How to use opentracing - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few opentracing examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jaegertracing / jaeger-client-node / test / tchannel_bridge.js View on Github external
let clientCallback = (err, res, headers, body) => {
          assert.equal(reporter.spans.length, 2);

          // the first span to be reported is the server span
          let serverSpan = reporter.spans[0];
          // the second span to be reported is the client span
          let clientSpan = reporter.spans[1];

          let serverSpanTags = {};
          serverSpanTags[opentracing.Tags.PEER_SERVICE] = 'echo';
          serverSpanTags[opentracing.Tags.SPAN_KIND] = opentracing.Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER;
          serverSpanTags['as'] =;
          // TODO(oibe) the port for the client request ephemeral, and I don't know how to get it, or if I can.

          let clientSpanTags = {};
          clientSpanTags[opentracing.Tags.PEER_SERVICE] = 'server';
          clientSpanTags[opentracing.Tags.SPAN_KIND] = opentracing.Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT;

          assert.isTrue(TestUtils.hasTags(serverSpan, serverSpanTags));
          assert.isTrue(TestUtils.hasTags(clientSpan, clientSpanTags));
          assert.equal(serverSpan.context().parentIdStr, clientSpan.context().spanIdStr);
          // If context exists then the following conditions are true
          // else the following conditons are false
          assert.equal(serverSpan.context().traceIdStr === originalSpan.context().traceIdStr, !!o.context);
          assert.equal(clientSpan.context().traceIdStr === originalSpan.context().traceIdStr, !!o.context);
github sourcegraph / javascript-typescript-langserver / src / typescript-service.ts View on Github external
    public executeCodeFixCommand(fileTextChanges: ts.FileTextChanges[], span = new Span()): Observable {
        if (fileTextChanges.length === 0) {
            return Observable.throw(new Error('No changes supplied for code fix command'))

        return this.projectManager
                Observable.defer(() => {
                    // Configuration lookup uses Windows paths, FileTextChanges uses unix paths. Convert to backslashes.
                    const unixFilePath = fileTextChanges[0].fileName
                    const firstChangedFile = /^[a-z]:\//i.test(unixFilePath)
                        ? unixFilePath.replace(/\//g, '\\')
                        : unixFilePath

                    const configuration = this.projectManager.getConfiguration(firstChangedFile)
github sourcegraph / javascript-typescript-langserver / src / project-manager.ts View on Github external
    public ensureBasicFiles(span = new Span()): void {
        if (this.ensuredBasicFiles) {


        const program = this.getProgram(span)
        if (!program) {

        // Add all global declaration files from the workspace and all declarations from the project
        for (const uri of this.fs.uris()) {
            const fileName = uri2path(uri)
            const unixPath = toUnixPath(fileName)
            if (isGlobalTSFile(unixPath) || this.isExpectedDeclarationFile(unixPath)) {
github RisingStack / opentracing-auto / src / instrumentation / httpClient.spec.js View on Github external
it('should start and finish span with https', async () => {
      // WARNING: nock doesn't work well with https instrumentation
      // create real request

      await request('')

      expect(cls.startChildSpan), instrumentation.OPERATION_NAME, {
        tags: {
          [Tags.SPAN_KIND]: Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT,
          [Tags.HTTP_URL]: '',
          [Tags.HTTP_METHOD]: 'GET'
      expect(mockChildSpan.setTag).to.have.calledWith(Tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 200)
github RisingStack / opentracing-metrics-tracer / src / reporters / PrometheusReporter.e2e.spec.js View on Github external
it('should have http_request_handler metrics', () => {
      const reporter = new PrometheusReporter({
        ignoreTags: {
          [Tags.HTTP_URL]: /bar/
      const tracer = new Tracer('my-service', [reporter])

      const span1 = tracer.startSpan('http_request')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_URL, '')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_METHOD, 'GET')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 200)
      span1.setTag(Tags.SPAN_KIND, Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER)

