How to use one-time - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few one-time examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github godaddy / ekke / native / subway.js View on Github external
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
      const id = yeast();

       * Prevents execution of resolve and reject due to race conditions.
       * @type {Function}
       * @param {Error} err Optional error.
       * @param {String} data The response.
       * @returns {Undefined} Nothing useful.
       * @private
      const done = once((err, data) => {;

        if (!err) {
          debug(`(${id}) successfully completed http request`);
          return resolve(data);

        // In case of error we want to be sure that the connection with the
        // server/socket was closed, so we're going to forcefuly abort.
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          debug('aborting xhr failed', e);
github godaddy / ekke / native / uncaught.js View on Github external

    debug('restoring previous replaced handler');

   * Our custom uncaughtException handler, we want to store this reference so
   * when we attempt to restore the error handler, we could check if the
   * current handler this function so we don't accidentally override a new handler.
   * @type {Function}
   * @private
  const handler = once(function uncaughtException(...args) {
    debug('captured uncaught exception', args);

    // We only want to call our own error handler as this exception happened
    // while running the test suite we don't accidenlty want to trigger any
    // error reporting that shouldn't be triggered.

  return restore;
github godaddy / ekke / native / console.js View on Github external
async function intercept({ send }) {
  const ocm = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'];
  const oc = {};

  ocm.forEach(function each(method) {
    oc[method] = console[method];
    console[method] = send.bind(send, `console.${method}`);

  return once(async function after() {
    ocm.forEach(function each(method) {
      console[method] = oc[method];
      delete oc[method];
github bipbop / harlan / src / js / internals / modules / icheques.js View on Github external
module.exports = controller => {
    if (!controller.confs.icheques.hosts.includes(document.location.hostname)) return;
    const failAlert = () => harlan.alert({
        subtitle: 'Não foi possível carregar um módulo da iCheques.',
        paragraph: 'Verifique se o endereço é liberado na sua rede interna.',

    const refinCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const veiculosCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const followCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));

    controller.registerBootstrap('icheques::init::plataform', callback => $.getScript('/js/icheques.js').done(() => {
        const tags = (controller.confs.user || {}).tags || [];
        if (tags.indexOf('no-follow') === -1) followCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-refin') === -1) refinCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-veiculos') === -1) veiculosCall();
    }).fail(() => {
github godaddy / ekke / native / subway.js View on Github external
namespace: 'ekke',


    const url = `ws://${this.hostname}:${this.port}/${namespace}`;
    const socket = new WebSocket(url);

     * The full clean-up pass that we need to do when a connection is closed.
     * @type {Function}
     * @param {Boolean} [alive] Should we check if CLI comes back to life?
     * @public
    const cleanup = once(function cleaner(alive = false) {
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        debug('closing the socket failed, but at least we tried', e);

      this.socket = null;

      if (alive) this.alive();

     * Handle incoming messages from the socket.
     * @param {MessageEvent} event The WebSocket Message Event.
github bipbop / harlan / src / js / internals / modules / icheques.js View on Github external
module.exports = controller => {
    if (!controller.confs.icheques.hosts.includes(document.location.hostname)) return;
    const failAlert = () => harlan.alert({
        subtitle: 'Não foi possível carregar um módulo da iCheques.',
        paragraph: 'Verifique se o endereço é liberado na sua rede interna.',

    const refinCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const veiculosCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const followCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));

    controller.registerBootstrap('icheques::init::plataform', callback => $.getScript('/js/icheques.js').done(() => {
        const tags = (controller.confs.user || {}).tags || [];
        if (tags.indexOf('no-follow') === -1) followCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-refin') === -1) refinCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-veiculos') === -1) veiculosCall();
    }).fail(() => {
github godaddy / ekke / native / uncaught.js View on Github external
function capture(fn) {
  const old = ErrorUtils.getGlobalHandler();

   * A function that will restore the error handler to it's original state
   * as we've found it, we only want to restore it once or we could accidentally
   * override another error handler.
   * @type {Function}
   * @public
  const restore = once(function previous() {
    if (ErrorUtils.getGlobalHandler() !== handler) {
      debug('unable to restore old handler, as our current got replaced');

    debug('restoring previous replaced handler');

   * Our custom uncaughtException handler, we want to store this reference so
   * when we attempt to restore the error handler, we could check if the
   * current handler this function so we don't accidentally override a new handler.
   * @type {Function}
   * @private
github bipbop / harlan / src / js / internals / modules / icheques.js View on Github external
module.exports = controller => {
    if (!controller.confs.icheques.hosts.includes(document.location.hostname)) return;
    const failAlert = () => harlan.alert({
        subtitle: 'Não foi possível carregar um módulo da iCheques.',
        paragraph: 'Verifique se o endereço é liberado na sua rede interna.',

    const refinCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const veiculosCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));
    const followCall = oneTime(() => $.getScript('').fail(failAlert));

    controller.registerBootstrap('icheques::init::plataform', callback => $.getScript('/js/icheques.js').done(() => {
        const tags = (controller.confs.user || {}).tags || [];
        if (tags.indexOf('no-follow') === -1) followCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-refin') === -1) refinCall();
        if (tags.indexOf('no-veiculos') === -1) veiculosCall();
    }).fail(() => {
github godaddy / ekke / runners / index.js View on Github external
complete() {
    return once(async function completed(err) {
      debug('completed the run', err);

      if (err) {
        if (typeof err === 'number') {
          err = new Error(`Test are failing with exit code ${err}`);

        this.subway.send('complete', failure(err));
      } else {

      await this.teardown();


Run the supplied function exactly one time (once)

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Popular one-time functions