How to use optimist - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few optimist examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appcelerator / titanium / tests / run.js View on Github external
desc: 'disables colors'

if (optimist.argv.hasOwnProperty('colors') && !optimist.argv.colors) {
	Base.useColors = false;
	colors.mode = 'none';

if (!process.env.APPC_COV) {
	console.log('Unit Test Tool'.cyan.bold + ' - Copyright (c) 2012-' + (new Date).getFullYear() + ', Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.');

// display the help, if needed
if ( || optimist.argv.h) {
	console.log('\nUsage: ' + 'forge test [] [options]'.cyan + '\n');

// load the config, if specified
global.conf = {};
var confFile = optimist.argv.conf || optimist.argv.c;
if (confFile) {
	if (!fs.existsSync(confFile = path.resolve(confFile))) {
		console.error(('\nERROR: Config file "' + confFile + '" does not exist').red + '\n');

	try {
		global.conf = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(confFile));
	} catch (ex) {
		console.error(('\nERROR: Unable to parse config file "' + confFile).red + '"\n');
github foreversd / forever / test / fixtures / server.js View on Github external
var util = require('util'),
    http = require('http'),
    argv = require('optimist').argv;

var port = argv.p || argv.port || 8000;

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  console.log(req.method + ' request: ' + req.url);
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.write('hello, i know nodejitsu.');

/* server started */
util.puts('> hello world running on port ' + port);
github davidgraeff / scenecontrol / core / index.js View on Github external

// Print usage information, command line parameters
var configs = require('./config.js');
var optimist = require('optimist').usage('Usage: $0	 [options]')
	.options("h",{alias:"help"}).describe("h","Show this help")
	.options("v",{alias:"version"}).describe("v","Show version and other information as parsable json")
	.options("d",{alias:"debug"}).describe("d","Activate profiling and debug output")
	.options("i",{alias:"import"}).describe("i","Import json files from path")
	.options("o",{alias:"override"}).describe("o","Override existing documents when importing files with the same id+type")
	.options("e",{alias:"exit"}).describe("e","Do not enter the mainloop and exit after init")
	.options("drop",{}).describe("drop","Drop database content. Warning! This can't be undone! Only works with additional -e flag.")
	.options("dbname",{default:configs.runtimeconfig.databasename}).describe("dbname","Database name")
	.options("cport",{default:configs.runtimeconfig.controlport}).describe("cport","TCP Controlsocket port")
	.options("wport",{default:configs.runtimeconfig.websocketport}).describe("wport","Websocket Controlsocket port"),
	argv = optimist.argv;
// Show Help or Version info?
if ( {
	console.log(configs.aboutconfig.ABOUT_SERVICENAME+" "+configs.aboutconfig.ABOUT_VERSION);
	console.log("Please visit for more information");
github deathcap / wsmc / wsmc.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var mcversion = require('./mcversion.js');
var minecraft_protocol = require('minecraft-protocol/src');
var autoVersionForge = require('minecraft-protocol-forge').autoVersionForge;
var minecraft_data = require('minecraft-data')(mcversion);
var protodef = require('protodef');
var readVarInt = protodef.types.varint[0];
var writeVarInt = protodef.types.varint[1];
var sizeOfVarInt = protodef.types.varint[2];
var hex = require('hex');
var WebSocketServer = (require('ws')).Server;
var websocket_stream = require('websocket-stream');
var argv = (require('optimist'))
  .default('wshost', '')
  .default('wsport', 24444)
  .default('mchost', 'localhost')
  .default('mcport', 25565)
  .default('prefix', 'webuser-')

var PACKET_DEBUG = process.env.NODE_DEBUG && /wsmc/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG);
var FIXED_MC_VERSION = false; // either a version string, or false to auto-detect

console.log('WS('+argv.wshost+':'+argv.wsport+') <--> MC('+argv.mchost+':'+argv.mcport+')');