      // will be ignored
      const span2 = tracer.startSpan('http_request')
      span2.setTag(Tags.HTTP_URL, '')
      span2.setTag(Tags.HTTP_METHOD, 'GET')
      span2.setTag(Tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 200)
      span2.setTag(Tags.SPAN_KIND, Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER)

      const labelStr1 = `parent_service="${PrometheusReporter.LABEL_PARENT_SERVICE_UNKNOWN}",name="http_request"`
      const labelStr2 = `parent_service="${PrometheusReporter.LABEL_PARENT_SERVICE_UNKNOWN}",method="GET",code="200"`

github RisingStack / opentracing-auto / src / instrumentation / mysql.spec.js View on Github external
it('should start and finish span', async () => {
      const query = 'SELECT 1 AS result'
      const result = await db.raw(query)

      expect(result[0])[{ result: 1 }])

      expect(cls.startChildSpan), `${instrumentation.OPERATION_NAME}_query`, {
        tags: {
          [Tags.SPAN_KIND]: Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT,
          [Tags.DB_TYPE]: instrumentation.DB_TYPE,
          [Tags.DB_STATEMENT]: query

      // FIXME: only with ../instrument.js tests together
      // expect(mockChildSpan.finish).to.have.callCount(1)
github RisingStack / opentracing-metrics-tracer / src / reporters / PrometheusReporter.spec.js View on Github external
it('should observe HTTP request metrics without parent', function () {
      // init
      const prometheusReporter = new PrometheusReporter()
      const httpRequestDurationSeconds = prometheusReporter._metricshttpRequestDurationSeconds()

      const metricsStub = {
        observe: this.sandbox.spy()

      this.sandbox.stub(httpRequestDurationSeconds, 'labels').callsFake(() => metricsStub)

      // generate data
      const tracer = new Tracer('service')

      const span = tracer.startSpan('http_request')
      span.setTag(Tags.HTTP_METHOD, 'GET')
      span.setTag(Tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 200)
      span.setTag(Tags.SPAN_KIND, Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER)


      // assert
      expect(httpRequestDurationSeconds.labels), 'GET', 200)

github RisingStack / opentracing-metrics-tracer / src / reporters / PrometheusReporter.e2e.spec.js View on Github external
it('should have http_request_handler metrics', () => {
      const reporter = new PrometheusReporter({
        ignoreTags: {
          [Tags.HTTP_URL]: /bar/
      const tracer = new Tracer('my-service', [reporter])

      const span1 = tracer.startSpan('http_request')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_URL, '')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_METHOD, 'GET')
      span1.setTag(Tags.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 200)
      span1.setTag(Tags.SPAN_KIND, Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_SERVER)

      // will be ignored
      const span2 = tracer.startSpan('http_request')
      span2.setTag(Tags.HTTP_URL, '')
      span2.setTag(Tags.HTTP_METHOD, 'GET')
github RisingStack / opentracing-metrics-tracer / src / reporters / PrometheusReporter.spec.js View on Github external
it('should skip operation metrics by tag value', function () {
      // init
      const prometheusReporter = new PrometheusReporter({
        ignoreTags: {
          [Tags.HTTP_URL]: /foo/
      const metricsOperationDurationSeconds = prometheusReporter._metricsOperationDurationSeconds()

      const metricsStub = {
        observe: this.sandbox.spy()

      this.sandbox.stub(metricsOperationDurationSeconds, 'labels').callsFake(() => metricsStub)

      // generate data
      const tracer = new Tracer('service')

      const span = tracer.startSpan('my-operation')
      span.setTag(Tags.HTTP_URL, '')
github RisingStack / opentracing-auto / src / instrumentation / pg.spec.js View on Github external
it('should start and finish span', async () => {
      const query = 'SELECT 1 AS result'
      const { rows } = await db.raw(query)

      expect(rows)[{ result: 1 }])

      expect(cls.startChildSpan), `${instrumentation.OPERATION_NAME}_query`, {
        tags: {
          [Tags.SPAN_KIND]: Tags.SPAN_KIND_RPC_CLIENT,
          [Tags.DB_TYPE]: instrumentation.DB_TYPE,
          [Tags.DB_STATEMENT]: query

      // FIXME: only with ../instrument.js tests together
      // expect(mockChildSpan.finish).to.have.callCount(1)