How to use pacote - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pacote examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github npm / arborist / test / fixtures / registry-mocks / fetch-lock-contents.js View on Github external
const main = async lock => {
  for (const [loc, meta] of Object.entries(lock.packages)) {
    if (!loc || || !nm.test(loc))

    const name = || loc.replace(nm, '$1')

    console.error('FETCHING', name)

    const paku = await pacote.packument(name)
    const saveTo = resolve(dir, name.replace(/^@/, '') + '.json')
    writeFileSync(saveTo, JSON.stringify(paku, 0, 2))
    // bundled deps sometimes don't have a resolved value
    if (!meta.resolved)
    const path = url.parse(meta.resolved).pathname.replace(/^\/@?/, '')
    const tgzFile = resolve(dir, path)
    await pacote.tarball.file(meta.resolved, tgzFile)
github ShabadOS / desktop / app / lib / Updater.js View on Github external
async isLatestDatabase() {
    // Read package.json database semver and database package file
    const [ remotePackage, localPackage ] = await Promise.all( [
      manifest( databasePackage ),
      readJSON( join( DATABASE_FOLDER, 'package.json' ), 'utf-8' ),
    ] )

    const { version: local } = localPackage
    const { version: remote } = remotePackage

    this.emit( 'database-version', { local, remote } ) 'Local Database Version:', local ) 'Remote Database Version:', remote )

    return localPackage.version === remotePackage.version
github cerebral / webpack-packager / src / url-generator / dependencyMapper.js View on Github external
function getManifest(depString) {
  if (cache[depString]) {
    // Only use it if it's not expired
    if (cache[depString].ttl + MAX_TTL > {
      return cache[depString].promise;

  const promise = pacote.manifest(depString);
  cache[depString] = promise;

  return promise;
github npm / arborist / lib / arborist.js View on Github external
newNodeFromSpec (name, spec, parent) {
    // pacote will slap integrity on its options, so we have to clone
    // the object so it doesn't get mutated.
    // Don't bother to load the manifest for link deps, because the target
    // might be within another package that doesn't exist yet.
    return spec.type === 'directory'
      ? Promise.resolve(new Link({ name, parent, realpath: spec.fetchSpec }))
      : pacote.manifest(spec, Object.create(this.options))
        .then(pkg => new Node({ name, pkg, parent }))
github expo / expo-cli / packages / expo-cli / src / commands / generate-module / fetchTemplate.ts View on Github external
export default async function fetchTemplate(destinationPath: string, template?: string) {
  if (template && fse.existsSync(path.resolve(template))) {
    // local template`Using local template: ${chalk.bold(path.resolve(template))}.`);
    await fse.copy(path.resolve(template), destinationPath);
  } else if (template && isNpmPackage(template)) {
    // npm package`Using NPM package as template: ${chalk.bold(template)}`);
    await pacote.extract(template, destinationPath);
  } else {
    // default npm packge`Using default NPM package as template: ${chalk.bold(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE)}`);
    await pacote.extract(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, destinationPath);

  if (await fse.pathExists(path.join(destinationPath, 'template-unimodule.json'))) {
    await fse.move(
      path.join(destinationPath, 'template-unimodule.json'),
      path.join(destinationPath, 'unimodule.json')
github SAP / ui5-project / lib / translators / ui5Framework.js View on Github external
async _installPackage({pkgName, version, targetDir}) {
		try {
			await stat(path.join(targetDir, "package.json"));
			log.verbose(`Alrady installed: ${pkgName} in version ${version}`);
		} catch (err) {
			if (err.code === "ENOENT") { // "File or directory does not exist"`Installing ${pkgName}...`);
				log.verbose(`Installing ${pkgName} in version ${version}...`);
				await pacote.extract(`${pkgName}@${version}`, targetDir, this._getPacoteOptions());
			} else {
				throw err;
github ES-Community / nsecure / src / depWalker.js View on Github external
async function processPackageTarball(name, version, options) {
    const { ref, tmpLocation } = options;

    const dest = join(tmpLocation, `${name}@${version}`);
    const free = await tarballLocker.acquireOne();

    try {
        await pacote.extract(ref.flags.isGit ? ref.gitUrl : `${name}@${version}`, dest, {
            registry: REGISTRY_DEFAULT_ADDR,
            cache: `${process.env.HOME}/.npm`
        await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve));
        let isProjectUsingESM = false;

        // Read the package.json file in the extracted tarball
        try {
            const packageStr = await readFile(join(dest, "package.json"), "utf-8");
            const { type = "script", description = "", author = {}, scripts = {} } = JSON.parse(packageStr);
            ref.description = description;
   = author;
            isProjectUsingESM = type === "module";

            ref.flags.hasScript = [...Object.keys(scripts)].some((value) => NPM_SCRIPTS.has(value.toLowerCase()));
github unboundedsystems / adapt / cli / src / proj / new.ts View on Github external
const specs = trySpecs(this.spec, this.adaptVersion);
        // Remember errors that pertain to accessing the base spec, independent
        // of version label.
        const baseSpecErrs = new Map();

        do {
            const spec = specs.shift();
            if (!spec) throw new InternalError(`empty spec list`);

            try {
                const prevErr = baseSpecErrs.get(spec.base);
                if (prevErr) throw prevErr;

                log(`Trying ${spec.complete}`);
                await pacote.extract(spec.complete, this.starterDir, opts);

            } catch (err) {
                err = ensureError(err);
                if (err.code === "ENOENT" && err.path === path.join(this.starterDir, "package.json")) {
                    // SUCCESS. We don't require a package.json
                if (specs.length === 0) throw new SpecError(spec.complete, err.message);

                // If we can't access the base spec (e.g. git repo or npm package
                // doesn't exist), then don't try additional versions of that
                // base spec.
                if (isErrorWithBaseSpec(spec, err)) baseSpecErrs.set(spec.base, err);
        } while (true);
github xpack / xpm-js / lib / xpm / init.js View on Github external
} catch (err) {
      return CliExitCodes.ERROR.INPUT
    const manifestId = new ManifestId(manifest)
    const globalPackagePath = path.join(this.globalConfig.globalFolderPath,

    const xpack = new Xpack({ xpackFolderAbsolutePath: config.cwd, log })
    const packFullName = manifestId.getFullName()

    // Read the cwd package.json
    let globalJson = await xpack.hasPackageJson(globalPackagePath)
    if (!globalJson) {`Installing ${packFullName}...`)
      await pacote.extract(config.template, globalPackagePath,
        { cache: cachePath })'Installing npm dependencies...')
      const spawn = new Spawn()
      const code = await spawn.executeShellPromise(
        'npm install --production --color=false',
          cwd: globalPackagePath
      if (code !== 0) {
        log.error(`Install dependencies failed (npm returned ${code}).`)
        await del(globalPackagePath, { force: true })
        return CliExitCodes.ERROR.APPLICATION
      globalJson = await xpack.hasPackageJson(globalPackagePath)
github ShabadOS / desktop / app / lib / Updater.js View on Github external
async updateDatabase() {
    // Download and extract the database package from npm `Downloading database update to ${this.tempFolder}` )
    await remove( this.tempFolder )
    await extract( databasePackage, this.tempFolder ) 'Hot-patching database module' )
    // Disconnect the Shabad OS database connection
    await knex.destroy()
    // Move across the updated npm database module
    await move( this.tempFolder, DATABASE_FOLDER, { overwrite: true } )
    // Reimport the database
    //! Relies on knex being reinitialised globally
    importFresh( '@shabados/database' )


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