var ids =;
var sids =;
github fossasia / / node_modules / protractor / built / cli.js View on Github external
explorer: 'elementExplorer'
    strings: { 'capabilities.tunnel-identifier': '' }
optimist.usage('Usage: protractor [configFile] [options]\n' +
    'configFile defaults to protractor.conf.js\n' +
    'The [options] object will override values from the config file.\n' +
    'See the reference config for a full list of options.');
for (let key of Object.keys(optimistOptions.describes)) {
    optimist.describe(key, optimistOptions.describes[key]);
for (let key of Object.keys(optimistOptions.aliases)) {
    optimist.alias(key, optimistOptions.aliases[key]);
for (let key of Object.keys(optimistOptions.strings)) {
optimist.check(function (arg) {
    if (arg._.length > 1) {
        throw new Error('Error: more than one config file specified');
let argv = optimist.parse(args);
if ( {
if (argv.version) {
    console.log('Version ' + require(path.resolve(__dirname, '../package.json')).version);
// Check to see if additional flags were used.
github gkoberger / omnium / builder.js View on Github external
function main(folder, args) {
    folder = (folder || "").replace(/^[\/\\]+|[\/\\]+$/, "");
    if (!folder) {

    // Load settings file
    var settings = JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(Path.join(__dirname, folder, "build.json")));
    settings.folder = folder;
    settings.minifyJS = args["minify-js"];
    settings.combineJS = args["combine-js"];
    settings.openInBrowser =;

    // Remove the output.
    rmTree(Path.join(__dirname, folder, "output"));

    // We may not want to do this...
    rmTree(Path.join(__dirname, ".builder", "jetpack-sdk", "_" + folder));
github karma-runner / karma / lib / cli.js View on Github external
function processArgs (argv, options, fs, path) {
  if ( {

  if (argv.version) {
    console.log(`Karma version: ${constant.VERSION}`)

  // TODO(vojta): warn/throw when unknown argument (probably mispelled)
  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(argv).forEach(function (name) {
    let argumentValue = argv[name]
    if (name !== '_' && name !== '$0') {
      assert(!name.includes('_'), `Bad argument: ${name} did you mean ${name.replace('_', '-')}`)

      if (Array.isArray(argumentValue)) {
        argumentValue = argumentValue.pop() // If the same argument is defined multiple times, override.
github gameclosure / devkit / src / init / index.js View on Github external
var common = require('../common');
var register = require('../register').register;

 * Command line.

var argv = require('optimist')
	.usage('basil init [project-dir]')
	.describe('help', 'Show options.').alias('help', 'h').boolean('help')
	.describe('template', 'Pick a template to start building your game').alias('template', 't')

if ( {

function createUUID (a) {
	return a
				? (a ^ Math.random() * 16 >> a / 4).toString(16)
					: ([1e7]+1e3+4e3+8e3+1e11).replace(/[018]/g, createUUID);

//initialise an empty repo
exports.init = function(args, cb) {
	// basil init
	// basil init ./cake

	if (!args[0]) {
		console.log('Usage: basil init [folder path]');
github mandulaj / PiDashboard / server.js View on Github external
function setup() {
  'use strict';

  // Check OS (We only work on raspberry)
  if (os.type() != "Linux") {
    console.error("You are not running Linux. Exiting ... \n".red);
    // TODO: uncomment this at the end

  process.title = 'PiDashboard.js';

  // Help display
  if ( || optimist.h) {

  var cert = "", // Path to cert and key
    key = "";
  // Prepare keys and certs if we run https
  if (optimist.cert || optimist.key || config.forceSSL) {
    config.forceSSL = true;

    if (optimist.cert) cert = optimist.cert; // If provided from cmd
    if (optimist.key) key = optimist.key;

    if (!cert.length) cert = config.paths.cert; //else grab the default
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / tsdocs / bin / cli.js View on Github external
const configPaths = {};
const configPath = argv.config || argv.c || 'docs.json';
let outputPath = argv.out || argv.o;

// --html-file
// The file name for generated html
const htmlFile = argv['html-file'] || 'index.html';
const tsConfig = argv.tsconfig;
const tsTarget = argv.tstarget;
const previewMode = argv.preview || argv.p;
const packagePath = argv.package || 'package.json';
// --skip-public-assets
// Do not copy `public` assets as it can be shared
const skipPublicAssets = argv['skip-public-assets'] || false;
const showHelp = || argv.h || !(outputPath || previewMode) || outputPath === true;

 * Display help text

if (showHelp) {
  console.log(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'help.txt'), 'utf8'));

 * Config
debug('Config arg: %s', configPath);
configPaths.configPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), configPath);