                if (!res) return done(null, false)
                return done(null, user)

passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
    done(null, user.username);
github rodekruis / CommunityRisk / config / passport.js View on Github external
module.exports = function() {
    new LocalStrategy(function(username, password, done) {
        where: {
          username: username,
      }).then(function(user) {
        if (user == null) {
          return done(null, false, { message: "Incorrect credentials." });

        var hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(password, user.salt);

        if (user.password === hashedPassword) {
          return done(null, user);

        return done(null, false, { message: "Incorrect credentials." });
github bojidaryovchev / nest-angular / src / server / modules / auth / passport / local.strategy.ts View on Github external
local: {
            hashedPassword: generateHashedPassword(salt, password)


        done(null, user);
      } catch (error) {
        done(error, false);

    use('local-signin', new Strategy({
      usernameField: 'email',
      passwordField: 'password'
    }, async (email: string, password: string, done: Function) => {
      try {
        const user: IUser = await this.userModel.findOne({ '': email });

        if (!user) {
          return done(new UnauthorizedException(MESSAGES.UNAUTHORIZED_INVALID_EMAIL), false);

        if (generateHashedPassword(user.local.salt, password) !== user.local.hashedPassword) {
          return done(new UnauthorizedException(MESSAGES.UNAUTHORIZED_INVALID_PASSWORD), false);

        done(null, user);
      } catch (error) {
github creativetimofficial / material-dashboard-react-nodejs / material-dashboard-api / features / login / init-auth-middleware.js View on Github external
module.exports = function initAuthMiddleware(app) {
    new LocalStrategy(async (username, password, done) => {
      const user = await getUserForLoginData(username, password);
      if (!user) {
        return done(null, false);
      return done(null, user);

  passport.serializeUser((user, done) => done(null,;

  passport.deserializeUser(async (id, done) => {
    const user = await getUserById(id);
    if (!user) {
      return done(`Could not deserialize user with id ${id}`);
    return done(null, user);
github FlarumJS / node-flarum / lib / config / passport.js View on Github external
										return done(null, newUser);




		passport.use('local-login', new LocalStrategy({
			passReqToCallback: true
		}, function (req, username, password, done) {

				'username': username
			}, function (err, user) {

				if (err) return done(err);

				if (!user || user.length == 0) return done('No user found', false);

				if (!user.validPassword(password)) return done('Oops! Wrong password.', false);

					'username': username
				}, {


Local username and password authentication strategy for Passport.

Latest version published 10 years ago

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