How to use the os.uptime function in os

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few os examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oznu / homebridge-config-ui-x / src / wss / status.ts View on Github external
getStats() {
    // core stats
    const stats: any = {
      memory: {
        total: (((os.totalmem() / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).toFixed(2),
        used: ((((os.totalmem() - os.freemem()) / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).toFixed(2),
        free: (((os.freemem() / 1024) / 1024) / 1024).toFixed(2)

    stats.cpu = (os.platform() === 'win32') ? null : (os.loadavg()[0] * 100 / os.cpus().length).toFixed(2);

    // server uptime
    const uptime: any = {
      delta: Math.floor(os.uptime())

    uptime.days = Math.floor( / 86400); -= uptime.days * 86400;
    uptime.hours = Math.floor( / 3600) % 24; -= uptime.hours * 3600;
    uptime.minutes = Math.floor( / 60) % 60;

    stats.uptime = uptime;

    // cpu temp
    let temp = null;
    if (hb.temperatureFile) {
      try {
        temp = fs.readFileSync(hb.temperatureFile);
        temp = ((temp / 1000).toPrecision(3));
github coatyio / coaty-js / examples / sensor-things / sensor / src / sensor-things-controller.ts View on Github external
private _getMetricResult(sensorId: string): number {
        const metricIndex = this._sensorsArray.findIndex(s => s.objectId === sensorId);
        switch (metricIndex) {
            case 0:
                // The load average is a UNIX-specific concept with no real equivalent on Windows platforms.
                // On Windows, the return value is always [0, 0, 0].
                return Math.round(osType().startsWith("Windows") ? Math.random() * 100 : loadavg()[0] * 100);
            case 1:
                return freemem();
            case 2:
                return uptime();
                throw new TypeError("There are only three metrics. Got index " + metricIndex);
github flowchain / flowchain-ledger / block / mining.js View on Github external
// New block.
    this.newBlock = new Block();

    // Secret
    this.secret = 'Block0';

    // is success
    this._success = false;

    // Merkle tree
    this._tree = [];

    // Jiffy and uptime
    this.jiffies = 0;
    this.startUptime = os.uptime();
github mixu / archey.js / index.js View on Github external
bytes = require('bytes'),
    colors = require('./art/colors.js'),
    elapsed = require('./lib/elapsed.js'),
    deDict = require('./lib/de-dict.json'),
    wmDict = require('./lib/wm-dict.json');

function color(used, total) {
  var quadrant = Math.min(Math.ceil( Math.floor(used / total * 100) / 33), 3),
      cols = [ colors.greenB, colors.greenB, colors.yellowB, colors.redB ];
  return cols[quadrant] + bytes(used) + colors.clear + ' / ' + bytes(total);

var result = {
      user: { key: 'User',  value: process.env.USER || process.env.USERNAME },
      hostname: { key: 'Hostname', value: os.hostname() },
      uptime: { key: 'Uptime', value: elapsed(os.uptime()) },
      cpu: { key: 'CPU', value: os.cpus()[0].model.replace('Intel(R) Core(TM) ', 'Intel ').replace('Intel(R) Core(TM)2 ', 'Intel ') },
      ram: { key: 'RAM', value: color( os.totalmem() - os.freemem(), os.totalmem()) },
      sh: { key: 'Shell', value: process.env.SHELL && process.env.SHELL.split('/').pop() },
      term: { key: 'Terminal', value: process.env.TERM && process.env.TERM.split('/').pop() }

var tasks = [
  function(done) {
    switch(distro) {
      case 'Debian':
      case 'Ubuntu':
      case 'Kubuntu':
      case 'Fedora':
      case 'CrunchBang':
github Hyperline / hyperline / src / lib / plugins / uptime.js View on Github external
getUptime() {
    return formatUptime(os.uptime())
github SAP / / core_node / router / routes / os.js View on Github external
app.get("/osInfo", (req, res) => {
		var os = require("os");
		var output = {};

		output.tmpdir = os.tmpdir();
		output.endianness = os.endianness();
		output.hostname = os.hostname();
		output.type = os.type();
		output.platform = os.platform();
		output.arch = os.arch();
		output.release = os.release();
		output.uptime = os.uptime();
		output.loadavg = os.loadavg();
		output.totalmem = os.totalmem();
		output.freemem = os.freemem();
		output.cpus = os.cpus();
		output.networkInfraces = os.networkInterfaces();

		var result = JSON.stringify(output);
github AnyMesh / anyMesh-Node / node_modules / prompt / node_modules / winston / lib / winston / exception.js View on Github external
exception.getOsInfo = function () {
  return {
    loadavg: os.loadavg(),
    uptime:  os.uptime()
github dadi / api / dadi / lib / status.js View on Github external
            memory: {
              rss: bytesToSize(usage.rss, 3),
              heapTotal: bytesToSize(usage.heapTotal, 3),
              heapUsed: bytesToSize(usage.heapUsed, 3)
            system: {
              platform: os.platform(),
              release: os.release(),
              hostname: os.hostname(),
              memory: {
                free: bytesToSize(os.freemem(), 3),
                total: bytesToSize(os.totalmem(), 3)
              load: os.loadavg(),
              uptime: os.uptime(),
              uptimeFormatted: secondsToString(os.uptime())
            routes: health
          help.sendBackJSON(200, res, next)(null, data);
github lorenwest / node-monitor / lib / probes / ProcessProbe.js View on Github external
platform: process.platform,
        version: process.version,
        installPrefix: process.installPrefix,
        title: process.title,
        execPath: process.execPath,
        argv: process.argv,
        env: process.env,
        cwd: process.cwd(),
        gid: process.getgid ? process.getgid() : 0,
        uid: process.getuid ? process.getuid() : 0,
        umask: process.umask(),
        hostname: OS.hostname(),
        type: OS.type(),
        release: OS.release(),
        osUptime: OS.uptime(),
        loadavg: OS.loadavg(),
        freemem: OS.freemem(),
        totalmem: OS.totalmem(),
        cpus: OS.cpus()
      }, process.memoryUsage());
      if (process.uptime) {attrs.uptime = process.uptime();}
      if (process.versions) {attrs.versions = process.versions;}
      if (process.arch) {attrs.arch = process.arch;}
github otto-de-legacy / turing-microservice / src / server / service / internal / statusService.js View on Github external
function getSystemStatus() {
    return {
      hostname: os.hostname(),
      port: config.port,
      platform: os.platform(),
      arch: os.arch(),
      release: os.release(),
      systemTime: new Date(),
      uptime: os.uptime()