How to use the odata.type function in odata

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few odata examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github spatools / spatools / tests / data / common.ts View on Github external
constructor() {
            this["odata.type"] = "SPATools.Models.ChildDerived";
github spatools / spatools / tests / data / common.ts View on Github external
constructor() {
            this["odata.type"] = "SPATools.Models.Child";
github BabylonJS / Extensions / LeaderBoard / Zumo / service / node_modules / azure / node_modules / azure-monitoring / lib / alertsClient.js View on Github external
conditionValue['operator'] = derived.operator ? derived.operator.toString() : 'GreaterThan';
          conditionValue['threshold'] = derived.threshold;
          conditionValue['windowSize'] = derived.windowSize.toIsoString();
        if ( === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.LocationThresholdRuleCondition') {
          conditionValue['odata.type'] =;
          var derived3 =;
          if (derived3.dataSource) {
            var dataSourceValue2 = {};
            conditionValue['dataSource'] = dataSourceValue2;
            if (derived3.dataSource.type === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleMetricDataSource') {
              dataSourceValue2['odata.type'] = derived3.dataSource.type;
              var derived4 = derived3.dataSource;
              if (derived4.resourceUri) {
                dataSourceValue2['resourceUri'] = derived4.resourceUri;
              if (derived4.metricNamespace) {
                dataSourceValue2['metricNamespace'] = derived4.metricNamespace;
              if (derived4.metricName) {
                dataSourceValue2['metricName'] = derived4.metricName;
github Azure / azure-sdk-for-node / lib / services / monitoring / lib / alertsClient.js View on Github external
ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['Name'] =;
      if (parameters.rule.description !== null && parameters.rule.description !== undefined) {
        ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['Description'] = parameters.rule.description;
      if (parameters.rule.isEnabled !== null && parameters.rule.isEnabled !== undefined) {
        ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['IsEnabled'] = parameters.rule.isEnabled;
      if (parameters.rule.condition !== null && parameters.rule.condition !== undefined) {
        var conditionValue = {};
        ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['Condition'] = conditionValue;
        if (parameters.rule.condition.type === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.ThresholdRuleCondition') {
          conditionValue['odata.type'] = parameters.rule.condition.type;
          var derived = parameters.rule.condition;
          if (derived.dataSource !== null && derived.dataSource !== undefined) {
            var dataSourceValue = {};
            conditionValue['DataSource'] = dataSourceValue;
            if (derived.dataSource.type === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleMetricDataSource') {
              dataSourceValue['odata.type'] = derived.dataSource.type;
              var derived2 = derived.dataSource;
              if (derived2.resourceId !== null && derived2.resourceId !== undefined) {
                dataSourceValue['ResourceId'] = derived2.resourceId;
              if (derived2.metricNamespace !== null && derived2.metricNamespace !== undefined) {
                dataSourceValue['MetricNamespace'] = derived2.metricNamespace;
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              var windowSizeValue = conditionValue['WindowSize'];
              if (windowSizeValue !== null && windowSizeValue !== undefined) {
                var windowSizeInstance = moment.duration(windowSizeValue);
                thresholdRuleConditionInstance.windowSize = windowSizeInstance;
              ruleInstance.condition = thresholdRuleConditionInstance;
          var actionsArray = responseDoc['Actions'];
          if (actionsArray !== null && actionsArray !== undefined) {
            for (var loweredIndex1 = 0; loweredIndex1 < actionsArray.length; loweredIndex1 = loweredIndex1 + 1) {
              var actionsValue = actionsArray[loweredIndex1];
              var typeName3 = actionsValue['odata.type'];
              if (typeName3 === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleEmailAction') {
                var ruleEmailActionInstance = { customEmails: [] };
                var sendToServiceOwnersValue = actionsValue['SendToServiceOwners'];
                if (sendToServiceOwnersValue !== null && sendToServiceOwnersValue !== undefined) {
                  var sendToServiceOwnersInstance = sendToServiceOwnersValue;
                  ruleEmailActionInstance.sendToServiceOwners = sendToServiceOwnersInstance;
                var customEmailsArray = actionsValue['CustomEmails'];
                if (customEmailsArray !== null && customEmailsArray !== undefined) {
                  for (var loweredIndex2 = 0; loweredIndex2 < customEmailsArray.length; loweredIndex2 = loweredIndex2 + 1) {
                    var customEmailsValue = customEmailsArray[loweredIndex2];
github BabylonJS / Extensions / LeaderBoard / Zumo / service / node_modules / azure / node_modules / azure-monitoring / lib / metricsClient.js View on Github external
var resourceIdValue = valueValue['ResourceId'];
            if (resourceIdValue) {
              var resourceIdInstance = resourceIdValue;
              metricSettingInstance.resourceId = resourceIdInstance;
            var namespaceValue = valueValue['Namespace'];
            if (namespaceValue) {
              var namespaceInstance = namespaceValue;
              metricSettingInstance.namespace = namespaceInstance;
            var valueValue2 = valueValue['Value'];
            if (valueValue2) {
              var typeName = valueValue2['odata.type'];
              if (typeName === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Metrics.Models.AvailabilityMetricSettingValue') {
                var availabilityMetricSettingValueInstance = { availableLocations: [], endpoints: [] };
                var availableLocationsArray = valueValue2['AvailableLocations'];
                if (availableLocationsArray) {
                  for (var loweredIndex2 = 0; loweredIndex2 < availableLocationsArray.length; loweredIndex2 = loweredIndex2 + 1) {
                    var availableLocationsValue = availableLocationsArray[loweredIndex2];
                    var nameConfigInstance = {};
                    var nameValue = availableLocationsValue['Name'];
                    if (nameValue) {
                      var nameInstance = nameValue;
             = nameInstance;
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thresholdRuleConditionInstance.threshold = thresholdInstance;
              var windowSizeValue = conditionValue['windowSize'];
              if (windowSizeValue) {
                var windowSizeInstance = moment.duration(windowSizeValue);
                thresholdRuleConditionInstance.windowSize = windowSizeInstance;
              propertiesInstance.condition = thresholdRuleConditionInstance;
            if (typeName === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.LocationThresholdRuleCondition') {
              var locationThresholdRuleConditionInstance = {};
              var dataSourceValue2 = conditionValue['dataSource'];
              if (dataSourceValue2) {
                var typeName3 = dataSourceValue2['odata.type'];
                if (typeName3 === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleMetricDataSource') {
                  var ruleMetricDataSourceInstance2 = {};
                  var resourceUriValue2 = dataSourceValue2['resourceUri'];
                  if (resourceUriValue2) {
                    var resourceUriInstance2 = resourceUriValue2;
                    ruleMetricDataSourceInstance2.resourceUri = resourceUriInstance2;
                  var metricNamespaceValue2 = dataSourceValue2['metricNamespace'];
                  if (metricNamespaceValue2) {
                    var metricNamespaceInstance2 = metricNamespaceValue2;
                    ruleMetricDataSourceInstance2.metricNamespace = metricNamespaceInstance2;
                  var metricNameValue2 = dataSourceValue2['metricName'];
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var descriptionValue = propertiesValue['description'];
          if (descriptionValue) {
            var descriptionInstance = descriptionValue;
            propertiesInstance.description = descriptionInstance;
          var isEnabledValue = propertiesValue['isEnabled'];
          if (isEnabledValue) {
            var isEnabledInstance = isEnabledValue;
            propertiesInstance.isEnabled = isEnabledInstance;
          var conditionValue = propertiesValue['condition'];
          if (conditionValue) {
            var typeName = conditionValue['odata.type'];
            if (typeName === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.ThresholdRuleCondition') {
              var thresholdRuleConditionInstance = {};
              var dataSourceValue = conditionValue['dataSource'];
              if (dataSourceValue) {
                var typeName2 = dataSourceValue['odata.type'];
                if (typeName2 === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleMetricDataSource') {
                  var ruleMetricDataSourceInstance = {};
                  var resourceUriValue = dataSourceValue['resourceUri'];
                  if (resourceUriValue) {
                    var resourceUriInstance = resourceUriValue;
                    ruleMetricDataSourceInstance.resourceUri = resourceUriInstance;
                  var metricNamespaceValue = dataSourceValue['metricNamespace'];
github BabylonJS / Extensions / LeaderBoard / Zumo / service / node_modules / azure / node_modules / azure-monitoring / lib / alertsClient.js View on Github external
dataSourceValue2['metricName'] = derived4.metricName;
          conditionValue['windowSize'] = derived3.windowSize.toIsoString();
          conditionValue['failedLocationCount'] = derived3.failedLocationCount;
      if ( {
        var actionValue = {};
        propertiesValue['action'] = actionValue;
        if ( === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleEmailAction') {
          actionValue['odata.type'] =;
          var derived5 =;
          actionValue['sendToServiceOwners'] = derived5.sendToServiceOwners;
          if (derived5.customEmails) {
            var customEmailsArray = [];
            for (var loweredIndex1 = 0; loweredIndex1 < derived5.customEmails.length; loweredIndex1 = loweredIndex1 + 1) {
              var customEmailsItem = derived5.customEmails[loweredIndex1];
            actionValue['customEmails'] = customEmailsArray;
      propertiesValue['lastUpdatedTime'] =;
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if (parameters.rule.isEnabled !== null && parameters.rule.isEnabled !== undefined) {
        ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['IsEnabled'] = parameters.rule.isEnabled;
      if (parameters.rule.condition !== null && parameters.rule.condition !== undefined) {
        var conditionValue = {};
        ruleCreateOrUpdateParametersValue['Condition'] = conditionValue;
        if (parameters.rule.condition.type === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.ThresholdRuleCondition') {
          conditionValue['odata.type'] = parameters.rule.condition.type;
          var derived = parameters.rule.condition;
          if (derived.dataSource !== null && derived.dataSource !== undefined) {
            var dataSourceValue = {};
            conditionValue['DataSource'] = dataSourceValue;
            if (derived.dataSource.type === 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.RuleMetricDataSource') {
              dataSourceValue['odata.type'] = derived.dataSource.type;
              var derived2 = derived.dataSource;
              if (derived2.resourceId !== null && derived2.resourceId !== undefined) {
                dataSourceValue['ResourceId'] = derived2.resourceId;
              if (derived2.metricNamespace !== null && derived2.metricNamespace !== undefined) {
                dataSourceValue['MetricNamespace'] = derived2.metricNamespace;
              if (derived2.metricName !== null && derived2.metricName !== undefined) {
                dataSourceValue['MetricName'] = derived2.metricName;


o.js is a isomorphic Odata Javascript library to simplify the request of data. The main goal is to build a standalone, lightweight and easy to understand Odata lib.

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